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Dear readers,

Since last year's Memorial Day, almost 1,600 soldiers and civilians have been killed in terror attacks or in combat in Israel. The vast majority of those, more than 1,500, were slain on or since October 7, 2023, when the worst terror attack in Israel's history sparked the ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza.

Following that horrific day more than seven months ago, The Times of Israel has been working nonstop to bring readers the personal stories of those who were killed through our Those We Have Lost project, a dedicated page to share the names, faces and stories of those who can longer speak for themselves.
Over the past 30 weeks, we have published more than 600 posts, eulogizing more than 700 victims, to ensure that despite the massive loss of life, nobody is forgotten.

Today, on Israel's Memorial Day, we encourage you to visit the
Those We Have Lost page and to honor a few of the fallen by reading their personal stories.

Here are just two of their stories:
Yaniv, Yasmin, Keshet and Tehelet Zohar
Yaniv Zohar, his wife Yasmin, and their two daughters, Keshet and Tehelet (Courtesy)

On October 7, 2023, Ariel Zohar, 13, went for an early-morning run in Kibbutz Nahal Oz. In his wildest nightmares, he could not have imagined that while he was gone, his father, Yaniv - a news photographer mother, Yasmin, and two older sisters, Keshet, 20, and Tehelet, 18, would be murdered by Hamas terrorists.
Staff Sgt. Maru Alem
Staff Sgt. Maru Alem, who was killed near Nir Oz on October 7, 2023. (Courtesy)

Staff Sgt. Maru Alem, 20, moved to Israel from Ethiopia with his family in 2012. On October 7, the Golani soldier and three of his comrades were in a jeep on a routine tour of the Gaza border when the Hamas invasion began. They fought back against the terrorists for more than an hour before three out of four of them were killed.
View 'Those We Have Lost'
Amy Spiro
Project Coordinator

The Times of Israel

4 Washington Street, Jerusalem, 9418704

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