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FAMLI Matters the newsletter for FAMLI claimants
February 20, 2025
This is an official communication from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment’s 
Family & Medical Leave Insurance Division.

In the Spotlight: What to know about 1099-G forms

FAMLI has issued 1099-G forms to all claimants who received FAMLI benefits of $10 or more during 2024.
All 1099-G’s are now available online in My FAMLI+. Please review the 1099-G Form chapter in the My FAMLI+ User Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to view this form online.
Remember that FAMLI benefits are not subject to Colorado income taxes, but they may be subject to federal income taxes.
The taxability of your FAMLI benefits could vary based on a number of factors. Please talk to your tax adviser if you have more questions. The FAMLI Division cannot provide advice on federal taxation.
FAMLI claimants can now choose whether they’d like the FAMLI Division to withhold federal income tax from their benefits. This is a simple opt-in or opt-out option, with the rate being set at a flat 10%.
Get all your questions answered about 1099-G forms and FAMLI benefits in this blog post.
While the IRS recently issued additional guidance on whether FAMLI benefits are subject to federal income tax, please note that this guidance applies to benefits received in 2025, and therefore does not apply to the current tax season for reporting 2024 income.  

Reporting your Intermittent Leave if you have a rolling 30-day Absence Parameter

Don’t forget that we have a new video for people taking intermittent FAMLI leave. This video will walk you through Absence Parameters and how they can affect your claims:
My FAMLI+ Understanding 30-day absence parameters for intermittent leave

People are asking: How does FAMLI assist with claimants returning to work?

Here are a some things to know about returning to work after the end of a FAMLI-covered absence:
  • FAMLI claimants should communicate directly to their employers about returning to work. If a claimant wishes to return before the end of their approved leave, they should also inform the FAMLI Division to avoid overpayment.
  • If a FAMLI claimant needs additional time off but has exhausted FAMLI leave for the year, they may choose to discuss other options with their Benefits Administrator or Human Resources department.
  • An employer may require an employee to provide certification of his or her fitness prior to returning to work from a FAMLI-approved absence, as long as such a requirement does not constitute discrimination, retaliation, or interference in violation of FAMLI Rules. 
  • Any requests related to the federal Americans with Disabilities Act should be worked out among the employee, the employee's health care provider and the employer.

Share Your Story

“I have always worked full-time or close to it when you add up my two part-time jobs. However, I have never qualified for maternity leave benefits due to being part-time. It hasn’t felt right, as I know I am contributing to our community and economy by working as an occupational therapist. I am very thankful that Colorado has started FAMLI to reduce the financial burden on families and to allow parents to bond with their new baby!”
Caroline Rose, a FAMLI claimant
That’s from Caroline, who took a FAMLI leave last year to bond with a new child.
We want to hear your personal stories, too! Please tell us how FAMLI is helping you through a significant life event. Each month we’ll feature real stories in this newsletter.

How are we doing?

Your feedback about your FAMLI experience is important to us. Please complete this brief feedback form (2-5 minutes) to help us improve the user experience of My FAMLI+. Your responses will help us improve the online portal for FAMLI claimants and all state residents.
Let’s Get Social!
FAMLI is now on INSTA! Be sure to follow us and engage with the account at @coloradofamli. And don’t forget, we’re also on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Colorado Division of Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI)

633 17th Street, Denver, CO 80202-3660
