November 2023

Welcome to the CDLE Monthly Employer Email

This email contains critical information for Colorado employers. You received this email because you are registered in our Unemployment Insurance system or subscribed to our email list. Please visit the CDLE website for additional information about employer programs.

Unemployment Insurance (UI) Employer Update

Q3 2023 Premiums and Wage Reports Due November 30

The 30-day deadline extension for Q3 wage filings expires November 30th, 2023. If you need to file wages and pay premiums and have not yet activated your MyUI Employer+ account, you may request your activation information from Employer Services at 303-318-9100 or go to MyUI Employer+ and click the “Create an Employer User Account” link.

You will need your UI Employer Account Number (EAN), Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), and the amount of your Q2 2023 gross wages ($0 wages are accepted, if applicable) to activate your account using the automated system.
Remember: Employers filing paper reports must have an approved non-electronic communications waiver.

A New Way to File & Pay

File and pay online with MyUI Employer+! With more filing options, automatically calculated premiums, and streamlined payments, managing your UI employer account is easier than ever. Visit the MyUI Employer+ page for more information.
What's New:
  • Premium reports (UITr - 1/1a) no longer accepted
  • More wage file format options
  • Integrated wage filing and online payments

How to file a wage report in MyUI Employer+

See How-To Guide

How to adjust a wage report in MyUI Employer+

See How-To Guide
Remember: Employers filing paper reports must have an approved non-electronic communications waiver.

Preventing Higher Costs for Employers

Your timely participation in UI Division requests is not only required by law (C.R.S. 8-79-104 (1)(a)(II)(A)), but can also help prevent higher costs to your business.

Employers that fail to comply with state and federal UI requirements face a number of preventable costs and consequences, including:
  • Lost revenue paid to ineligible claimants
  • Increases in employer UI premiums
  • Possible fines and penalties

    Help reduce employer costs by taking three critical steps:
  1. Report all hiring to the State Directory of New Hires by the due date. Timely reporting helps prevent payment of ineligible UI claims after an individual has returned to work.
  2. Respond promptly to any Request for Verification of Weekly Earnings that you receive. A prompt response will help prevent improper payment of UI benefits.
  3. Respond to any Fact Finding Requests as soon as possible, before the due date, to avoid improper benefit awards and loss of protest rights. 
  4. Provide complete and accurate employee separation information as you are legally required to do so. Costly appeals and overpayments are easily avoided by providing separation information to help determine whether a claimant is eligible for benefits.

What to Know About Your 2024 Unemployment Insurance Premiums Rates

Rate Notices: Your unemployment rate notice for 2024 is expected to be mailed out by early December. Please login to MyUI Employer+ to view this information, or to download a copy of your rate notice. Rate protests can be submitted online starting December 5, 2023. The deadline for a Rate Protest to be submitted is 20 days after the mail date of the notice. Please only submit a protest if you think there is an error in your rate calculation (average annual payroll, benefit charging, payments). We cannot accept protests related to the new support rate breakout and will deny those protests.

Solvency Surcharge: In accordance with state statute, the solvency surcharge is in effect. Employers will find a solvency surcharge applied to your 2024 Unemployment Insurance rates.

Premiums Adjustments: The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) is requiring Colorado to make adjustments to employer premium contributions. You may notice this change when you receive your 2024 rate notice.  New this year, your base rate is displayed in two categories – the base rate and the support rate. Breaking the support rate and the base rate into two rates does not increase how much you pay, it simply provides more transparency into how we calculate your rate. This change was made according to the USDOL requirements and brings us into compliance with federal law.

More information on rate notices, premiums adjustments,  and the solvency surcharge is available on the Premium Rates page of our website.

Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Update

New Feature in My FAMLI+ Employer

There is an important update in MyFAMLI+Employer. Now, employers can easily designate a dedicated point of contact for your HR Benefits Manager within your organization.

This designated contact will be the go-to person for receiving documentation when employees start applying for FAMLI leave later this year. If a point of contact isn't provided for the HR Benefits Manager in My FAMLI+Employer, employee benefit documentation will be sent to the main mailing address and the account holder on file.

By adding the HR Benefits Manager's point of contact in the system, you ensure that all employee benefit documentation goes straight to the right person in your organization. It's a simple step to make sure everything is well-organized and in the right hands.

For instructions, please refer to the steps outlined on Page 41 of the Employer User Guide on FAMLI’s My FAMLI+ Employer page for reference.

Division of Labor Standards and Statistics (DLSS) Update

DLSS Adopts Amended Labor Rules

On November 9, 2023, the DLSS adopted four sets of amendments to the following Colorado labor rules:
  • The Equal Pay Transparency Rules (EPT Rules), 7 CCR 1103-13
  • The Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order (COMPS Order), 7 CCR 1103-1
  • The Publication And Yearly Calculation of Adjusted Labor Compensation (PAY CALC) Order, 7 CCR 1103-14
  • The Prevailing Wage and Residency Rules (PWR), 7 CCR 1103-6.

    Visit the Proposed Rules & Rulemaking Events Calendar on the
    DLSS Rulemaking page for more information about the rulemaking process.

Minimum Wages for Colorado, Denver & Edgewater Increasing in 2024

By law, the Colorado minimum wage is adjusted annually for inflation. As of January 1, 2024, the Colorado state minimum wage is increasing to $14.42/hr (from $13.65).

Pursuant to
HB19-1210, local governments may enact minimum wage rates that are higher than the state minimum wage.

As of January 1, 2024, the following municipalities will see increases in the local minimum wage:

New and Updated Guidance from Office of Labor Standards

Over the last several months, the Office of Labor Standards has issued new and updated guidance in the form of Interpretive Notice & Formal Opinions ("INFO") sheets on several topics including:
  • Updated wage claim processes and remedies from Senate Bill 22-161 (INFO #2) 
  • Worker classification (INFO #10) 
  • Certain public employees' rights of expression or advocacy, on either workplace or public issues under Senate Bill 23-111 (INFO #15C) 
  • Youth employment regulations (INFO #22)

    See the INFOs & Other Guidance webpage for a complete list of published guidance, with last updated dates noted and Spanish versions (where applicable).

    Call 303-318-8441, or email, for more information about any published guidance or INFO sheets.

Workforce Development Programs Update

Work-Based Learning Incentive Program (WBLI) Offers Businesses up to $10k in Reimbursements

CDLE is now accepting applications from Colorado employers for reimbursements of up to $10,000 as a part of the Work-Based Learning Incentive (WBLI) Program. Small businesses and those in rural communities are eligible to receive additional incentives of $100. The program runs through May 2024 or until funding runs out.

Applications are evaluated in the order they are received with funding available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Learn more about the application process, how to apply, and find an employer checklist on the WBLI webpage

Workers' Compensation Update

Compensación Laboral 101 para Empleadores

La División de Compensación de los Trabajadores ha publicado un breve video informativo en español que presenta a los empleadores de Colorado los requisitos, conceptos y servicios de compensación para trabajadores que ofrece el estado. 

An English version of the Workers’ Compensation 101 for Employers video is also available.

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

633 17th St, Denver, CO 80202
