Employer Update
June 2023

Welcome to the CDLE Monthly Employer Email

This email contains critical information for Colorado employers. You received this email because you are registered in our Unemployment Insurance system or you signed up to receive our emails. Please visit the CDLE website for additional information about employer programs.

Unemployment Insurance Employer Update

Unemployment Insurance Premiums Due this Month

All Unemployment Insurance Premiums must be paid in full by Friday, June 30th to avoid having a delinquent premium penalty assessed on your account for calendar year 2024.
If you need assistance understanding your balance, please contact Employer Services at 303-318-9100. We also offer installment plans. Employers placed on an installment plan by Friday, June 30th will also have 2023’s delinquent premium penalty waived on a quarterly basis (as long as you keep to the terms of the plan).

UI Annual Reports Due for Employee Leasing Companies/PEOs

Annual reports for Employee Leasing Companies/PEOs have been mailed and are due by Friday, June 30th. If you are unable to locate your form, you can complete Form UITL-39 located on our website, or contact Employer Services at 303-318-9100.

New UI Premiums and Wages System On Track for Fall 2023 Go-Live 

  • The Unemployment Insurance Division is reaching major milestones in our effort to modernize the UI premiums and wages system, and on track for the new system to go-live in Fall 2023.
  • In the coming months, employers will be guided through re-registering their account, new security and fraud-prevention features, and given a newly-formatted employer number to access the new system.
  • Employers can take advantage of upcoming system demos, videos, guides and town halls highlighting new functionalities, including wage reporting, fact finding, payments, and more to be prepared for the new system. 

Look for more frequent news and updates on the new premiums and wages system in future employer communications!

USDOL Calls for UI Employer Premium Adjustments

The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) is requiring Colorado to make adjustments to employer premium contributions from 2022 and 2023. Starting with your 2024 rate notice, this change will affect the amounts paid from employer premiums into the Employment Support Fund (ESF) and the Employment Technology and Training Fund (ETTF). In rare cases, the change may also alter your percent of excess.
More information on this requirement, including timelines, rate notice changes, experience rates, and more will be provided in upcoming communications. Please contact Employer Services at 303-318-9100 with additional questions.

Workplace Safety Month Highlights Colorado Employers Saving Big

Each June, CDLE uses Workplace Safety Month to highlight Colorado businesses committed to outstanding workplace safety. We want to celebrate V.A.M.P. Stucco and Iron Woman Construction & Environmental Services, LLC, who have maintained excellent safety standards and practices since becoming certified. Keep an eye on CDLE’s social media channels to learn more about these exceptional employers.
And remember, all certified employers in the Premium Cost Containment (PCC) program focus on reducing workplace accidents, and save up to 10% on workers' compensation premiums. The PCC program offers employers free safety resources and guidance from industry professionals.
Visit the CDLE website to learn more about the PCC program, protecting your workforce, and how to reduce premium costs.

Public Health Emergency Leave Requirements Expire

Employers Must Continue Providing Accrued Paid Sick Leave

Colorado employees are no longer entitled to COVID-related Public Health Emergency (PHE) leave after the expiration of CO’s Covid-19 Disaster Recovery Order in April and the federal Dept. of Health and Human Services’ COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in May. 
By law, HFWA PHE leave was required for an additional four weeks after all applicable PHE declarations ended. That requirement expired June 8, 2023. While PHE leave requirements have ended, employers must continue providing “Accrued Paid Sick Leave” in accordance with the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (HFWA).
Visit the CDLE Division of Labor Standards and Statistics’ HFWA webpage for more information on the end of COVID-related PHE leave and Colorado’s paid sick leave requirements.

Workforce Solutions & Incentives for Colorado Employers

New Program from Office Of New Americans Offers Workforce Solutions

The Virtual Career-Aligned English as a Second Language (VCESL) program from the Office of New Americans (ONA) provides career-specific adult English courses at no cost to partners or participants. The VCESL program can be integrated with new and current work-based training programs. Take advantage of this free program to upskill and expand your talent pool and potentially solve your workforce needs!
Partnership enrollment is underway for small and mid-sized businesses, employers, workforce development centers, and job training programs. Please contact Candace Heckstall, VCESL Manager, at candace.heckstall@state.co.us to partner with ONA and implement the VCESL Program.

Up to $10,000 Available for Businesses via Work-Based Learning Incentive Program

The Work-Based Learning Incentive (WBLI) program is now accepting applications from Colorado employers for reimbursements of up to $10,000. Small businesses and those in rural communities are eligible to receive additional incentives of $100.
The WBLI is a state-funded program offering incentives for Colorado employers to grow and diversify Colorado’s experiential learning system, and create new or enhance current work-based learning programs for youth and adults.
Please visit wbli.cdle.co for an application checklist, instructions on how to apply, and more. Applications are processed in the order they are received, and funding is available on a first-come first-served basis. The program runs through May 2024, or until funding runs out.

What to Know about Workplace Accommodation Costs

Did you know the median cost of workplace accommodations is only $300? Not only that, nearly 50% of workplace accommodations can be implemented at no cost to employers, and make a positive impact in many ways!
What’s keeping you from hiring a person with a disability?
Visit the Job Accommodation Network website to learn more about workplace accommodations.

Family Medical Leave Insurance Updates

Newly Adopted Rules are Here!

The Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Division has adopted new rules that will shape the future of Colorado’s new, voter-approved paid family and medical leave program. You can access the full details of the newly adopted rules on famli.colorado.gov
Some important key highlights of the newly adopted rules include:
  1. When FAMLI benefits become available in 2024, Colorado employees who utilize paid leave to tend to their own health or support a family member will be protected from retaliation from employers. The rule gives a lot of examples of what retaliation might look like, but it generally means that individuals cannot face punishment for taking advantage of the benefits provided by the FAMLI program. 
  2. At the same time, Colorado employers will not be obligated to disregard an employee's performance or retain an underperforming employee when they experience significant life events.
  3. Other newly adopted rules include Regulations regarding Program Integrity, Coordination of Benefits & Reimbursement of Advanced Payments, Investigations, Determinations & Appeals, and Job Protection, Anti-Retaliation & Anti-interference. Read more here

Ask FAMLI Your Questions!

Join the FAMLI Live Webinar on Thursday, June 29th, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. The FAMLI team will dive deeper into the newly adopted rules and answer your questions about the FAMLI program through a live Q&A. Space is limited to 500 people, but the webinar will be live-streamed on YouTube and published online shortly after the session. Click Here to Register.

The FAMLI Health Care Provider Portal Coming Soon:

The FAMLI Health Care Provider Portal, designed for licensed health care providers to verify leave requests, will be launching in August! The more licensed providers that register will streamline the claim processing experience for individuals and families during stressful life events. Stay tuned for the official launch date and get updates by subscribing to FAMLI's health care provider list.

FAMLI Q2 Reporting Deadline - July 31, 2023!

Here is a friendly reminder that the Q2 reporting deadline is fast approaching! Please ensure you have completed all your Q1 requirements as soon as possible, if you haven't done so already. Remember, the deadline for Q2 reporting is Monday, July 31st.

Do’s and Don’ts of Responding to Unemployment Insurance Claim Documents

Here are a few tips to ensure your UI documents are processed as quickly as possible.
  • Use the online portal to respond to questionnaires, file an appeal, or upload supporting documentation as one complete document when possible, rather than faxing or mailing. Mailing or faxing will extend processing times. If you absolutely must fax a document, please use the fax number listed on the form you are responding to. 
  • Return the barcoded CDLE form with any supporting documentation, and put that form on the top! Please do this even when sending your own forms as the barcode tells us which issue the documentation belongs with. 
  • Include the Claimant ID number on any pages that are not a barcoded CDLE form.
  • When returning multiple forms, make sure all pages are in the proper order with the CDLE barcoded form being on top of any supporting documentation for each form.
  • If you are unable to return the CDLE  form, include the form’s Document ID on all pages. This can be found at the bottom left corner of the form.
  • Report fraud online at https://cdle.colorado.gov/fraud-prevention rather than by mail or fax.
  • Include a cover page other than the CDLE barcoded form when submitting documents by fax.
  • Upload one page at a time for multiple page documents (submit as one complete document when possible).
  • Return forms to report fraud.
  • Add two claimants’ info on the same page.

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

633 17th St, Denver, CO 80202
