Hey Sarah

Back in college, I hit a breaking point.  I was sitting on the floor of my dorm room, with my back pressed against the wall, crying into my knees.

I had said “yes” to too many things. I couldn’t honor all of my commitments AND take care of myself in the process. For so long, I had prided myself on doing it all. That day though, I learned the hard way I needed a compass for what to say “yes” to in order to avoid feeling that way again. 🧭

So, I learned the power of saying:  “HELL NO” 🙅🏻‍♀️ and “HELL YES!” 🟢 Adding “hell” kicked things up a notch for me. It made things more absolute. I wasn’t just saying “yes”, I was saying “hell yes, green light, this is important for me to make space, energy, and time for”. Same with the hell nos…

Today, I still haven’t fully mastered estimating what I have capacity to say “yes” to while taking care of myself—I’ve had several back-against-the-wall, crying moments along the way.

But in moments when I have too much on my plate, this framing comes in handy to help me move things OFF of my plate. I hope it’s helpful for you as you take a look at your week 🙏 and shoutout to Groover, Kate Haranis, who posted with her “hell yes” mug recently.

Next features launched 🚀
  • Tap another Groover’s profile to see how many times you’ve Grooved together 🤩 This serves as a helpful reminder if you’ve Grooved with someone before and a fun surprise to better understand how quickly you’re building relationships with fellow Groovers 💃 I’m shocked I’ve only Grooved with some folks 4x and already feel close to them!
  • Tap a profile picture to expand it for a closer look 😜 Heads up 🚨 for your picture to be crystal clear as a current Groover, go to your profile, tap your picture, and save it again.
  • New Groovers now see encouragement to complete their first 5 Grooves 🎉 As they Groove, their bubbles fill in. This helps provide clarity on a goal to work towards. Soon we’ll also have “stickers” which will help with this.

Making LinkedIn cool 😉
Sometimes a reframe can do wonders. LinkedIn is best known as a “professional network”, which doesn’t sound very fun to me. Soooo, I’ve decided to reframe it as a place to cheer on my friends, stay in the loop about their projects, and connect them with other friends. This reframe has totally shifted my relationship with LinkedIn, including what I post. If you’re feeling some resistance today in whatever project you’re working on, try to reframe it so it serves you better! And, if you’re into Instapots, check out what Josh has been sharing on LinkedIn.

Meet some new Groovers ✨
Share good vibes by looking them up in Groove and sending a welcome message.
  • Esme Wang ✏️ NYT-bestselling author who runs an online writing school and loves drawing birds on postcards to send to friends.
  • Carina Storrs 🧪 Science and health writer who loves cats, dance, and momming.
  • Kerry Chen 🎶 Curator and Creative Director, who is designing an exhibit on Jamaican music and is a big fan of road trips.

Join the party on Thursday, April 25th 🥳
If you could use some accountability to accomplish a goal in May, this Goal Planning Party is for you! You’re guaranteed to leave with encouragement and structure to get the damn thing done…plus, new friends in the Groove community! 🏄‍♀️

Celebration time, come on! 🎉
  • If you’ve been avoiding making a personal website, Aaron Cohn has got you covered! He made a tool that turns your LinkedIn profile into a beautiful personal website in ~10 seconds, hosted for free on a custom domain ✨
  • Sherita Harkness published her e-book, The Sustainer Within 📚 If you were with her during her many Grooves getting this across the finish line or just wanna celebrate a fellow Groover, shoot her a congrats DM 💜
  • Share your project here or in the ‘wins’ bulletin board inside the Groove app 👀 We’d love to celebrate with you!

Happy 50 Grooves! 🥳
Congrats to Shoshana Bloom, Randy Richards, and Christy Kern! Cheers to all of you! I’m raising my WFH mocktail in celebration 🎉

Hope to catch you in a Groove soon 🏄‍♀️

Head of Community

Written with ❤️ in a Groove with Katie, Randy, and Patricia while listening to Azadi’s latest release 🎹