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March 2024: Words to Lead By
Welcome to your mid-month Words To Lead By, essays and resources to engage your spiritual leadership.

You may have noticed your March newsletter arrived earlier this month without our customary blog post. Beginning this month, you’ll be receiving two emails from your New England Region UUA staff. The first will be full of lists and links for events in the coming month. Workshops, webinars, trainings, OWL offerings, learning communities, and professional development opportunities for church staff - everything you’ll want to get on a calendar will be there!

We’re calling this mid-month offering, Words To Lead By. Here is where we will host our Practice Makes Possible Blog, a short essay each month where we look at timely topics and common issues in congregational life through the lens of the Practices of Spiritual Leadership. We'll invite you into leadership rooted deeply in UU faith practices like discernment and covenant. And we will share ways you might engage your congregation in tending our tradition through engagement with happenings in the wider UUA world, like our Side With Love campaign. 

All of our congregations are thinking about new and evolving ways of ministry in this, our living tradition. Your New England Region is also taking faithful risks that help us serve you, our 230 congregations, well in these changing times. We hope you will be happy to see our emails in your inbox twice each month, and remember: you can reach out to us any time!
Essays and Resources to Engage Your Spiritual Leadership
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Text overlays a picture of 24 Farnsworth reading 'Guest Families Staying Temporarily at UUA Headquarters Need the Following Items: diapers (disposable, multiple sizes; baby wipes; baby bottles (new); baby gear: clothing, including warm clothing (new only please, sizes 0-3), and high chairs"

Stewarding Our Mission in Our Space

by Erica Baron

The practice of Tending Our Tradition asks us to be stewards of Unitarian Universalism by bringing forward what remains liberatory and life-giving from our past while addressing the harms that have also been part of our story. Stewardship of our tradition includes many intangible things, but it also includes our physical property, including our buildings. 

When the American Unitarian Association sold the building they had occupied at 25 Beacon Street in Boston in 1925 and moved across and up the street to what had been 32 Beacon Street, they changed the address of this new building so they could bring their address with them. The new building was right next door to the Massachusetts State House, and shared a wall with the Massachusetts Mayor’s Residence. 25 Beacon Street became the headquarters of the UUA when the Unitarians and Universalists merged in 1961. 

In 2013 the UUA sold the building at 25 Beacon Street along with three other Beacon Hill properties to buy a new space at 24 Farnsworth Street. This move required some significant discernment, as the prior building’s history and symbolism were dear to many UUs. The UUA board ultimately decided that the Beacon Hill properties were not serving the UUA’s mission, and a new building with a smaller environmental impact and more space for collaboration would serve better. For some UUs, letting go of the privilege that allowed the AUA to renumber addresses on Beacon Street by moving to a new location was also an act of faithful stewardship of our values. 

Now we are once again tending our tradition by using our building in alignment with our mission and values. For several years the top floor of 24 Farnsworth Street has been empty. The UUA has recently turned this space into temporary emergency housing and support to approximately 25 families with children who have an urgent and immediate need for shelter in Boston. 

In the midst of an ongoing housing crisis in and around Boston, many people who are eligible for the state’s Emergency Assistance family shelter program have not been housed due to lack of available space. What better way to use empty commercial space than to help people who need a warm place to sleep?

The UUA staff and Board exist because of the covenant between UU congregations to practice our Principles together, and to work together for our common good. The UUA staff and Board can do some of the work of tending our tradition, but ultimately it is all UU congregations together who steward our tangible and intangible resources. 

We are inviting all of our congregations to help us support the families we are housing:

  • For those in and around Boston, the families we are serving are in need of disposable diapers of various sizes, baby wipes, new baby bottles, and new baby gear including warm clothing. Details about how to donate are here, and we will keep this list updated. 

  • If your congregation would like to be a drop-off site for donations, please email newengland@uua.org.

  • If you are farther away, consider finding a shelter in your area to support. You can also financially support the shelter 24 Farnsworth by giving to the United Way of Massachusetts Bay.

Through time, our tradition tells us that when we come together to use our resources of space, money, minds, hearts, and commitment in service of our values, we can accomplish great things. Let us be good stewards by continuing this tradition now and bringing it into the future. 
Read online!
More Ways To Get Involved:

  • Get involved in UU the Vote 2024 from anywhere! Join with other UUs across the country to fight for justice and democracy.
Interested in Learning More?

Check out Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond. This ethnographic work offers an engaging and heartbreaking window into grinding poverty caused and perpetuated by the lack of a most basic human right, safe and permanent housing. There is another way that we, collectively, can choose to protect our neighbors and communities.

Desmond's second title Poverty, By America is available through inSpirit.
Additional Resources
It's Transition Season!

It’s the season for looking at new contracts! The UUMA recorded a webinar about how to read the sample recommended contract provided by the UUMA/UUA for UUMA members (please log in to access the content). Both lay leaders and ministers should contact their primary contacts for assistance as needed.
Minister Search Calendar
  • Contract searches continue on a rolling basis.

  • Monday, April 8th: the continuation of Settled and Developmental search begins for those still searching.

  • Monday, April 15th: applicant names are released to search teams in the continued search process.

  • Friday, April 19th: the last day for interested ministers to submit for congregations that continued in search.

  • Monday, April 22nd through Friday, April 26th: UU Transition Ministry Seminar for ministers in transitional roles, such as Interim and Developmental.

  • Monday, April 29th: Interim Ministry search begins.
Article II Resources

  • Amplifying the Charge by QuianaDenae Perkins
    • A four week small group ministry discussion series paired with resources for worship. The materials invite UUs to learn more about our theology, practices, and governance, as well as to engage with our personal experiences of faith, spirit, and humanity.
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Unitarian Universalist Association, New England Region
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 

Get in touch! newengland@uua.org