Your input matters. Please participate in the 2021 CAD Trends Survey. Help shape the direction of CAD and related technology for engineers, architects, designers, users, and managers worldwide.
Since 2014, our global CAD Trends survey has supported users and developers by reporting on the latest in global CAD-related technology and industry trends.
Click here to participate in this 15-minute survey for 2021.
To thank you for completing the survey, you will receive:
• A detailed summary of the report results
• An invitation to the webinar event presenting the survey results!
This survey only takes about 15 minutes to complete. Your input and feedback would be very much appreciated.
Founded in 1992, Business Advantage is a worldwide research agency based in London and San Francisco specializing in the CAD/CAM and related technology industries.
Thank you for your participation.
Best regards,
PS – To see past years' results, please visit us