Dear student,

I know many of you are following the escalating Israeli Palestinian conflict with deep concern, especially for those in our community whose loved ones and colleagues have been impacted. We extend our sympathies to those who are suffering, both locally and abroad.
Such troubled times serve as a reminder of the international diversity of our University and the wide range of cultural, ethnic and political perspectives that brings together. 
It is natural that the magnitude of these events heightens sensitivities and associated public discourse. Please remember that as a University we stand together at such times to embrace and support our students, staff and partners with equality, recognising we are a peaceful multicultural institution that values tolerance, fairness and respect for others.
We uphold a culture of ethics and integrity, treating all members of our community with compassion and courtesy. We prohibit discrimination and harassment in any form.
If you need support please visit our Student Wellbeing Hub at Shenton House, where a range of health and wellbeing services are available. Understanding that this can be a stressful time of the semester, academic and study support is also available for you.
I wish you all the best with your studies, as we approach the end of the semester and the exam period.
The University of Western Australia acknowledges that it's campus is situated on Noongar land, and that Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land, and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge. 

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