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1 July 2024
Amendments to the Occupational Specialism | Task 1A
Dear Colleague,

As you may be aware, this task needs access to industry recognised accounting software.

The software we will be aligning the assessment to are:

  • Sage50 Desktop 
  • Sage Cloud
  • Quickbooks Cloud
  • Xero Cloud

Other software packages will not be supported in Task 1A. 

The Administrative Support Guide (ASG), SAM, AdSAM, and live assessments will use generic accounting terminology. We will provide a glossary of terms for each listed software package, that can be used to cross reference to the generic terms.
|  Assessment Guidance

For Task 1A, students are required to use one of the four listed industry recognised accounting software packages, which can include cloud-based software that requires internet access.

We will be amending the guidance to reflect this, as follows:

Access to the internet if you are using cloud software, can be white labelled and used as per the assessment guidance.

Where the Provider utilises cloud-based software, student access to the internet - for the sole purpose of accessing this software - is permitted. Providers must ensure all students are given an appropriately restricted user account which means they cannot access any other files or webpages (e.g. student files stored on the Provider’s network, the internet, search engines, AI tools, on-line forums etc). Students must use this restricted account to complete Task 1A.

During the completion of Task 1A all students must work under supervised conditions. The invigilator must monitor students at all times to ensure they do not access unpermitted use of the internet.
|  Specimen and Additional Specimen Assessment
    Materials (SAM/AdSAM)

Please note that the Occupational Specialism SAM and AdSAM, Task 1A will be amended as per above, and this will be uploaded soon and communicated via our monthly T Level Update. 
If you have any questions, please contact teachingbusiness@pearson.com

Laura Hall
Product Manager
Vocational Business

Pearson Customer Services

The Lighthouse, Manchester, M50 3BF
