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29 February 2024
Qualifications that will have funding removed in 2024/25 due to overlap with T Levels in Waves 1 and 2
In 2023, the Department of Education published a list of qualifications that would no longer be funded from 31 July 2024. The final list of qualifications that will have 16–19 funding withdrawn for new starts from 1 August 2024 due to overlap with T Level is now available.

Funding will be removed for 16–19 standalone learners only. Funding will not be removed for adult learners, or for 16–19 and adult learners taking these qualifications as part of an apprenticeship.

Removing funding approval means that any students starting on the qualifications in the table above after 31 July 2024 will not be funded.

Funding will continue for students who have already started on the qualifications in the table above on or before 31 July 2024 until they complete. 
There are exceptions within the Construction and CPLD suites; the following qualifications will not be defunded in 2024, but will be defunded from 31 July 2025:
For funding guidance on all other qualifications and to find out more about our new BTEC AAQS, visit our Level 3 updates page
How these first waves of defunding affect you and your learners
Q: How does this impact a learner who started on a two-year study programme in September 2023 and who are planning to top up?
A: The learner will need to be registered on the qualification intended for certification in August 2025, by 31 July 2024.

This can be achieved by registering the learner now on the larger-size qualification or transferring the learner’s existing registration on a smaller-size qualification to the larger-size qualification before 31 July 2024. You will not be able to top up or register learners in the next academic year, i.e. after 31 July 2024.

Q: What happens if my learner does not return in September 2024?
A: If your learner does not return to study the second year of the programme, and meets all the requirements for the smaller qualification, you will be able to drop down and claim certification.

Q: We use the BTEC Nationals in Construction as part of an apprenticeship programme. Are we impacted?
A: No, the qualifications will remain available for registration. You will be able to continue to deliver Construction qualifications used in apprenticeships (including the 720 GLH National Diplomas in Construction and the Built Environment, Civil Engineering and Building Services Engineering) to apprentices as part of their on-programme learning.
If you have any questions, please contact us via the Pearson Support Portal.

Kind regards,

Gabriel Staples
BTEC Product Management 

Pearson Customer Services

The Lighthouse, Manchester, M50 3BF
