District 16 Republicans

Over the past few weeks, we have discussed that, for years, 69% was an F in almost all academic settings and that we observe pervasive failures in our legislatureIn 2024, her opponent earned 58% when voting on limited government and constitutional issues.  Further more, in less than two legislative cycles, the current Senator in District 16 voted more than 200 times to grow government. 

If we intend to preserve freedom, FAILURE is NOT AN OPTION.  We must stand for people, not corporations or special interest groups.   It is blatantly obvious, we are in need of a FRESH LOOK in the Utah Senate!

When offered the opportunity to assert the positions of Liberty, her opponent stood down -- and Christina stood up. 

When it came to the intellectual property rights of Utah's Children, Christina stood up -- and she is not sitting down. 

When it comes to wasteful spending, Christina has repeatedly voted "no."  In contrast, her opponent voted to grow government more than 200 times in less than two years. 

Christina has held tight and fast to LIMITED government and constitutional principles and she will do the same in the Senate!

The future of Utah and America is at stake.  The people cannot continue to accept failure and connect it to a bright future. 

Part of the Republican Party Platform states:  "We believe that citizens’ needs are best met through free enterprise, private initiative, and volunteerism. We support the “Rule of Law” and believe in upholding the law of the land."  

  • Vendor Bills are antithetical to free enterprise and private initiative. 
  • Coerced generosity through expanded government spending isn't generosity at all. 
  • Laws without accountability do not support the rule of law. 

If District 16 wants to see Republican values represented, we have to elect a principled Republican.
If District 16 wants to see lower taxes, they need to elect a new and true fiscal conservative
If District 16 wants to see someone dedicated to local issues, we must elect someone not beholden to national and international organizations. 

The incumbent has been in office for 28 years.  Career politicians have failed us; they have failed you. It is time we stop listening to career politicians and start supporting a new kind of candidate—one who will not be bought by lobbyists but will always work for the liberties of the people and ultimately FUNDED by the people.

It is more important than ever that delegates and all voters understand our state needs to focus on:

  • Liberty,
  • Justice, and 
  • Independence!

And District 16 is looking to the 2024 delegates to elect someone who is committed to those ideals offering a FRESH LOOK in the Utah Senate!.  

Come meet Christina on May 31 @ 6:30 or June 3 @ 7pm.   She excited to earn is your vote.  

Best Regards,