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Upcoming Important Dates

November 14: AZELLAology
November 27 - December 8: REQUIRED TASKS FOR ALL AZELLA DTCs - Reassessment shipping address verifications, addition of participating private schools for the Reassessment Test, and completion of the Grades K-3 Spring 2024 Reassessment Participation Counts in PAN
December 12: AZELLAology
January 4: Download your EL73 Reports and confirm newly enrolled students have their school enrollment showing on the STUD10 report.
January 8: REQUIRED TASK FOR ALL AZELLA DTCs - Spring Reassessment training opens in the AzLMS 
January 16: AZELLAology
January 16 - 19: Spring Reassessment paper test materials arrive at districts and charters.
January 19: Earliest date that AZELLA DTC PAN accounts can be enabled
January 29: Spring 2024 Reassessment Test window opens  - Test early, don't wait!

EL Reports

The EL Reports available through the Assessments section of ADEConnect include:
  • EL70 - ELP Student Test History Report
  • EL72 - ELP Test Roster Report
  • EL73 - EL Student Need Report
  • File Metrics (AZELLA Corrections)
Please note: The EL70 - ELP Student Test History Report is only available for authorized district users and only when the student has a current school enrollment within the district schools.

2023-2024 Placement Test Administration

  • The Mid-Year AZELLA Placement Test administration has been retired. This is no longer an option.
  • The AZELLA Placement Grade 1 Unit 5 (Speaking) Test administration will no longer be administered via a telephone test starting December 18, 2023. The Placement Grade 1 Speaking test will be administered using TestNav to capture the student responses. This is a permanent change. Test Administrators (TAs) must use an electronic testing device with the TestNav application downloaded to play the questions and record the student responses for the student. The TA will utilize the student's Testing Ticket to access the test unit. An external unidirectional microphone is required for the administration. The student will only use their Combined Student and Speaking Test Book.
  • The Placement Test administration will continue to run simultaneously with the Spring Reassessment Test administration. Students who require the Placement Test must be administered the Placement Test. Students administered a Placement Test after January 1, 2024, are not required to participate in the Spring Reassessment Test. EXCEPTION - Kindergarten students - see below.
  • Kindergarten students who have been enrolled in any school in the United States for more than 60 calendar days and have not been administered the Kindergarten Placement Test (KPT) after enrolling in an Arizona school should not be administered the KPT. These kindergarten students will need to be included in the Spring 2024 Reassessment testing to be administered the Kindergarten Reassessment Test instead of the KPT. These students will need to be manually registered in PAN by the DTC or STC for the Reassessment Test in late January 2024. DO NOT administer the KPT to these students.
Newly enrolled Kindergarten students, who have never been enrolled in school anywhere in the U.S. (Grade K), must be administered the KPT within 2 calendar weeks from the student's school enrollment date. 
Spring 2024 Reassessment Test Administration

January 29 - March 15, 2024 - Test Window

REQUIRED TASK FOR ALL AZELLA DTCs: K-12 Reassessment Shipping Address Verifications, Addition of Participating Private Schools, and K-3 Reassessment Participation Counts
  • When: November 27 - December 8, 2023
  • Where: Inside PearsonAccess Next > Spring 2024 Reassessment administration
  • How: Two sources of information:
    • AZELLAology session, Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 8:00am - 9:00am
    • Pearson will send step-by-step directions to all DTCs on November 20
    • All AZELLA DTCs must verify shipping addresses in PAN for the Reassessment Reports (the shipping addresses do not transfer over from the Placement administration).
    • DTCs complete the EL student counts for Grades K-3 only - Pearson uses this information for printing and shipping Reassessment materials for your district or charter.
If the address needs to be changed, the AZELLA DTC must send an email to with the District/Charter entity number and the correct address. If a shipping address was changed for the Placement administration, the new addresses will not be included for the Reassessment administration. Pearson can only ship to district or charter offices and campuses. The vendor will never send materials to P.O. boxes, or personal and other business addresses.

This is also the time to notify ADE of all private schools that receive federal funds (Title I and/or Title III) under the public district that will be participating in the Reassessment Test. Please provide ADE's AZELLA Team with the name(s) of the schools and their entity ID numbers. ADE will add these entities to PAN for the Reassessment administration. 
AZELLA Training Requirements by AZELLA Role Matrix 2023-2024

This document provides the training requirements for each AZELLA test administration by AZELLA role or category. The Spring 2024 Reassessment PAN accounts will not be enabled until January 19, 2024, and only after the AZELLA DTC has completed all the Annual and Reassessment training requirements. All AZELLA staff are required to complete the training modules in the Arizona Learning Management System (AzLMS) as the matrix indicates. 
Spring 2024 AZELLA Reassessment Paper Test Materials

For districts who complete their K-3 Participation Counts in December, Pearson will ship the same quantity plus a 5% district overage of the paper test materials to the shipping address on file for the Spring Reassessment Test administration. These materials are scheduled to arrive at the shipping address that is in PAN between January 16 - 19. An employee of the district or charter who has signed the AZELLA test security agreement must be available to sign for the shipments. The paper test materials and the Pre-ID Labels will be shipped separately and will arrive during the same week. DTCs will have an opportunity to order additional materials after the materials received have been inventoried. If the Reassessment materials have NOT been delivered by Monday, January 22, DTCs should contact ADE via email at LEAs must wait until January 22 before contacting ADE.

Districts and charters must KEEP the boxes in which the testing materials arrive because the same boxes need to be used to return the materials at the end of the test window.

Which Students Require the Spring 2024 AZELLA Reassessment Test?

All students with an EL need and a current AZELLA record are required to participate in the Spring Reassessment Test. This includes students enrolled in EL services (SEI, Bilingual waiver, 50-50 Dual Language Instruction, and Parent Withdrawn) as well as those who have not been enrolled in any EL services for the school year. These students appear on the EL73 - EL Student Need Report as EL Groups 1, 2, and 4. It is imperative that the EL73 Report is downloaded and reviewed frequently before and throughout the Reassessment Test window. 

AZELLA for Dual Label Students (EL and Special Education)

All students, regardless of disability, who have a non-English/non-ASL Home Language Survey require an AZELLA test. There are no provisions, in either state or federal law, which would allow the exemption of AZELLA testing for students who are enrolled in the Special Education program and require an AZELLA test.

The AZELLA DTC must contact the AZELLA Team at ADE about any student who requires an accommodated version of the Spring AZELLA Reassessment Test, additional accommodations, or has a documented disability (for example: deafness or blindness) that precludes assessment in one or more domains of AZELLA prior to administering the AZELLA test by submitting the AZELLA Additional Accommodations Request Form

DTCs must wait for ADE's response to the request and further directions from the AZELLA Team prior to administering the AZELLA. Each request form may take up to 4 weeks to process as communication between ADE and the district transpires. The deadline to submit AZELLA Additional Accommodations requests will be December 15, 2023. The only exception to this is transfer students.

Accommodated Forms for Grades KG - 12
  • AZELLA Braille (Reassessment only)
  • AZELLA Special Paper Version (SPV) for ONLINE test administrations (Grades 2-12) 
  • AZELLA Large Print (LP) for Paper AZELLA test administrations (Grades KG - 3)
  • Grades 2-12 AZELLA ASL Version (ASL videos for directions and accessibility elements)
Student Data and School Enrollment for the Spring Reassessment
Pre-Registration (all grades) and K-3 Pre-ID Labels

January 4, 2024

The AZELLA DTC must ensure that school enrollments and EL program services have been synchronized from the school's Student Information System (SIS) to AzEDS by January 4, 2024, and correct any Placement Test records that are in the AZELLA corrections application by January 4. This data needs to be complete because ADE will be extracting all Kindergarten through Grade 12 EL student data on January 5 to send to Pearson for pre-registering these students for the Spring Reassessment Test and printing K-3 Pre-ID labels.

DTCs should mark their calendar for January 5 and January 19, 2024, as a reminder to print the EL73 - EL Student Needs Reports. These reports need to be compared to identify which students have not been registered for the Reassessment Test in the schools and need to be added to PAN or transferred (Work Request) in PAN from a different school.

Students who are not included in the January 5 extracted student data file will require the DTC and STCs to add these students to PAN and register them for the Reassessment Test.

Not all K-3 students will receive a Pre-ID Label. Those who don't receive a label and for those whose labels are incorrect, the students must still be tested. The students must be added to PAN and the Student Data Demographic Grid on the back cover of the students' paper test books must be completed by the DTC and STCs prior to the students testing.

New Unit 5 Speaking Test for Kindergarten and Grade 1 Students

The Unit 5 Speaking test for Kindergarten and Grade 1 students will be administered using TestNav to play the questions and capture the student's responses. This is a one-on-one test administration that requires the use of an electronic testing device and an external unidirectional microphone. Explicit information about this and a new Speaking Demonstration video will be available in the Spring Reassessment training modules. 
AZELLAology is an optional, informal, and open invitation for AZELLA District Test Coordinators to attend a virtual call where ADE's AZELLA team answers AZELLA questions and shares AZELLA important information, news, guidance, and mini-tutorials about a variety of AZELLA-related topics. AZELLAology sessions are held on scheduled Tuesdays from 8:00am - 9:00am. The link to attend a scheduled session as well as the topics for each session are posted on the AZELLA DTC webpage under the AZELLAology section. 
Communicating with the AZELLA Team
Email keyboard key image
The most efficient way to communicate with the AZELLA Team at ADE is by email.

When emailing, please:
  • Use a meaningful subject line that includes your entire district name and entity ID, and include full contact information in your signature line or elsewhere in the email.
  • Include the student's SSID number if your question is regarding a specific student. Per federal laws, please do not include the student's name and birthdate when providing ADE with the SSID.
  • For students testing, please include the student's grade level and school.
  • If the student is currently testing or is sitting for the test, in the Subject of the email, please include "Urgent - Student Testing", and be sure to include a phone number where you can answer ADE's call.
OELAS Updates

In place of the annual conference this year, OELAS will focus on providing teacher and instructional leader workshops centered around Effective SEI Instructional Practices.

2023 OELAS Symposium Details

December 4-6, 2023  |  8:00am - 4:00pm each day
  • Monday, December 4 - Tuesday, December 5  |  Educators 8:00AM - 4:00pm (A two day event for educators of English learners!)
  • Wednesday, December 6  |  Instructional Leaders 8:00am - 4:00pm (A single day event for instructional leaders that oversee and support instructional programs for English learners!)
Location: Desert Willow Conference Center 
Details on the 2023 Symposium on Effective SEI Instruction can be found at
If you have any questions about AZELLA, please contact us at