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Achievement District Test Coordinator
Updates and Reminders - February 26, 2025
Achievement District Test Coordinators,

Students have been uploaded to the PearsonAccess Next (PAN) sites for AASA, AzSCI, ACT Aspire, and ACT. Any newly enrolled students or any students that were missed in ADE's upload will need to be added by the school or district in preparation for testing.

District Test Coordinators should now be checking regularly for work requests (student transfers) that are waiting for approval for AASA, AzSCI, and ACT Aspire. Look for the red bell at the top of the screen in PAN. A red bell indicates that you have a work request waiting for approval.
Training Modules in the Arizona Learning Management System (AzLMS)

Each Achievement training module in the AzLMS has an accompanying transcript and PowerPoint flat file that can be downloaded from the Resources section in AzLMS. We strongly recommend downloading these resources to refer back to over the next few months. Once you have completed a module, if you select the "Revisit" button in AzLMS, the module will restart at the beginning. Rather than viewing the entire module again, you can use the provided resources (transcript and flat file) as reference materials.
Support Websites

Test administration resources are published on the following support webpages. Bookmark these links for the most up-to-date information.
ACT Aspire Chat with an Expert

Pearson has scheduled two ACT Aspire Chat with an Expert sessions to answer test coordinator questions related to ACT Aspire. Teams meeting links are included below. Registration for the Chat with an Expert sessions is not required. If you have questions about ACT Aspire, join one of the sessions linked below.
ACT Updates and Reminders

Test Sessions
Online test sessions can now be created for Test Window 1, and students can be assigned to those test sessions. For Test Window 2, online test sessions can be created beginning April 2.

Additional Orders
The Additional Order window for Test Window 1 is now open through March 24. The Additional Order window for Test Window 2 will open on March 25.

Use the Accommodations and Supports Roster in PearsonAccess Next (PAN) to verify that all students with accommodations have had their TAA PIN applied to their student profile. To access this report in PAN, go to Reports > Operational Reports > Students and Registrations > Accommodations and Supports Roster.
For questions about AASA, please contact us at
For questions about AzSCI, please contact us at
For questions about ACT Aspire and ACT, please contact us at
Bethany Spangenberg
Deputy Associate Superintendent of Assessment
Arizona Department of Education

Joseph M. Guzman, Ph.D.
Associate Superintendent of Standards, Assessment, Accountability and Research
Arizona Department of Education