CDLE MyUI Employer+ Logo

MyUI Employer+ is Live!
Register Your MyUI Employer+
 TPA Account Now
Beginning today, Third Party Administrators (TPAs)/payroll service providers can create accounts in the MyUI Employer+ system. Please log in and complete your one-time registration process to access the new MyUI Employer+ system. See our website (and below) for resources to help you access the new system and manage your account.
Resources To Help You Get Set Up
Learn how to register your new TPA account.
How to Register A TPA Account
 Learn how new employer clients will give you access to manage their UI account.
How to Assign a Third Party Administrator (TPA) to your Employer Account
 See the MyUI Employer+ Resources page for more how-to articles, in-depth user guides, FAQs, and more information about the new system. 
MyUI Employer+ Resources
If you tried to set up your account and still need assistance, please use the below form. After Tuesday, October 3rd, you can also use this form for help uploading any clients missing from your account. 
TPA Assistance Form

Can I Access My Client Accounts Now?

Starting the morning of Tuesday, October 3rd -- and once your TPA account is registered -- you will be able to see the employer/TPA relationships we uploaded to the new system. At that time, you should review the clients attached to your account. 

To review this list of employer clients already assigned to your account, please utilize the Employer Search feature. You may also use the View Bulk Rates process to view clients already assigned to your account.

If there are clients you need to add to your account, we will have a form available on October 3rd for you to send us your clients lists.

FOR YOUR NEW CLIENTS: Employer/TPA relationships established on or after October 3rd, 2023, will need to be authorized by the employer inside MyUI Employer+. At this time, TPAs cannot assign themselves to employer accounts. Only employers can authorize TPA relationships from their account. New employers will need your TPA ID in order to set up the TPA relationship. 

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

633 17th St, Denver, CO 80202

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