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Statewide Achievement Test Windows
Achievement Assessments test windows
New this year: Schools may utilize both published ACT test windows in order to assess all Cohort 2024 students. Schools are encouraged to administer ACT during the first test window and may also use the second test window, as needed, to complete any makeup testing. Schools administering ACT on paper may also use the online test dates for makeup testing. Any schools that choose to administer the ACT during only the second test window will not have an additional ACT test window to use for makeup testing. Test window selection will be made in ACT's PearsonAccessNext platform in Fall 2022.
Accommodations Manual

ADE's Assessment Team has updated the Achievement Assessments Accommodation Manual. The updated manual is posted on the Accessibility page of our website.
Special Paper Version Test Formats

Arizona offers three test formats to meet the needs of students who cannot access the test content through computer-based testing.

Braille - A braille test kit will include directions for administering the braille assessment. For AASA and AzSCI, student responses must be key-entered in TestNav by the end of the appropriate test window. For ACT Aspire and ACT, the test coordinator must transcribe the student's responses to a regular-print test booklet.

Large print test booklets - The 504 plan or IEP must clearly state the font size used for instruction and the type of materials teachers enlarge for the student. Unless a student regularly has reading and math materials enlarged for both diameter and font size, you may consider using the Zoom feature instead. The Zoom feature can be tried out in the sample tests. Large print test booklets are approximately 18 inches tall, and the font size is 18pt.

Regular print paper test booklets - A student who cannot access the computer for classroom work due to injury, illness, or low vision may need a paper test in lieu of taking the test with peers on the computer. The 504 plan or IEP must clearly indicate how the teachers accommodate the student's needs in class and the restrictions the student has when using technology (examples: no more than xx minutes of screen time per day, or must have a significant break after xx minutes, no computer usage at all, etc.).

More information will be sent to Achievement District Test Coordinators soon regarding the process for submitting Special Paper Version test requests as well as Additional Accommodations requests.
ACT Accommodations Requests

ACT accommodations requests for students in Grade 11/Cohort 2024 are to be submitted directly to ACT using ACT's processes and are not to be submitted to ADE for approval. ACT's Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) system will open for accommodations requests on September 12, 2022. More information will be provided soon, including an ACT webinar focused on accommodations, which will be hosted by ACT this fall. Please do not wait to submit student documented (IEP) accommodations.
PearsonAccessNext (PAN) and TestNav

All of the Statewide Achievement tests, including AASA (Grades 3-8), AzSCI (Grades 5, 8, and 11/Cohort 2024), ACT Aspire (Grade 9/Cohort 2026), and ACT (Grade 11/Cohort 2024), will utilize the PAN and TestNav platforms. There are three distinct PAN websites, listed below. Links to the technical requirements for each assessment are also included below.

PAN Websites:

AASA and AzSCI: - will go live for AASA on December 21, 2022 and for AzSCI on February 1, 2023
ACT Aspire: - will go live on January 30, 2023
ACT: - will go live on November 7, 2022

TestNav Technical Requirements Websites:

ACT Technical Requirements (Please note that iPads and Linux devices are not supported for ACT testing at this time.)
Achievement Testing Mode

All Statewide Achievement tests are administered online, by default. This includes AASA, AzSCI, ACT Aspire, and ACT. Any school that wishes to switch to paper-based testing for any of the Statewide Achievement tests must indicate this change in the Achievement Testing Mode application in ADEConnect, which will be open September 19 - October 14, 2022. An email will be sent to all the Achievement District Test Coordinators to notify when the application is open and to provide additional information.

Please note that AzSCI is designed as an online test only; therefore, there is no scanning for scoring of AzSCI paper tests. Any AzSCI paper tests that are administered are treated as Special Paper Version tests and require that all student responses be key-entered in TestNav by the Test Administrator prior to the end of the AzSCI test window.
Achievement Assessments Training Modules and
Pearson's Training Management System

Training modules are currently being updated for 2022-2023. The new training modules will be published in Winter 2022-2023 in preparation for Spring 2023 testing. More information will be included in the November issue of The Examiner. Pearson's Achievement Training Management System will soon go off-line to be updated for the 2022-2023 school year. If you need to download your Spring 2022 training certificate from the site, please do so prior to September 1, 2022.
AASA Updates

The AASA Spring 2023 test administration will go live in PearsonAccessNext on December 21, 2022. District Test Coordinators will receive login information and can begin adding other district and school users on that date. Look for additional critical dates to be published in the AASA District Test Coordinator (DTC) Checklist in the November issue of The Examiner.

Parent Portal

For AASA, schools can utilize the Parent Portal to provide access to their child's results. This is not required; however, it is a new resource now available for AASA results. The AASA Reporting Guide and the AASA Parent Portal Access Guide provide additional information.

District Summary File

The AASA District Summary File (.txt file) has been published in PearsonAccessNext. This file includes the percent passing for ELA and Math for each grade level, aggregated at the state, district, school, and testing group levels. 
AzSCI Updates

The AzSCI Spring 2023 test administration will go live in PearsonAccessNext on February 1, 2023. District Test Coordinators will receive login information and can begin adding other district and school users on that date. Look for additional critical dates to be published in the AzSCI District Test Coordinator (DTC) Checklist in the November issue of The Examiner.

AzSCI Performance Level Descriptors have been published on the AzSCI and Educator Resources pages of our website.

AzSCI Cut Scores and Reporting Dates

The Arizona State Board of Education has approved cut scores for the AzSCI performance levels, which are posted on the Achievement District Test Coordinator page of our website. Due to the rescheduling of the State Board meeting to review and approve AzSCI cut scores, the delivery dates for AzSCI reports were modified.

August 16, 2022 - Electronic reports will be published in PearsonAccessNext. Reports will include the District Student Data File (.txt), District and School Summary Reports (PDF), and Individual Student Reports (PDF).

August 29, 2022 - Paper score reports will be delivered to districts and charters.

Please see the AzSCI Reporting Guide for information about how to access and read the AzSCI reports.

AzSCI Test Units - Spring 2023

New this year - The AzSCI test will include three separate test units. The approximate time for each test unit is 60-90 minutes. Please note the overall AzSCI test unit is the same length as last year; however, based on challenges and feedback received, the AzSCI test has been split into three test units instead of two. When two or more units are administered in a single day, a significant break must be given between test units. Test units must be completed on the day the unit is begun. Do not start the test unit unless there is sufficient time to complete the testing session.
ACT and ACT Aspire Updates

The ACT Spring 2023 test administration will go live in ACT's PearsonAccessNext platform on November 7, 2022. District Test Coordinators will receive login information and can begin adding other district and school users on that date.

The ACT Aspire PearsonAccessNext platform will open for the Spring 2023 test administration on January 30, 2023.

Look for additional critical dates to be published in the ACT Schedule of Events and the ACT Aspire Schedule of Events this fall. Once each Schedule of Events is finalized, they will be published on the ACT-hosted website for Arizona.

ACT Cut Scores

The Arizona State Board of Education has approved cut scores for ACT and the associated performance levels, which are posted on the Achievement District Test Coordinator page and the ACT/ACT Aspire page of our website. ACT cut scores are used for Arizona's State Accountability System.

ACT and ACT Aspire Crosswalk

ADE has worked with ACT to develop a resource for educators and administrators to support the understanding of ACT/ACT Aspire test design and standards and Arizona's high school ELA and Mathematics Standards. The Arizona State Standards Alignment Guide for ACT and ACT Aspire Early High School has been published on the ACT/ACT Aspire and the Educator Resources pages of our website.

ACT Webinars - Save the Date

ACT and ADE have scheduled the following webinars for test coordinators in preparation for Spring 2023 testing. Webinar registration links are coming soon!

  • ACT Accommodations - November 2, 2022, 9:00am AZ time
  • Test Administration #1 - November 9, 2022, 9:00am AZ time
  • Test Administration #2 - February 22, 2022, 9:00am AZ time
Each webinar will be recorded and published on the ACT-hosted website for Arizona following the live event.

ACT Accommodations Requests

ACT accommodations requests must be submitted directly to ACT for review and approval using ACT's Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) system. TAA will open for submission requests on September 12, 2022. Please submit requests early!

Please note that if a student with an approved ACT accommodation transfers between schools/districts, the approved accommodation can transfer with the student using the ACT-assigned TAA pin. ADE and ACT can assist you with this process, as needed.

For Spring 2022 ACT state testing, 87% of accommodations requests submitted to ACT for Arizona students were approved! In addition, 90% of EL requests submitted for Arizona students were approved. Common reasons submitted accommodations or EL supports were not approved: requests received after the deadline, requests received for supports that do not require ACT approval for state testing (such as small group or individual testing), and insufficient documentation. Please do not wait to submit ACT accommodations or EL requests to allow sufficient time to submit additional documentation if needed and requested by ACT.

ACT Reporting -

ACT's Online Reporting Portal ( maintains data for the most recent five years of trend information. The ACT and Success systems operate according to school-year and not calendar-year. 2017-2018 data in Success will be removed by September 1, 2022. This is to support rollover processes to start reporting 2022-2023 data for September ACT testing. This timing will be consistent each year. Users should plan to download and save their 2017-2018 data prior to September 1 in order to have access to it after this date. While 2021-2022 was the first year of statewide ACT testing, the removal of 2017-2018 data would apply for any schools or districts that administered ACT in prior years through district or school contracts with ACT.

ACT Aspire Reporting Updates

The 2021-2022 ACT Aspire administration will remain open in PearsonAccessNext through the fall and winter so that reports can continue to be accessed. Please be aware that the Current Progress report and the OnDemand Reports will no longer be accessible after October 31, 2022. Please download those reports if you will want to reference them after that date.
For questions about AASA, please contact us at
For questions about AzSCI, please contact us at
For questions about ACT or ACT Aspire, please contact us at