July 2023

Welcome to the CDLE Monthly Employer Email

This email contains critical information for Colorado employers. You received this email because you are registered in our Unemployment Insurance system or you have signed up to receive our emails. Please visit the CDLE website for additional information about employer programs.

Unemployment Insurance Employer Update:

Revised Guidance on Responding to Fact-Finding Requests in Cases of Fraud

When an Unemployment Insurance claim is filed using the identity of one of your employees, you receive a fact-finding questionnaire requesting information about the job separation via email or USPS.

If the identified employee still works for you, please DO the following:
  1. Complete the questionnaire you received and indicate that the claim is fraudulent.
  2. Submit an Identity Theft Employer Report on our website.
  3. Have affected employee(s) submit an Unemployment Identity Theft Report on our website.
  4. Learn more about how you and your employees can help prevent fraud and identity theft.

Previous guidance instructing employers to disregard fact-finding questionnaires in suspected cases of fraud is no longer accurate. If you do not complete fact-finding questionnaires it may cause unforeseen complications with your UI account.

Contact Employer Services at 303-318-9013 with additional questions.

A New Name and More Self-Service Features Coming to Premium and Wage Reporting System

This Fall, the UI Division will introduce a new system for employers to pay premiums and manage UI employer accounts. The new MyUI Employer+ will offer Colorado employers a wealth of self-service features including:

  • New Employer/TPA account settings, roles & relationships
  • Simplified wage reporting
  • Automatically calculated premium payments
  • Actionable fact-finding requests
  • Easy payments, payment plans & refunds
  • Searchable account information and history
  • Customer service requests

Visit the new MyUI Employer+ webpage for more information, and stay tuned for more demos, videos, guides and town halls highlighting the functionalities of the new system coming soon!

USDOL Calls for UI Employer Premium Adjustments

The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) is requiring Colorado to make adjustments to employer premium contributions from 2022 and 2023. Starting with your 2024 rate notice, this change will affect the amounts paid from employer premiums into the Employment Support Fund (ESF) and the Employment Technology and Training Fund (ETTF). In rare cases, the change may also alter your percent of excess.

More information on this requirement, including timelines, rate notice changes, experience rates, and more will be provided in upcoming communications. Please contact Employer Services at 303-318-9100 with additional questions.

How To Verify Active Insurance Coverage for Your Contractors

Does your company use contractors? If so, and your contractor doesn’t have their own workers’ compensation insurance, you could be responsible for paying medical and wage benefits to their injured workers. Though contractors may provide certificates of insurance, these certificates are only a snapshot of coverage on a specific date.

The only way to confirm your contractor has active coverage is the Division of Workers’ Compensation coverage database. Coverage information is provided to the Division from insurance carriers, via a third party vendor. The database is updated daily, and a free subscription feature will notify you if a policy is canceled. Any questions for the Division of Workers' Compensation can be directed to (303) 318-8700. 

Apprenticeship Colorado Launches with USDOL Recognition

Apprenticeship Colorado, from the Office of the Future of Work, is now recognized as a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) by the U.S. Department of Labor! Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential. Apprenticeship Colorado now serves as the main registration agency with oversight of all Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the state.

Learn about the transition to an SAA, what that means for our program Sponsors, and more about Apprenticeship Colorado at apprenticeship.colorado.gov.

Make Your Voice Heard in the State Digital Equity Plan

The Colorado Digital Equity Survey from the Colorado Digital Equity Team is now collecting responses! Everyone’s input is needed to create a Digital Equity Plan that works for all Coloradans. The Digital Equity Survey is meant to gather information about Coloradans’ experiences using the internet in order to develop the state Digital Equity Plan.  

Help us create a more equitable digital future by taking the Colorado Digital Equity Survey, and encourage those in your networks and community to do the same!

Questions about the survey or Digital Equity Plan can be directed to: digitalequity@state.co.us

Disability Pride Month and “The Valuable 500”

Have you considered disability as a piece of your Equity Diversity Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) efforts? Employees with disabilities bring unique experiences and understanding that can transform a workplace. In recognition of July’s Disability Pride Month, the Division of Vocational Rehab is highlighting “The Valuable 500,” a group of 500 businesses across the globe working towards ending disability exclusion.

Learn more about creating a more inclusive workplace for people with disabilities from the Employer Assistance Resource Network (EARN).

Public Health Emergency Leave Requirements Expire

Employers Must Continue Providing Accrued Paid Sick Leave

Colorado employees are no longer entitled to COVID-related Public Health Emergency (PHE) leave after the expiration of CO’s Covid-19 Disaster Recovery Order in April and the federal Dept. of Health and Human Services’ COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in May.

By law, HFWA PHE leave was required for an additional four weeks after all applicable PHE declarations have ended. That requirement expired June 8, 2023. While PHE leave requirements have ended, employers must continue providing “Accrued Paid Sick Leave” in accordance with the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (HFWA).

Visit the CDLE Division of Labor Standards and Statistics’ HFWA webpage for more information on the end of COVID-related PHE leave and Colorado’s paid sick leave requirements.

New Qualifying Uses for Employer-Provided Paid Sick Leave Under the Health Families and Workplaces Act (HFWA)

Colorado employees may take “accrued” paid sick leave for the following reasons as of August 7, 2023:

  • Grieving after the death of a family member, funeral/memorial attendance, or financial/legal needs.
  • The employee must evacuate their residence due to inclement weather, power/heat/water loss, or other unexpected event; or care for a family member whose school or place of care was closed.

These new uses for paid sick leave are in addition to those that Colorado employees are currently entitled to under HFWA.

For more information on the new HFWA-required uses of paid sick and those that Colorado employees are currently entitled to, please see our
HFWA webpage, call 303-318-8441, or email cdle_labor_standards@state.co.us.

Workforce Incentives for Colorado Employers

Up to $10,000 Available for Businesses via Work-Based Learning Incentive Program

The Work-Based Learning Incentive (WBLI) program is accepting applications from Colorado employers for reimbursements of up to $10,000. Small businesses and those in rural communities are eligible to receive additional incentives of $100.

The WBLI is a state-funded program offering incentives for Colorado employers to grow and diversify Colorado’s experiential learning system, and create new or enhance current work-based learning programs for youth and adults.

Please visit wbli.cdle.co for an application checklist, instructions on how to apply, and more. Applications are processed in the order they are received, and funding is available on a first-come first-served basis. The program runs through May 2024, or until funding runs out.

Get Ready for FAMLI’s Q2 Deadline: Wage Reports and Premiums Due July 31!

We’ve completed the second fiscal quarter of 2023, which means the deadline to send Q2 wage reports and premiums is fast approaching. Employers should stay ahead of the game and get those in by Monday, July 31, 2023. Employers that miss this deadline will be charged late fees and interest on past-due payments. Still working on your Q1 reporting requirements? Get it done as soon as possible because you aren’t allowed to go back to your employees to retrieve back premiums they owed but you didn’t collect. If you need assistance in preparing your wage reports, please see our comprehensive collection of How-To-Videos, user guides, file specifications, and sample templates for help. For individualized support, please call: 1-866-CO-FAMLI (1-866-263-2654) Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

FAMLI Public Hearing

The FAMLI rules and regulation that define what wages are subject to FAMLI premiums and rules for local governments are under review! Check out the proposed changes here and give us your feedback at a virtual public hearing coming up on Tuesday, Aug. 1st at 10:15 a.m.  Registration is required, and we strongly encourage attendees to RSVP and let us know they plan to testify by filling out this form

FAMLI’s Health Care Provider Portal is Coming Soon!

Stay tuned to the FAMLI page to get eyes on a dedicated portal just for health care providers who will be verifying their patients’ FAMLI claims. Providers who register can access streamlined communication with the FAMLI Division and deliver a hassle-free experience to any patients who are dealing with a serious health condition that prevents them from working. We encourage all health care providers to subscribe here to receive important updates about the portal directly from the FAMLI Division.

Do’s and Don’ts of Responding to Unemployment Insurance Claim Documents

Here are a few tips to ensure your UI documents are processed as quickly as possible.

  • Use the online portal to respond to questionnaires, file an appeal, or upload supporting documentation as one complete document when possible, rather than faxing or mailing. Mailing or faxing will extend processing times. If you absolutely must fax a document, please use the fax number listed on the form you are responding to. 
  • Return the barcoded CDLE form with any supporting documentation, and put that form on the top! Please do this even when sending your own forms as the barcode tells us which issue the documentation belongs with. 
  • Include the Claimant ID number on any pages that are not a barcoded CDLE form.
  • When returning multiple forms, make sure all pages are in the proper order with the CDLE barcoded form being on top of any supporting documentation for each form.
  • If you are unable to return the CDLE  form, include the form’s Document ID on all pages. This can be found at the bottom left corner of the form.
  • Report fraud online at https://cdle.colorado.gov/fraud-prevention rather than by mail or fax.
  • Include a cover page other than the CDLE barcoded form when submitting documents by fax.
  • Upload one page at a time for multiple page documents (submit as one complete document when possible). 
  • Return forms to report fraud.
  • Add two claimants’ info on the same page.

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

633 17th St, Denver, CO 80202
