NAEP Assessment Technological Changes
NAEP, in the purview of the National Assessment Governing Board, has made the determination to move NAEP towards a device agnostic delivery of NAEP. Delivery of the assessment can therefore be carried out on devices that are most familiar to the students. With the goal of delivery of NAEP in the future to be device agnostic, the first step in that process is ensuring that schools in the NAEP sample have sufficient wi-fi resources.
There are two new roles in NAEP for 2024. The roles can be combined and are fluid, but what is important is that someone is identified in your LEA if you were selected for NAEP this year.
The responsibilities the two new roles include are:
District Technology Director
- Register for the NAEP AMS (Assessment Management System). More information and timeline to come.
- Complete the Internet Connectivity Survey.
- Set up a dedicated wi-fi network or identify an existing wi-fi network for the assessment.
- Safe list the NAEP URL's (list will be provided) and work with the onsite technology coordinator to confirm they are safe listed.
- Attend a 30-minute assessment planning meeting with NAEP field staff, if necessary.
Onsite Technology Coordinator
- Register for the NAEP AMS (Assessment Management System). More information and timeline to come.
- Provide technical requirements to district technology director as needed for Internet Connectivity Survey.
- Run the Network Diagnostic tool to confirm safe list and bandwidth requirements are met.
- Attend a 30-minute assessment planning meeting with NAEP field staff.
- Ensure NAEP field staff have the wi-fi login credentials before assessment day.
- Meet the NAEP field staff when they arrive on assessment day to provide credentials and/or help accessing wi-fi on NAEP devices.
What is Needed Next
NAEP and ADE need your support in identifying people in your LEA for these roles, communicating the importance of NAEP, and ensuring we have a smooth transition as our nation moves to device agnostic test administration in the future. There is a tight timeline in November of 2023 to accomplish the surveys. As the NAEP District/Charter Test Coordinator, please do your part in communicating the importance of these roles and completing the surveys.