Dear West Jordan Neighbor in District 4:

Your Mail-in-Ballots most likely arrived today for West Jordan City Council District 4 Primary. I am writing this email to let you know the reasons why I would sincerely appreciate your vote to be your next West Jordan City Council member for District 4.

Let me share a bit about myself.  I have been married to my awesome husband for 28 years and we have four amazing adult children, three children in laws, and four of the most adorable grandkids. My husband and I moved to West Jordan, Utah a little more than three years ago. At that time, I truly felt like a political refugee from Los Angeles, California. I worked as a Property Manager and Human Resources Manager there for more than 22 years. My husband had a thriving Construction Business that he started more than 25 years ago. We raised our four children in an apartment that we managed and I can tell you firsthand of the negative effects of raising four children in high-density housing. During the Covid Pandemic, my husband had to shut down his business and lay off all of his employees. I had to resign from my career quickly, and we immediately relocated here to West Jordan, Utah. We left everything behind that we had worked so hard for, but the hardest part was saying goodbye to our two daughters, our four grandchildren, along with several extended family and friends. We felt that we had no choice since almost all businesses in Los Angeles, CA remained shut down for almost two years during the pandemic. It has taken us three years to get back on our feet financially, and although we are now established, we are still recovering from all that we lost.

Once we settled here in West Jordan, it didn’t take us long to realize how much we had absolutely fallen in love with this state and particularly our local community. The friendliness of the people, the kindness, and especially the family-friendly environment. I felt compelled to start doing my political research in this state, and I  very quickly noticed that many of the exact same policies that were passed in California were being implemented here in Utah at a much faster exponential rate, particularly, at the local level. That’s when I decided to get involved. I started by contacting our local State Representatives, and I began to build relationships with several elected officials not only at the State level but also with the Salt Lake County Council, and even our local council. I’ve attended the last three legislative sessions as a citizen lobbyist fighting for legislation to either protect Utah citizens from the overreach of government or to help with legislative efforts to preserve Utah’s Constitutional freedoms and values. I have worked very hard to make sure that Utah does not turn into California. In my opinion, that would be a disaster for our State and local communities. I am not currently happy with the trajectory of our Nation especially with inflation at an all time high just to name one. I see firsthand how Federal policies filter into our State, and the State policies filter into our local governance. That’s when we are effected at a local and personal level. This is why Municipal elections are SO IMPORTANT. 

Let me start by asking you a few questions. 

  • Is your life and the lives of your family better or worse than it was three and half years ago? 
  • Do you think the housing and rent prices are sustainable? 
  • Do you feel the crunch of gas prices rising? 
  • Are you happy with the increase in traffic congestion on the east and west corridors particularly on Bangerter, 7800 and 9000?  
  • Are your energy prices increasing at a rapid rate? 

It seems as though we are paying more in taxes and getting less for our hard-earned money. Let’s also talk about the rapid expansion of high-density housing in our community. On 9000 and 4800 they are building a 65-unit complex with a minimum of 120 cars. We have a library, elementary school, and a church on that corner and now a high-density complex that will cause even more congestion for anyone going west past 4000. Let’s not forget the traffic jam between 3 pm to 6:30 pm when the Trax line is going by. 

Off of New Bingham Highway and 5600 the council approved for a Kum-n-Go Gas Station to be built when it was originally zoned for housing. I have spoken to most of the Residents of that community, and they are absolutely dismayed that their backyards will be now be lit up with bright fluorescent lighting all night long. Even though several residents voiced their opposition, it was still approved by our current City Council, which includes the incumbent for our District. There is also a proposal by Peterson Development to begin building a massive housing development between Mountain View Corridor and Hwy 111, which will only further congest our streets. To put it plainly, we simply do not have the infrastructure for it. We do not have the water, utilities, or roadways for such a massive expansion. It would be irresponsible and frustrating to any residents traveling west to get home. Not only that but a few weeks ago, 80-90 residents showed up to Nielsen’s Custard to hear the Developer's proposal, but the plan did not go so well. The community as a whole was vehemently against it. With that said, the proposal is still on the docket even though the community set a standard and said loudly,”No, thank you.” I’m all for building homes, but we MUST do so responsibly.

If you have been a long-time resident in Utah, did you ever think that you would see the day when municipal cities in Los Angeles would have a lower cost of living than in Utah? I’m here to tell you that there are cities in LA that have very similar geographical square footage and roughly the same population with lower costs of living than here in West Jordan, Utah. Astounding. The only difference between the municipal city in Los Angeles and here in West Jordan is that every single ounce of land is taken up with either significantly smaller homes or high-density housing. There is zero land left.

I’ve spoken to many in our community over the past few months and I have not met one person that disagrees with my sentiments. We do NOT want to lose the beauty and countryside of our community. We do not want our city to become concrete jungle chaos with over-congested roadways. The only way to stop these projected plans is to have someone that is strong and willing to stand up to the developers and unelected bureaucrats and truly be a voice for the people, and I believe that person is me. I have never been one to shy away from rubbing my hand against the grain, and anyone that knows me will testify that I’ve never been afraid to get splinters, especially if it means being a voice for the people. I commit to always put the will of the people first over politics. I know Developers will never stop till every piece of land is taken in the West Jordan corridor, and I intend to work with the community to ensure that you are setting the standard for our district.

It’s time for the voices of the people in West Jordan District 4 to be heard and respected. I know that you have heard these same sentiments from other elected officials before. However, I have a plan, and I give my word that I will make sure that the community is informed. Your opinions and thoughts on issues matter because you are the primary stakeholders. Elected Officials are NOT the boss, YOU ARE. I commit to hosting quarterly meetings at our local library, I will create a monthly email, and I will start a West Jordan District 4 Facebook page and any other social media platform so that all residents will be able to stay informed about what is currently happening on the city agenda. I will work hard to trim the budget because I believe in being fiscally conservative, I will review and work hard to cut out any unnecessary programs or wasteful spending. I will work to roll back over-regulated policies and support a more business-friendly environment. West Jordan is the 3rd largest city in the state, and we should start leading by example.

I am the only candidate that is endorsed by all of our West Jordan State Representatives, and two of our County Councils members. Sheldon Stewart and Dave Alvord, along with our State School Board Member Christina Boggess.

Please visit my website at for more information or find me on Facebook or Instagram @votevindas. My email and cell phone number are below.

I hope you will consider voting for Gloria Vindas to be your next West Jordan City Council Member for District 4.  If you have questions or would like to chat with me, please feel free to reach out to me anytime. I’d love to hear from you.

Best regards,

310-938-9148 cell email