Rocky Mountain PBS KIDS
A Message From Our CEO Amanda Mountain
Dear Friends,
As we all watch the images of war unfold before us, I’m compelled to reach out and check in to remind you that you are not alone. You and your family are part of our public media community, and we are here for each other to share resources, support, and stories that breed empathy and understanding in a complex world.
The horrific attacks on Israel, and the tragic loss of innocent lives in Gaza, is alarming and difficult to process. We feel it is important to bring forward the truth about the human tolls of hate, particularly its effects on children and families experiencing violence and terror, because these threats are never quite as far away as they may appear to some.
In our own state of Colorado, Jewish and Islamic communities face constant and serious threat as Antisemitism and Islamophobia grows and spreads from hate groups near and far.
And because Colorado is home to six military bases and an estimated 66,000 active-duty and reserve service members, the price of war is often felt within our neighborhoods and for some, our own families. (Data source: DMDC, Dec. 31, 2022.)
When there is a community or worldwide crisis, it can be hard to make sense of what is happening in the world, and it can be especially difficult to know how to talk about it with young children. We'd like to connect you with some resources to navigate difficult news with your family, and we hope they are valuable to you and your network of loved ones.
Please take good care of yourselves and those you love as we collectively send thoughts of peace and well-being to all those impacted by these events, in our state and across the globe.
Amanda Mountain
President and CEO