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June 2024 Newsletter
Scroll for more information on each of these events!

 - Don't miss the monthly programming from Side With Love and UPLIFT, more information and links below!
 - Wednesday June 5, 7:00pm and Monday, June 10, 12:00pm Virtual Hymnal Sneak Peek (online)
 - Thursday, June 6, 7:00-8:30pm NER Quarterly Leadership Gathering (online)
 - Thursday, June 13, 8:00-9:15pm Taproot (online)
 - Thursday, June 13, 7:00-8:30pm Liberating Practices, June Gathering (online)
 - June 20-23 General Assembly (online)
 - Thursdays August 15, 22, 29, and September 5, 12:00-2:00pm ET Transitional Religious Leadership part 1 (online)
 - August 23-25 K-1st / 4th-6th OWL Facilitator Training (in-person)
 - Wednesday, August 28, 1:00-4:00pm ET The Three C's of Staff Relations: Covenant, Conflict, and Community (online)
 - Thursdays October 110, 17, 24, 31, and November 7, 12:00-2:00pm ET Adaptive Leadership Practicum part 2 (online)
NER News and Events
A murmuration of birds fly against a pink sky. Superimposed on the field and tree landscape at the bottom of the image are the words Liberating Practices.
For our Liberating Practices gathering in June, our theme will be Iteration, or the process of reflection and adaptation in our activities, programs, structures, etc. How does our experience become innovation rather than a rut?

Pre-work is available now. Please come prepared - both to share and to listen.

Our gathering this month will be Thursday, June 13 from 7:00-8:30 pm ET on Zoom. Sign up here to receive information and items for reflection before the meeting, as well as the registration link. Please note, individual registration is required for each gathering. The registration deadline is Wednesday, June 12.
Stick figures sit in a room with a banner behind them that reads 'New England Region Quarterly Leadership Gathering'
Join with your peers to share ideas, strategies, questions, concerns, and to give and receive support. These gatherings are open to current board members and those who will be on the board within the next several months. Our final Zoom gathering for this church year will be on Thursday, June 6 from 7:00 to 8:30pm ET

Registration is free and required. The registration deadline is Wednesday, June 5.
A banner image showing the covers of OWL curricula books.
OWL Trainings at UU Church of Greater Lynn
The UU Church of Greater Lynn is proud to offer grades K-1st and 4th-6th Our Whole Lives (OWL) training for facilitators who would like to teach this curriculum in their congregation. This is an intensive OWL training in-person over the weekend of August 23-25

Registration is required and there may be financial assistance available, please refer to the registration form. The registration deadline is July 22, or when maximum capacity is reached.
UUA News and Events
Please Update Your Congregational Information!
As we come to a close for the 2023-2024 church year, likely your lay leadership personnel, or perhaps staff, have changed. We at the Region would like to stay in touch! We will continue to reach out directly to congregations, staff, and Board members via email with new events and opportunities as well as other important announcements and resources regularly. Our database is automatically updated by my.uua.org daily.

Please ensure the information listed on my.uua.org is current and correct. We thank you in advance for keeping all names, roles, and emails up-to-date. If you need to update the minister specifically, please contact the Transitions office using their Directory Update Form. We appreciate your understanding and assistance, and look forward to continuing to work closely with you in the year to come!
Red sparkly letters G and A with silhouette shapes of people holding hands in front, to the right is the text the text: UUA General Assembly Virtual GA - June 20-23, 2024
Synergy Worship at GA
Remember to tune in to the Synergy Youth Worship service - a highlight of every General Assembly - on Thursday, June 20 from 7:00 to 8:00pm ET! This deeply moving worship will celebrate the bridging of our senior youth. The broadcast will be available to anyone who has registered for GA. Be prepared to sing along at home, dance, laugh, and be part of the community of faith welcoming our emerging adults.

An after-party that is open to all UU youth and emerging adults, even if they are not registered for GA, will be held directly after the broadcast. Registration is free and required.

Congratulations to all New England youth bridging this year! 
Offerings from The Association of Unitarian Universalist Transitions Professionals
The Association of Unitarian Universalist Transitions Professionals (formerly, GIRE) is offering training programs for religious professionals. These programs are open to both ordained and non-ordained religious professionals and are particularly relevant for those serving in transitional roles or serving communities in transition.

Transitional Religious Leadership, part 1 (online)
This course is a foundational four-session class in adaptive leadership skills and applications.
Thursdays August 15, 22, 29, and September 5 from 12:00 to 2:00pm ET
The registration deadline is Thursday August 8.

Adaptive Leadership Practicum, part 2 (online)
This course is an in-depth exploration of leadership applications within a learning community of religious professionals. Part 1 must be completed first.
Thursdays October 10, 17, 24, 31, and November 7 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm ET
The registration deadline is Thursday October 3.

Separate registrations for part 1 and part 2 are required for a fee.

The Three C's of Staff Relations: Covenant, Conflict, and Community (online)
This course will explore the importance of covenants - as they impact staff ministry teams and the congregation. It'll examine conflict - both how it occurs and how to navigate it. And it will focus on building healthy staff relationships as well as the ways in which our relationships as religious professionals impact the communities we serve.
Wednesday, August 28 from 1:00 to 4:00pm ET
The registration deadline is Thursday, October 15.

Registration is required for a fee.
A Black woman with short gray hair is wearing headphones and holding an ipad while singing against a blurred, outdoor background.
UUA Virtual Hymnal: Exciting Updates!
For over a year, your UUA Virtual Hymnal Task Force has steadily worked toward its mission of building a living collection of song resources through an accessible and equitable online platform grounded in UU values. This virtual hymnal will help Unitarian Universalism live into our prophetic calling as a joyful, liberatory, and anti-oppressive faith. Now we've got exciting news to share!

You're invited to attend upcoming Zoom gatherings for a sneak peek of the virtual hymnal prototype! Please join on Wednesday, June 5 at 7:00pm ET or Monday, June 10 at 12:00pm ET.

Registration is free and required. For dates and times and to register, please visit UUA.org/virtual-hymnal -- where you can also learn more about the Virtual Hymnal Task Force and the Zoom Q&A sessions that were held in January.
The image reads 'Taproot A National BIPOC Space: Spring Dates - Thursday, May 9; Thursday, June 13 8:00-9:15pm ET on an orange and red background with an image of roots and the UUA logo.
UU Action Center
Side With Love is written out in orange with a sketched, black outline of a heart.
UPLIFT is written in rainbow next to a UU chalice in the trans flag colors and underneath it reads 'Monthly Trans/Non-Binary Gathering Space 4th Tuesdays at 8:00pm ET; Pastoral Groups 2nd Fridays at 8:00pm ET. The text is overlayed on multiple of the LGBTQIA+ flags.
  • UPLIFT Programs
    • Including: Trans/Non-Binary Gathering Space and Pastoral Groups
    • Please note, the final gatherings for this church year will take place in June. UPLIFT will then be back with their monthly programming in September!
UU the VOTE is written in blue against a white background, with a blue UUA chalice above three stars to the right.
  • UU the Vote events
    • Stay involved! Letter writing, phone-banking, days of action, and more!
Unitarian Universalist Association Logo
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Unitarian Universalist Association, New England Region
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 

Get in touch! newengland@uua.org