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July 2024: Words to Lead By
Welcome to this month’s Words To Lead By from your New England Region UUA Staff!
Here you’ll find our Practice Makes Possible blog and links to enage your congregation in the practices of Spiritual Leadership through articles, in-person or virtual offerings, and other connections with our wider UU faith community. As always, you can reach out to us any time!
Essays and Resources to Engage Your Spiritual Leadership
The side of a church, showing a window with a broken shutter and a sign that reads 'Kingston First Parish Church Unitarian Universalist Est. 1717 ALL ARE WELCOME'.
Love Amid Shattered Shutters
by wren bellavance-grace
Instead of heading out to 4th of July parades, marinating chicken for the barbecue, or making their famous picnic potato salad, the governing board of First Parish of Kingston, MA were notified by police that their building had been vandalized - both inside and outside. Anyone who has not yet heard this story can follow First Parish on Facebook to learn more. When you arrive there, you will see a photo of the front of the building with road signs planted in front:

You are enough.
You are not alone.

Members and friends of First Parish felt the truth of those affirmations in the days following this event. Just for this moment, let’s put aside the legal proceedings coming out of this case; let’s set aside for a moment the costs of repairs and historic shutters. Just for now, for this moment, let us be stunned by the Love in the aftermath. 

It was Love that was awoken when the historic shutters shattered in the night. Love took the form of heartbreak. For the people who so love their church and their community, the assault on their building and the assault on the values they strive to live aloud were felt in their bodies and their spirits. We cannot feel heartbroken, if we do not first feel Love.

It was Love that called through telephones, emails, and texts to the staff and members of First Parish Kingston. Local interfaith clergy, UU siblings from local churches as well as far flung siblings in faith asserting in fierce love, You are not alone. How can we help?

It was Love sitting in folding chairs on an overflowing town common to be - just be - together. Love was there to listen, to witness, to affirm - your values are shared values; your grief is ours.

It was Love that conspired with UU siblings to bring and present a new Progress Pride flag, a new Black Lives Matter flag, on behalf of all of us, so First Parish Kingston may continue to live their values aloud - and never alone.

It will be Love that leads the course of healing for First Parish. A Love that will hold space for tears, for fear, for outrage and betrayal. A Love that will encourage (a word whose derivation is ‘to make strong’) the congregation toward not just healing, but growth.

As Rev. Emily Bruce, our minister in Kingston said that evening: “If our hearts feel broken, let them be broken open to reveal deep wells of inner strength and resilience and hope... 

Let us rebuild and restore this church as we rebuild and restore our faith in each other, ourselves and the power of love to overwhelm hate at every turn.  

All that we are and all that we love stands with us now on the brink of possibility.  
Let us work for a deeper peace, 
a more embracing hope, 
a greater generosity of spirit, 
and a deeper joy in this life we share, in our beautiful and yet still broken world.  

Because love always wins.”*
*Rev. Bruce credits Rev. Leslie Takahashi for her words, On The Brink, which were incorporated in these closing words.

First Parish Kingston has also started a Faithify campaign to assist in building repairs.
Read the blog online!
Additional Resources
A row of hands holding up puzzle pieces in hazy sunlight borders the bottom of the image. The top reads 'Contexts Learning Community' in white text on a brown background. Below reads 'Generations, Generosity, Gathering, and Growth' in black text on an orange background.
Did you miss NER's Contexts Learning Community, held over the 2023-2024 cycle? We have all of the gathered resources, both pre-work and those used and developed at the gatherings, available for reference! 

We convened a special Contexts Learning Community for congregations seeking deeper exploration into the dynamics at play for younger people interested in living lives of faith. As a learning community we sought to more fully understand the realities of life for Millenials and Gen Z, as well as the emotional impact of existing narratives about these populations.

We directly address one aspect of Context - Generations, Generosity, Gathering, or Growth - in each of our gatherings. These and our discussions included data and stories that are more complete than the same old stereotypes we’re used to hearing!
A train track runs through a tunnel and in between trees in the distance. White text reads: Joint Board Retreat: Building Our Toolkit Together.
Do you need some time as a leadership team to deepen connections, orient new leaders, and plan for the year ahead? Would you rather not have to build it yourself? Could you use some tools for leading in these challenging and unpredictable times?

Sounds like some Joint Board Retreats are in order!

Registration will be open soon! We will send an invitation to register directly via email to all administrators, ministers, and Board members (including President, VP, Treasurer, and Secretary) listed on my.uua.org. Kindly check to ensure all your congregation's information is accurate and complete!

NER will be offering on-demand materials for self-led Board retreats and an NER specific cohort for the new UU Institute Board Foundations training! More information will be on our website and in your inbox soon!
The banner reads, in black, brown, and blue, 'starr king school for the ministry 12th Annual Symposium Bravely Facing This Moment: Defending and Renewing Democracy August 26-28, 2024 Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists - Berkeley, CA Online via Zoom learn more at www.sksm.edu/symposium2024'. Image is linked.
Unitarian Universalist Association Logo
Unitarian Universalist Association, New England Region
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 

Get in touch! newengland@uua.org