October 2023

Welcome to the CDLE Monthly Employer Email

This email contains critical information for Colorado employers. You received this email because you are registered in our Unemployment Insurance system or you have signed up to receive our emails. Please visit the CDLE Employer page for additional information about employer programs. Visit the Respond to Job Separations page for more information on responding to claims correspondences from the UI Division.

Unemployment Insurance (UI) Employer Update:

MyUI Employer+ Account Activation is Open!

CDLE has now sent all MyUI Employer+ account activation information via email or USPS. If you have not received your activation information, please gather your Employer Account Number, Your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and the amount of your Q2 2023 gross wages and start your activation process.

MyUI Employer+ Resources to Help You Get Started

If you have received your activation information and need help to get started, check out these step-by-step resources on our website.
See how to activate your employer account using your emailed link.
Activate Your Account with an Emailed Link
See how to activate your account with a mailed activation code.
Activate Your Account with a Mailed Code
If you have not received any activation information:
You may request your activation code from Employer Services at 303-318-9100 or get started on our website by clicking the blue chat icon in the lower right-hand corner of the page.

You will need your UI Employer Account Number (EAN), Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), and the amount of your Q2 2023 gross wages to activate your account in our system.

Q3 Premium & Wage Filing Deadline Extended

The deadline for Q3 2023 unemployment insurance premiums and wage reports has been extended 30 days to November 30, 2023.

Timeliness of UI Fact-Finding Requests

If you are not able to respond to fact-finding requests in a timely manner during the MyUI Employer+ transition period, you may receive a Loss of Protest (LOP) Notification.

The Division is granting grace periods for fact-finding responses with good cause during this time. If you receive an LOP during this time, you should then receive a nullification notice of that LOP. If you do not receive a nullification of your LOP by October 31st, please log into MyUI Employer+ and appeal the LOP decision.

Solvency Surcharge and Premium Adjustments Applied to 2024 Employer UI Rates

In accordance with state statute, the solvency surcharge is in effect. Employers will find a solvency surcharge applied to your 2024 rates.

The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) is requiring Colorado to make adjustments to employer premium contributions from 2022 and 2023. Starting with your 2024 rate notice, this change will affect the amounts paid from employer premiums into the Employment Support Fund (ESF) and the Employment Technology and Training Fund (ETTF). In rare cases, the change may also alter your percent of excess.

More information on the required rate notice changes, solvency surcharges, and more will be provided in upcoming communications. Please contact Employer Services at 303-318-9100 with additional questions.

SIDES Additional Fact Finding Exchange Coming Soon

The SIDES Additional Fact Finding Exchange is going live for Colorado employers. This new functionality enables the state to electronically submit unique questions to an employer/TPA while investigating a claim for unemployment benefits.

The SIDES Additional Fact-Finding or ADF exchange is utilized to send follow-up questions on Separation Information (SI), Monetary & Potential Charges (MPC), and Earnings Verification (EV). Responding electronically to inquiries allows our state agency to make timely, accurate determinations.

SIDES E-Response allows users to respond to UI requests with a simple and secure online interface. When you receive a request, simply use the provided PIN to access and complete the responses. Once completed, a confirmation number and downloadable PDF will immediately be available for your records. Employers can register inside MyUI Employer+.

Contact CDLE at 303-318-9055, or email cdle_ui_sides@state.co.us for more information.

Division of Labor Standards and Statistics (DLSS) Update

DLSS Proposes Labor Rules Changes

On September 29, 2023, the Division of Labor Standards and Statistics (DLSS) filed four sets of proposed amendments to the following Colorado labor rules:
  • The Equal Pay Transparency Rules (EPT Rules), 7 CCR 1103-13
  • The Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order (COMPS Order), 7 CCR 1103-1
  • The Publication And Yearly Calculation of Adjusted Labor Compensation (PAY CALC) Order, 7 CCR 1103-14
  • The Prevailing Wage and Residency Rules (PWR), 7 CCR 1103-6
The public hearing for the proposed amendments is scheduled for Monday, October 30, at 3:00 PM. Anyone interested may participate in the hearing or offer testimony on any of the rules. The hearing will be held remotely, you can join by phone or Google Meet.

For more details on the public hearing, the rule-making process, the full text of all proposed rules, and the form to submit comments on these rules, visit the DLSS Rule-making page.

Minimum Wages for Colorado, Denver & Edgewater Increasing in 2024

By law, the Colorado minimum wage is adjusted annually for inflation. As of January 1, 2024, the Colorado state minimum wage is increasing to $14.42/hr (from $13.65). Pursuant to HB19-1210, local governments may enact minimum wage rates that are higher than the Colorado minimum wage.

As of January 1, 2024, the City and County of Denver’s minimum wage will be $18.29/hr (from $17.29) and Edgewater’s minimum wage will rise to $15.02/hr (from $13.65).

For more information on minimum wages in Colorado, please visit coloradolaborlaw.gov.

New and Updated Guidance from Labor Standards

Over the last several months, Labor Standards has issued new and updated guidance in the form of Interpretive Notice & Formal Opinions ("INFO") sheets on several topics including:
  • Updated wage claim processes and remedies from Senate Bill 22-161 (INFO #2 series)
  • Worker classification (INFO #10); certain public employees' rights of expression or advocacy, on either workplace or public issues under Senate Bill 23-111 (INFO #15C)
  • Youth employment regulations (INFO #22)
See the Division's INFOs page for a complete list of all published guidance, with last updated dates noted, and Spanish versions posted where applicable. If you have questions about any of our INFOs, please call 303-318-8441, or email cdle_labor_standards@state.co.us.

Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Update

Quarter 3 wage reports and payments are due October 31, 2023

This is the quarterly reminder to get your FAMLI wage reports and premium payments ready. The due date for Q3 is October 31st. Private plan applications are also due October 31st in order to receive refunds for 2023 premiums. Remember, all businesses with employees must register in My FAMLI+ Employer to report wages, pay premiums or apply for private plan approval. Visit our My FAMLI+ Employer page for support.

If you need individualized support, call 1-866-CO-FAMLI (1-866-263-2654) Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

FAMLI Private Plan Update

Employers will be eligible for a refund for FAMLI premiums paid in 2023, if their private plan has an effective date on or before January 1, 2024, and they submit an application for private plan approval on or before October 31, 2023.

The FAMLI Division will reach out to all employers with approved private plans in order to get their preference for receiving their refund (ACH Credit or paper check). Visit
FAMLI’s Private Plans Page for more information.

Office of New Americans (OAN) Update

OAN Helps Employers Harness New Talent Pool

Over 80% of Colorado’s 570,000+ New Americans are of working age, and 32% of New Americans aged 25 and older have an advanced degree.

To help employers harness the potential of this talent pool, the Office of New Americans has created a free webinar and training series titled, “Working with New Americans: From Recruiting to Upskilling.” Each episode covers foundational strategies and action steps in the following topics: recruiting, applications, interviewing, onboarding, managing, and upskilling New American employees. The concepts in this series will serve employers from small to large and in any industry. Visit the Working with New Americans page to find the webinar series.

Email anthony.c.cherwinski@state.co.us with questions about establishing New American hiring initiatives or improving current strategies to support New American employees at your company.

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

633 17th St, Denver, CO 80202
