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This MyUI Employer+ update contains important news and information for Colorado employers, payroll service providers, and third party administrators (TPAs). You received this email because you are registered with Colorado Unemployment Insurance Division (UI). You may unsubscribe at anytime.

Important News & Updates

"Forgot Password" Password Reset Function Fixed

The password reset issue which caused employers to reset their passwords monthly has now been resolved. Employer and TPA account passwords must now be reset every 130 days. Please note the new password reset guidelines apply to all MyUI Employer+ user accounts.

Updated Employer Account Number Formatting in ICESA Wage File Types

Wage submissions using the ICESA file type are now required to use the new employer account number (EAN) format (example: 01234567). This change aligns all accepted wage file types in using the new EAN format which can be found on the Employer Home page.

Additionally, the following wage file specification sheets have been recently updated. Click the hyperlink to view and download a PDF of the spec sheet.
  • Delimited - .txt or .csv file that can be exported from excel. The length of this file will vary and be accepted up to 20MB.
  • ICESA - .txt file in the NASWA standard file format. This will be 277 characters long. 
  • EFW2 - .txt file formally known as MMREF-SSA. This will be 512 characters long. 
  • XML - .xml file that will vary in length and be accepted up to 20MB.
  • Zero Wage File (Delimited)

Required: Update Your Monthly Employment Counts

TPAs and employers are required to report a count of all employees (full-time and part-time) who worked during or received pay for the pay period that includes the 12th day of the month. When you report your quarterly wages in MyUI Employer+, you must indicate whether the person was employed on the 12th of each month by responding “yes” or “no” for each employee for each month of the quarter.

Submitting a quarterly wage report without a count of all covered employees will result in a “fatal” error and the report will not be accepted. See
How to Submit a Wage Report for downloadable sample files containing monthly employment information.

Annual Seasonal Report Deadline Extension

Seasonal employers are required to file their Annual Seasonal Report by the last day of February each year in order to maintain their status. Annual reminders to file seasonal reports were not sent in December 2023 due to a system error that occurred during the transition to the new MyUI Employer+ system. Please note that the deadline to file Annual Seasonal Reports has been extended until April 15, 2024.

Additionally, you may notice some seasonal data may appear out of alignment with your previously reported information, or have gaps.
Please login to your MyUI Employer+ account and correct your data through submission of your Annual Seasonal Report.

New Features in MyUI Employer+

Here are the newest system features and updates from the latest release:
  • Employer Detail Banner - The banner at the top of the Employer Home page now displays your TPA name (if applicable) and your claims response method.
  • TPA Authorization Reminder - Employers using TPAs will now receive an annual reminder to review their authorized TPAs and make any necessary updates.
  • Seasonal Validation (for seasonal employers) - Non-Season Start Dates are no longer required to begin after the Season Start Dates. The system will only allow future season dates.
  • Work-Share Indicator - The Employer Home page now indicates if you have an existing Work Share plan under the “Account Information” section.

What's New for TPAs

  • TPAs can end an Employer/TPA association by setting the service end date for the employer. Once this is set it cannot be changed. Employers and TPAs will also receive correspondence when a role has been removed from a TPA association.
  • “Employment and Wage Detail Calculation History” can be exported and printed.
  • The “Claims Correspondence” search screen now displays the employer name and EAN. Non-Monetary Determination correspondences also include the employer.
  • TPAs can search “View Submission History” by filing method (ex. File, manual, copy, Zero, etc.).
  • The filing method is now listed on the “View Submission History Search” for TPAs.
  • TPAs can now submit “Contact Us” requests from a TPA account.
  • Manual wage entries now include new save options.

Online Employer Resources

MyUI Employer+ Online Resources image
Make the most of your self-service account with How-To pages, User Guides, FAQs, and more on our MyUI Employer+ Resources page!
See Resources

Non-Electronic Communication Waivers

Employers are now required to file documents, reports, and other correspondences with UI electronically using the MyUI Employer+ system.

Employers with limited to no internet access, or those with other good cause who wish to continue conducting business with UI by mail, must
request a non-electronic communications waiver. Non-Electronic Communication Waivers must be renewed annually.

Contact Us!

Need help from Employer Services? Submit a Contact Us request with specific questions about your account. Your request is sent directly to related staff to provide the help you need, when you need it!

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

633 17th St, Denver, CO 80202

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