As QN do you understand the difference between these two processes, and do you actively support your BTEC teams to apply reasonable adjustments if needed? Did you know that the QN is required to sign off applications for Special Considerations in internal assessment? We will be answering these questions in our online version of the network sessions.
Reasonable adjustments are applied at the start of a course or prior to an internal assessment taking place to mitigate any disability or difficulty that may disadvantage a learner.
Special Considerations can be applied for at the time of an internal assessment if a learner has been unable to complete the required assessment and if reasonable adjustments have proven unsuccessful. An application for internal unit Special Considerations should be considered a last resort.
There is so much more to understand so please see the resources and a short video which are available on the
Special Consideration webpage.
The most important message is any application for internal unit Special Considerations
must be submitted this month to ensure there is time for this to be reviewed for summer certification, and please remember each situation is considered on its own merits and
it is not guaranteed that an application will be approved.