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Achievement District Test Coordinator
Updates and Reminders - March 6, 2025
Achievement District Test Coordinators,

Here are a few reminders as we approach the statewide achievement test windows.
  • All students who are enrolled and in attendance during the statewide test windows are expected to test. There are no provisions in Arizona state law for parents to opt their students out of testing nor medical exemptions for state testing, including AASA, AzSCI, ACT Aspire, and ACT assessments.
  • Schools do not need parent permission to test students. The Arizona Attorney General issued an opinion about parental opt out of state tests. You can find this under the "Legal" tab on our website at Please schedule makeup testing, as needed, during the test windows in order to test all students.
  • Students who have withdrawn from your school/district/charter do not need to be removed from PearsonAccess Next (PAN). PAN is not used for Accountability purposes, so these records can safely be left in PAN as is.
  • High school testing (AzSCI, ACT Aspire, and ACT) is by cohort rather than by grade level or courses completed or enrolled in. The cohort is assigned when a student enters 9th grade and stays with them throughout high school, regardless of actual grade level. The STUD78-Cohort Verification Report in the AzEDS Portal in ADEConnect can be used to verify a student's cohort. Please contact us at if you have questions about a student's cohort.
Materials Delivery

AASA - Paper copies of the Test Coordinator's Manual and Test Administration Directions for both computer-based testing and paper-based testing schools, as well as paper test booklets and pre-printed barcode labels for paper-based testing schools, will be delivered to districts March 17-20 or March 24-27, depending on the week selected by the District Test Coordinator during the January participation counts window. If no delivery week was selected, then materials will be delivered the week of March 17-20. Approved Special Paper Version test materials will arrive in a subsequent shipment.

AzSCI - Paper copies of the Test Coordinator's Manual and Test Administration Directions will not automatically be shipped to districts. Electronic copies are available on the Pearson-hosted support website. A limited number of paper copies are available to order now in PearsonAccess Next. Approved Special Paper Version test materials have been ordered and are in the process of being shipped and delivered.

ACT Aspire - Paper copies of the Test Coordinator's Manual and Room Supervisor Manuals will not be shipped to districts. Electronic copies are available on the Pearson-hosted support website. Paper testing materials for paper-based testing schools will be delivered March 10-14. Approved Special Paper Version test materials will be ordered by Pearson and ADE beginning March 17.

ACT - Paper copies of the Test Coordinator's Manual and Test Administration Manual, as well as paper-based testing materials, as applicable, will be delivered to districts as follows and depending on the week selected in PearsonAccess Next. In addition, shipments will include the Non-Test Instructions for Students and Taking the ACT. Some accommodations materials may arrive in subsequent shipments.
  • For test window 1, either March 3-6 or March 10-13
  • For test window 2, either March 17-20 or March 24-27
AASA Grade 3 Oral Reading Fluency Test Reminders

The AASA Grade 3 ELA Oral Reading Fluency test unit is an operational test unit this spring. It will be included in each Grade 3 student's ELA score and in the Move on When Reading (MOWR) indicator. 

Computer-based testing schools must complete the Oral Reading Fluency test administration by April 11, 2025. Paper-based testing schools must complete the Oral Reading Fluency test administration by April 9, 2025. The ELA Writing test unit should continue to be administered first in both computer-based and paper-based testing schools.

All Grade 3 students should be provided multiple opportunities to practice with the AASA Grade 3 ELA Oral Reading Fluency sample test to be comfortable with the testing style; how to operate the platform, including starting their own recording and not stopping it too soon; and to be comfortable with wearing the headset to make a clear and concise recording of their reading samples. To access the AASA Sample Tests and Student Readiness Tool, go to the TestNav Sign In screen (, select Arizona, then select Mic Check & Sample Tests. A username and password are not needed to access the Sample Tests.

Before taking the Oral Reading Fluency test unit, each student will first complete a microphone check, followed by a short practice passage. Test Administrators may assist students and answer questions while students are recording the practice passage. The practice passage will not be included in their score. After the practice passage, each student will read three short passages, with a time limit of one minute per passage. Two of the timed passages will be operational and one will be a field test item. The student will not know which item is the field test item.

The scoring for the Oral Reading Fluency test unit is based on words correct per minute. Students are not penalized for articulation errors, and Pearson's scoring system is able to accept variations in pronunciation, accent, and dialect. Students must have a recorded response for at least one of the timed passages in the test (not the practice passage) to receive an Oral Reading Fluency score, and therefore, an ELA score.
For questions about AASA, please contact us at
For questions about AzSCI, please contact us at
For questions about ACT Aspire and ACT, please contact us at
Bethany Spangenberg
Deputy Associate Superintendent of Assessment
Arizona Department of Education

Joseph M. Guzman, Ph.D.
Associate Superintendent of Standards, Assessment, Accountability and Research
Arizona Department of Education