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Dear Robert,
The work of exploring who we are as Unitarian Universalists continues as congregations and communities engage with the Article II Study Commission's proposed revision to Article II of UUA Bylaws. In the months since amendments were submitted in February, UUs have come together in their communities and online to explore the shared values laid out in the revised Article II and to consider what it means to center love in our Unitarian Universalist faith.
We are deeply grateful to the dedicated volunteers on the UUA Board of Trustees and the Article II Study Commission for their faithful work on behalf of Unitarian Universalism. We are also deeply appreciative of the thoughtful and creative ways that UU congregations and communities are creating space for discussion and learning about the proposed revision.
Our work together on Article II will culminate at General Assembly next month, June 20 - 23, where delegates will cast votes on amendments and decide whether to adopt the revised Article II. In this email, you'll find links to support continued community conversations as we prepare for GA.
With you on the journey,
Rachel |
Rachel Walden supports UUA Communications as senior manager for digital & marketing strategy. When she's not brainstorming content with her colleagues, you'll likely find her outside. |
In a visit to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Susquehanna Valley, PA earlier this year, UUA President the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt preached about what it could mean for us as UUs to hold love at the center of our understanding of the faith. Watch and share this video in your congregation or community. |
Watch the Video
After extensive engagement with Unitarian Universalists, the Article II Study Commission completed its final proposed revision of Article II of UUA Bylaws in October 2023. The revised language is laid out online, along with information about amendments, and a downloadable image of the values flower graphic. |
Revised Article II
In February, UU congregations proposed four amendments to the revised Article II. Since then, discussion of each of these amendments and of the amendment process has been open in the UUA's online discussion forum. Sign up to join the robust conversation already happening with UUs from across our faith community. |
Online Discussion Forum
Love at the Center: Unitarian Universalist Theologies is a new collection of essays, edited by UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, exploring what it means to be a people guided by love and all that love requires. Published by UUA imprint Skinner House Books, Love at the Center is available now in ebook format from retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and wherever ebooks are sold. You can pre-order a print copy through the UUA's inSpirit UU Book and Gift Shop and you will receive the book in the fall. |
Love at the Center
Unitarian Universalist ministers, seminarians, religious educators, and leaders from across our UU community have created a diverse array of resources to support exploration of the revised Article II. UUA staff have curated an online collection of these resources, including a children's curriculum with Legos, small group ministry, materials for theological reflection, TikTok videos, songs, and stories. |
Curated UU Resources
General Assembly in June will be an online event where delegates will vote on the revised Article II. Every Unitarian Universalist is encouraged to participate. For Article II amendments, 3/4 of voting delegates will need to approve an amendment for it to be incorporated. Once amendments are resolved, a 2/3 approval vote is required to adopt the revised Article II. This will be a historic opportunity to join together in democratic affirmation of who we are as UUs, so register for GA today! |
General Assembly 2024