ACT Reminders
Test Window 1 - begins March 25, 2025
For issues during ACT testing, contact ACT at 319-333-1567. This is an Arizona-specific number, and any technical issues or concerns that occur during testing will be prioritized.
Test Window 1 standard time paper testing must be completed on March 25, and online testing must be completed by April 4. Schools administering ACT in Test Window 1 may also use Test Window 2 to complete makeup testing, as needed. Paper-based testing schools are also permitted to administer online makeup tests.
Any students with approved accommodations for testing over multiple days must complete testing within the same test window in which they begin testing.
Accommodations and Supports Roster
Use the Accommodations and Supports Roster in PearsonAccess Next to verify that all students with approved ACT accommodations have their TAA PIN applied to their profile in PearsonAccess Next. To run this report, go to Reports > Operational Reports > Students & Registrations > Accommodations and Supports Roster.
ACT State Use Questions
Arizona will not have state questions on the ACT this year. The state questions are mentioned on page 74 of the ACT Online Testing Administration Manual. When students see the "State Questions" screen ahead of the online ACT test, they can skip to the next step.
Test Window 2
Materials for Test Window 2 will be delivered to districts March 17-20 or March 24-27. The Additional Order window for Test Window 2 will be open March 25-28. Test sessions for Test Window 2 can be created in PearsonAccess Next beginning April 2.
Refer to the ACT website for information about students completing MyACT. Resources are included under Step 4: Preparation, under the heading "Complete Non-Test Activities." Students may complete the non-test information in MyACT before testing and up to two days after completing testing. This may be completed on a separate day from actual testing. Students who set up a MyACT account will have the opportunity to send their ACT scores to up to four colleges or scholarship agencies for free and will receive their test results faster than waiting for paper score reports to be delivered to schools. ACT encourages schools to set aside time for students to complete MyACT non-test information at school during a classroom session.
The "Student Code Usage Status" report in PearsonAccess Next will display which students have used their student code to access the non-test information in MyACT. To access the report, go to Reports > Published Reports. Data in this report is refreshed daily.