When undertaking a digital transformation in review of the business’ enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation, start with the finance management systems (FMS). Transforming the finance department to realign with the matured business allows the organization to redefine performance from ‘where it started’ to ‘where it is now,’ ultimately leading into a more accurate ‘where it could be.’
Patterns exist in your accounts payable data that can indicate overpayments, duplicate payments, or other errors. This webinar will teach you five easy analytics that you can perform using Excel to identify some of these patterns.
Designing an accounting flexfield is one of the most difficult processes in an Oracle® implementation. Often, the failure to look far enough ahead during the initial implementation can impede business growth, and certainly makes it difficult to have your data truly ready for a fast-paced future. This whitepaper will teach you the criteria of a "good" chart of accounts.