Perth, Western Australia - Monday April 03, 2023 |
Auric Mining signs deal to become next WA gold producer
Auric Mining is set to become WA’s next gold producer after executing a 150,000-tonne gold ore toll milling agreement with the Greenfields Mill at Coolgardie for its Jeffreys Find gold deposit near Norseman. In a major milestone for the company, mining will commence in early April with 150,000 tonnes of ore to be delivered to the mill. Processing will then be completed and its gold delivered by the end of September 2023. |
ChemX inks manganese deal with US battery leader
ASX-listed ChemX Materials has signed a memorandum of understanding to work towards an offtake deal from its high-purity manganese project in South Australia with US battery technology company C4V. The non-binding agreement is based around the potential supply of high-purity product from ChemX’s Jamieson Tank project on the Eyre Peninsula and is a significant step in the company’s plans to become a sustainable and reliable global supplier of battery materials. |
Venus grabs major Rox slice with Youanmi gold deal
Venus Metals will become a major shareholder in joint venture partner Rox Resources after the companies agreed to consolidate their ownership interests in the greater Youanmi gold project in Western Australia. Shares in Venus jumped more than 20 per cent on the back of the latest announcement to touch 17.5 cents during intraday trading after closing yesterday at 14.5 cents. |
Lithium acquisition expands Askari’s exploration in Namibia
Multinational explorer Askari Metals has expanded its exploration hopes in Namibia after acquiring a key patch of dirt abutting its Uis lithium project, bringing its strategic footprint to more than 308 square kilometres in the distinguished mineral postcode. The company is midway through a 3000m RC drilling program targeting outcropping pegmatites at depth where the rods have already pulled up many thick pegmatite hits. |
American West chases Canadian copper system with new rig
American West Metals is set for an exploration blitz with a new rig at its Storm copper project on Somerset Island in Canada and has scheduled a 10,000m RC and diamond drill campaign to begin within days. The company says its initial drilling phase is designed to define maiden JORC resources within the 4100N, 2750N and 2200N zones where high-grade copper mineralisation starts from surface. |
Antilles plots gold production path after scoping study
Antilles Gold has a roadmap to gold production following its completion of a revised scoping study for an open-pit mine at its La Demajagua deposit in Cuba. The study puts the company’s share of the profits at $28 million for each year of the mine’s operation. Construction is slated to begin in October this year before the first shipment of concentrate in 2025. |
Infinity engages Nyamal people ahead of Pilbara drilling
Infinity Mining is eyeing drill targets at its Hillside and Panorama tenements in the Pilbara after beginning a cultural heritage survey with the Nyamal Native Title Group at the two exploration licences. Hoping to start its first Pilbara drilling program for the year, the company has engaged Heritage WA and the traditional owners group to seek clearance for heavy equipment access and pad clearing. |
Horizon tops up coffers to fund underground gold mine
Horizon Minerals has raised $3.34 million to further develop its proposed high-grade Cannon underground gold mine near Kalgoorlie, hoping to soon tap into Australia’s recent record gold price hikes. The company has reported strong support from new and existing Australian and international institutional and sophisticated investors and now plans to accelerate resource extension drilling at its Cannon and Penny’s Find gold deposits. |
Maximus penetrating new Kambalda nickel discovery
Maximus Resources has fast-tracked a Kambalda drilling program as part of a mission to prove up a potentially-fertile nickel sulphide-bearing komatiite channel at its new Misho discovery. The campaign has been designed to test the strike and plunge of shallow nickel-copper-platinum and palladium mineralisation found earlier this month in an air-core drilling program at the prospect, which sits 25km from BHP’s Kambalda smelter. |
Mount Ridley hunts rare earths resource after monster hits
Mount Ridley Mines is chasing down a maiden resource at its namesake rare earths project, 50 km north of Esperance. The company kicked off resource drilling after unveiling more monster results, including 1m at 28,831ppm TREO in fresh rock. The explorer is aiming to declare its maiden mineral resource later this year, having already uncovered 11 targets for further investigation across its Mia and Marvin prospects. |
Image ponders separation plant for mineral sands project
Image Resources has found a silver lining in unforeseen delays caused by a labour shortage, revealing it has used the extra time to consider adding a mineral separation plant to its Bidaminna mineral sands project. The company says the delays have slowed its prefeasibility study, but also allowed it to assess the potential production of only heavy mineral concentrate at the operation, with positive results. |
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