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This MyUI Employer+ update contains important news and information for Colorado employers, payroll service providers, and third party administrators (TPAs). You received this email because you are registered with Colorado Unemployment Insurance Division (UI). You may unsubscribe at anytime.

Important News & Updates for All Users

Submitting Accurate Reports

It is imperative that employers submit accurate and timely wage and fact-finding information. Employer-reported information is a crucial part of maintaining the integrity of UI benefit payments and labor statistics, as well as the accurate calculation of employer premium rates. Please address all errors in your report and ensure the accuracy of all information prior to submitting to the Division. Employers submitting reports or fact-finding documents with errors, inaccuracies, or missing information may be subject to penalties and interest charges.

Upcoming System Outage

MyUI Employer+ will be inaccessible to users on Friday, June 14, from 8:00 PM to 10:30 PM for scheduled maintenance.

Delinquent Premium Penalties Assessed

Employer accounts with any overdue premiums that were not paid by August 30th, 2023 are considered delinquent. The Division spreads out the charges for these delinquent premium penalties across every quarter of 2024. According to the Colorado Employment Security Act (CESA) delinquent premium penalties are assessed for an entire year, however, the charges are applied quarterly. Delinquent premium penalties are only waived if the employer is currently enrolled in a payment plan. Delinquent premium penalties will be assessed to employer accounts every year going forward if past-due balances are left unpaid.

Payment Processing Issues Resolved

  • Posted Payments - An error causing ACH payments to post incorrectly has been resolved. ACH credit payments submitted May 1-2, 2024 are now posted correctly. We are actively removing any interest applied to affected accounts as a result of this issue.
  • Applied Payments - A defect causing unadjusted account balances has been resolved. The payment history screen now displays a payment was made, the associated quarter, and that the amount has been “applied”.
  • Payment Confirmation Screen - Employers and TPAs are now directed to the appropriate payment confirmation screen once a payment is successfully submitted.

Payment Processing Issues & Guidance

  • Issue: A system error is preventing payments scheduled for future dates from being completed.
    • Guidance: Please only select the current date to make payment to ensure the payment is processed correctly until this issue is resolved.
  • Issue: A system defect is incorrectly applying payments to all penalties first, instead of oldest penalties, oldest interest and oldest premiums first.
    • Guidance: Please submit a “Contact Us” request in MyUI Employer+ for any payments that are not posted correctly.
We are working to resolve these issues before the Q2 2024 filing deadline and apologize for any inconvenience.

Incorrectly Suspended/Terminated Accounts Reinstated

A system error caused notices of account suspension or termination to be sent to some employers erroneously. The error has been resolved — all incorrect notices have been recalled and affected accounts have been reinstated. If your account has not been reinstated but needs to be, please request reactivation under the “Account Maintenance” tab and file any missing wage reports, if necessary. No action is required for accounts that no longer need to report wages and can be suspended.

What’s New In MyUI Employer+

Check out the latest system features and updates available to all MyUI Employer+ users:
  • Wage File Errors screen view options - When submitting a wage file, employers and TPAs can select a set number of errors to view on the page (25, 50, or 100) from a drop-down on the File Errors screen in MyUI Employer+. The system will load 10 pages of errors and display the first 2,500 errors based on the drop-down selections.

What’s new for TPAs

  • Large Data Set File generation - TPAs with many records are able to export a large data file that includes results beyond the 2500 limit for Employer Search, View Submission History, Payment Search, and View Employment and Wage Detail History search screens in MyUI Employer+. If a search has more than 2,500 results it can be exported in its entirety by clicking the “Generate” button. Files will be created within 24 hours of the request and available in the File Generation field. TPAs may generate one file in a 24-hour period.

Upcoming Fixes & Improvements

Look for these system improvements and more coming soon:
  • Quarterly TPA Authorization Reminder notice.
  • Missing wage report indicators on the Employer Home page.
  • Overview screen for TPA file submissions. 
  • Ability for TPAs to search for outstanding reports for associated employer accounts.

Online Resources

Make the most of your self-service account with How-To pages, User Guides, FAQs, and more on our MyUI Employer+ Resources page!
See Resources

Non-Electronic Communication Waivers

Employers are required to submit documents, reports, and other correspondence with the Division electronically using the MyUI Employer+ system.

Employers must request a non-electronic communications waiver to submit paper reports by mail. Non-Electronic Communication Waivers allow employers to submit paper wage reports only. All other requests and correspondences from the Division will still be sent electronically in MyUI Employer+. Employers may change their delivery preference to USPS in MyUI Employer+ in order to receive requests and correspondences from the Division by mail.

Visit the How To Apply for a Non-Electronic Communications Waiver page for more information and step-by-step instructions.

Contact Us!

Need help from Employer Services? See How to Submit a Customer Service Request with specific questions about your account. Your request is sent directly to related staff to provide the help you need, when you need it!

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

633 17th St, Denver, CO 80202
