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There are a number of podcasts looking at the conflict between Israel and Gaza. From the BBC, there’s The Conflict: Israel-Gaza, fronted by Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet and Understand: Israel and the Palestinians by BBC Europe Editor Katya Adler.

Dan Snow’s History Hit also did a special episode this week entitled Israel, Gaza and the West Bank: A History. Snow introduces three experts who talk about the background that got us to where we are today, starting with a feature by historian Simon Sebag-Montefiore on the importance of Jerusalem to both Israelis and Palestinians.

Ex-Twitter head of curation Joanna Geary was on Media Confidential with Alan Rusbridger and Lionel Barber this week, talking about how disinformation used to be clamped down on the social network, but has now thrived since Elon Musk did away with the teams working on these roles. The News Agents also did a deep dive looking into the misinformation that has been spread on the internet over the last two weeks, whilst on The Media Podcast, Iain Dale talks about the stresses of covering the war on LBC.

Pop Culture with Chanté Joseph looks at the role of celebrities speaking out on social media. And in Times Radio Today, a new podcast that is exclusive only to subscribers of The Times, there’s an interview with former foreign secretary Lord Hague on what the conversations may be within the British government. 
What we've been listening to this week:
If you have a podcast recommendation that you think everyone should know about, or you want to suggest your own podcast, all you need to do is fill in the forms on our website
Podcast Pick 1
My Family, Mental Illness, and Me
More than three million young people in the UK either live or care for a loved one experiencing a mental illness. This podcast, brought to you by the charity Our Time and presented by Dr Pamela Jenkins, features conversations with a loved one about what this might be like.

It explores this complicated topic with sensitivity, providing a sense of companionship and solidarity for any listeners who can relate to these stories. Episodes so far include an interview with the celebrated ornithologist Mya-Rose Craig, talking about her mum and her experiences with bipolar disorder. There’s also a chat with Emma Kennedy, who wrote about her mother in her book ‘Letters from Brenda: My Mother’s Lifetime of Secrets.’
Podcast Pick 2
Shaun Keavney’s Daily Grind
The radio broadcaster Shaun Keaveny has hosted several podcasts since he unexpectedly left his BBC Radio 6 Music breakfast show in 2021, but there’s been lacking a consistent regular place to listen to his wit and musings. So it is a joy to hear that he’s now got a daily podcast again, this time with Radio X. It’s not edited to a radio show. It’s a wholly podcast product, with a well-known guest dropping by every Friday.

“The Daily Grind is about sharing the day together; the minutiae, the mundane, every little bit,” he said in a recent episode. “It’s a bit like one of those eating experiences where you eat the whole of the animal: from snout to anus.” Episodes out at 5pm daily.
Your Next Podcast
Your Next Podcast
This week on Your Next Podcast, our show that sends you the first episodes of brilliant podcasts, is Hooked on Freddie from Wondery.

As always there's a brilliant introduction from our host Laura Layfield and then you get to sample the first episode.

Remember, if you follow Your Next Podcast it means there will ALWAYS be something new on your podcast app to listen to. What are you waiting for? Follow Your Next Podcast now.
Podcast Pick 4
Politics at Jack and Sam’s
There are a lot of politics podcasts launching at the moment, resulting in a rather saturated market. This series by Sam Coates from Sky News and Jack Blanchard from Politico stands out from the others though, because it primarily focuses on analysis and insider gossip on what is going on within the corridors of Westminster, rather than just opinion on whether what the politicians said or did was good or bad.

Another difference is that the podcast doesn’t reflect on the week gone by. Instead, being recorded at home each Sunday night, it looks ahead to the next week in politics, using the political interviews on the Sunday morning news programmes as a starting point. Expect the analysis and insight in a Politico email, but in spoken form.
Podcast Pick 5
No Worries If Not
The cartoonist Lily O’Farrell, also known as Vulga Drawings, has built an audience for her work exploring womanhood today. With the internet often being an influence of her work, and self-admitting that she has been “extremely online” since the MySpace age, O’Farrell now has a new series exploring how the internet and its culture are affecting women and non-binary people.

The first episode looks at the rise of the worrying rise of the alpha male trend, a misogynistic identity influenced by the likes of Andrew Tate. In this well-researched and informative opener, she looks at the history of the internet movement and its impact. Also its origin, with a chat with primatologist Frans de Waal on how his study in the 1980s was soon hijacked by Republican politicians.
Thank you as always for reading (and listening), we’ll be back next Sunday with another newsletter.

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