Radical Missions December Newsletter
Did you know that your gift to Radical Missions is 100% tax deductible and will reduce the amount of money you owe the IRS for the 2022 tax year? As a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-government organization (NGO), Radical Missions is 100% funded by contributions from private individuals like you. We work solely in the country of Guatemala in Central America. We are not affiliated with any corporation, single church, or other organization.
Unlike other charities, we do not employ executives or have any other payroll or administrative expenses. Our organization is run by volunteers and missionaries, meaning all donations go to help real Guatemalans in Guatemala. Because we are a 501(c)3 organization registered with the IRS, donations made to Radical Missions are tax deductible. Email us to learn more about ways you can help make a real difference here, and also reduce the amount of money you need to pay the IRS for the 2022 tax year. Or, click below to make a one-time or monthly donation. Every $1 makes a huge difference!

Your Investment Makes a Difference
We love sharing how God is using the donations Radical Missions receives for His glory!
Your investment in Radical Missions projects helps impact lives directly on the ground here in Guatemala. Here is just one of many lives touched through our generous donors and sponsors:
God’s Perfect Plan
We had been praying about changing the hours of the Clinic Colfax. We felt God was calling us to open the clinic one hour earlier (at 8am instead of 9am) each day. We started the change of time in March of 2021, on a Monday, the week of Semana Santa (Holy Week). People usually keep an eye out for our truck passing through the village before they make their way down to the clinic, but on this particular Monday, we had a young lady and her son waiting for us at the door at 7:30am. She was frantic as we got out of the truck saying that her 4-year old son Edward had horrible stomach pain. Nurse Charlene brought Edward into the exam room to check him. His right groin area was swollen and extremely painful to the touch. Nurse Charlene suspected that his appendix was inflamed and needed to come out immediately. We rushed mom and Edward to the National Hospital 20 minutes away in Tecpan for emergency surgery. 
As we were driving down the mountain we asked mom if she was from Chuatzunuj because we had not seen her before. She said she was born and raised there but moved to Guatemala City for a nursing job. She had come up from the city Sunday morning to spend Semana Santa with her family. She said that Edward started complaining about his stomach hurting that night and it got worse every hour.
 We called Dr. Joel, who runs the Health Department of Tecpan, to let him know of a possible appendectomy. When we arrived at the hospital, the doctors and nurses were waiting for us at the emergency room door and took Edward back for evaluation. The nurse told mom that she would need a birth certificate to admit him to the hospital if he indeed needed surgery. 
Getting a birth certificate is a bit of a process in Guatemala. We first had to go to the bank to pay for the birth certificate then to RENAP with the receipt to have it printed.When we arrived at the bank the line was long due to Semana Santa. People were in line to get paid before the holiday started.
We went straight to the door and explained the situation to the guard. The guard asked the people in line if we could cut in because of the emergency with the child, unbelievably they all said YES. We went in, paid for the birth certificate then drove over to REANAP to have it printed and returned to the hospital. 
By this time the medical team had already confirmed, with an ultrasound, that Edward had appendicitis and rushed him into emergency surgery. When the doctor came out of surgery, he said he had never seen an appendix so swollen and not burst. He said that it would only have been a matter of minutes before it would have ruptured.
Last week, mom brought Edward back to the Clinic Colfax to see Dr. Jesika because he was not feeling well. He is a year and a half older now and looks like a normal healthy and happy 6-year old, albeit with a cold. We asked mom why she didn’t just take him to a doctor in Guatemala City. Why drive all the way out to Chuatzunuj, two and half hours away? She said that after the appendix scare the year before, she would only take her son to our clinic from now on. 
God is still performing miracles today and this was a miracle that saved Edward’s life. God moved hearts to support our effort to build and staff the Clinic Colfax. God orchestrated the small family coming to a tiny village the day before. He orchestrated us opening an hour early. He orchestrated people letting us cut in line at the bank (that was a miracle in itself). God orchestrated our relationship with the hospital and surgeons. And He orchestrated the removal of the appendix minutes before it ruptured. God orchestrated saving Edward’s life. God’s timing is always perfect! 

...one life at a time  
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