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September 2024 Newsletter
Scroll for more information on each of these events! Links for more information on Side With Love and UU the Vote events are included at the end of the newsletter.

 - Saturday, September 07, 10:00am-3:00pm NER JBR Kingston, MA (in-person) 
 - Saturday, September 07, 3:00-5:00pm - OR - 6:00-8:00pm UU Climate Justice Revival Facilitator Training (online)
 - Wednesday, September 11, 7:00-9:00pm UU Climate Justice Revival Facilitator Training (online)
 - Saturday, September 14, 10:00am-3:00pm NER JBR Norwich, VT (in-person) 
 - Saturday, September 14, 10:00am-3:00pm NER JBR Manchester, CT (in-person) 
 - Saturday, September 14, 10:00am-3:00pm NER JBR Bedford, MA (in-person) 
 - Monday, September 16, 8:00-9:30pm Mosaic National Learning & Practice Community (online)
 - Saturday, September 21, 10:00am-3:00pm NER JBR Augusta, ME (in-person)
 - Sunday, September 22, 3:00-5:00pm UU Climate Justice Revival Run Through (online)
 - Tuesdays, October 01 & 08, 7:00-9:00pm NER JBR online two-part series (online)
 - Sundays, October 06 & 13, 4:00-6:00pm - OR - Thursdays, October 10 & 24,  7:00-9:00pm RE Kickoff: Connections, Skills, and Planning for Changing Times (online)
 - Tuesdays, October 08, 22, & 29, 7:00-8:30pm Pledge Drive 101 Series (online)
 - Wednesday, October 09, 7:00-8:00pm NER Podcast Theology (online)
 - Thursdays, October 10, 17, 24, 31, and November 7, 12:00-2:00pm Adaptive Leadership Practicum part 2 (online)
 - Friday, October 18-20 Mosaic Fall Conference in Bethesda, MD (hybrid)
NER News and Events
A train track runs through a tunnel and in between trees in the distance. White text reads: Joint Board Retreat: Building Our Toolkit Together.
Our NER Joint Board Retreats are back for fall 2024 with five in-person and one two-part online offerings!

Do you need some time as a leadership team to deepen connections, orient new leaders, and plan for the year ahead? Would you rather not have to build it yourself? Could you use some tools for leading in these challenging and unpredictable times?
Sounds like some Joint Board Retreats are in order!

As the new congregational year begins, we invite you to gather the leaders of your congregation with the leaders of your neighboring congregations. Instead of retreating separately, let’s retreat together. Our in-person events run from 10:00am to 3:00pm ET.
Saturday, September 14 - UU Congregation of the Upper Valley in Norwich, VT
Saturday, September 14 - UU Society: East in Manchester, CT
Saturday, September 14 - First Parish in Bedford, MA
Saturday, September 21 - UU Community Church, Augusta, ME

Participating teams will…
  • Learn tools and techniques for leadership in challenging and unpredictable times.
  • Build or deepen connections on your team and orient new leaders.
  • Form or renew connections with leaders from neighboring congregations.
  • Set intentions/goals for the year ahead.

Pre-work is available. Please come prepared, both to share and to listen.

Register today for an in-person event! Space is limited. Or, register for our online series! Registration closes at maximum capacity, or one week prior for in-person and on Monday, September 30 for online.
In white text on a green background: NER presents: Podcast Theology, A Learning Community. In the middle is a yellow and white pot with a smiley face and green plant wearing headphones.
A Series of Small Group Reflections
This series explores each of the seven recently affirmed Shared Values of our faith using podcast episodes as the "text" to generate thought, discussion, and learning together. Facilitated by the two newest members of the New England Region staff team, Heather Janules and Emily Cherry, we will begin with an introductory session on Wednesday, October 9 and continue on second Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 pm ET through May 2025.

All are welcome to attend our eight sessions on a drop-in basis, but we are asking participants to commit to attending at least four. Sign up to join! Once you have filled out the form, you will automatically receive links to the episodes, any other resources, and the Zoom links for each gathering. We will stream each episode directly before our gatherings in the same Zoom room. Sign up is required only once so that we may provide the materials and Zoom links in advance, and offer reminders about upcoming sessions.

Join us as we explore our ValUUes together!
We Want to Stay in Touch!
The New England Region is excited to announce that we have made upgrades to both our communications and data management systems over the course of the last year! These upgrades allow us to be in touch more frequently and in a more focused way - with events, resources, and other news. You may have noticed you're receiving more of these focused updates!

Help us keep you up to date by updating us on who your leaders are. This is especially important at this time of year, as many of you have recently elected new leaders.

Kindly head over to my.uua.org and check your congregation's personnel listed. The most complete information is the most useful! Please list all staff and lay leadership with their email addresses included.

If you are having trouble signing in or listing information, Data Services can help.

Additionally, we have a couple of lists that may be of interest to you! We are currently gathering data regarding 2024-2025 congregational and community OWL offerings. If your congregation is holding OWL, please consider letting us know! Thank you to all our congregations that participated this past church year. Even if your offerings will be the same for the next church cycle, please re-submit the listing.

We also have an NER Youth Ministries email list you can add your information to; this is a great way to ensure you stay up-to-date on Regional youth and emerging adult opportunities, trainings, events, and the like, even if you are not in a specific role such as RE committee chair.
UUA News and Events
Screenshot of a YouTube video titled “Meeting the Moment: An Ingathering Message from Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt," with a photo of Rev. Betancourt; in the background is shelving and a large metal chalice with a lit red candle; a small UUA chalice logo is in the right lower corner.
Ingathering Greeting from UUA President 
Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt
In this UUWorld Article and YouTube video, Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt marks the start of a new congregational year with a call for UUs to meet the moment.
RE Kickoff:
Connections, Skills, 
and Planning for Changing Times
This fall, join Religious Education (RE) teams from other congregations and let UUA Congregational Life Regional Staff help you kick off your RE year! Gather your team (professional Religious Education staff (if any) and RE lay leaders) for two live, online facilitated gatherings to get aligned and set intentions for the purpose, goals, and activities of your RE program in a changing, unpredictable world. Congregations and RE programs of any size, lay-led or professionally-led, are warmly welcomed to participate.

Registration is free and required. The registration deadline is Friday, September 27.
Nicole Pressley smiling with braids and wearing a purple shirt and plastic rimmed glasses against a purple and black background. On the left it reads: MOSAIC Fostering Belonging and Liberation, For the Living of These Times with Nicole Pressley, Director of the Organizing Strategy Team, UUA; National Fall Conference October 18-20, 2024. The UUA logo is in black in the bottom left corner
The Mosaic logo is at the top with black text below: Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression Transformation Across the Lifespan including an introduction to the new Mosaic Lifespan curriculum. A Mosaic National Learning and Practice Community. Monday September 16th 8pm ET. Guest: Rev Marisol Caballero Faith Innovation Specialist, UUA. For more information and registration click the graphic.
On a red gradient background: Now seeking applications! The application process for UUA Moderator is now open. Qualified applicants are welcome to apply. The UUA Board of Trustees has appointed the Moderator Search Committee (MSC) to bring to the Board well-qualified individuals or teams of individuals for their review and potential nomination. Application deadline: September 15, 2024. The UUA logo is in the upper right corner.
In blue text: Pledge Drive 101 October Series with colorful puzzle pieces and two figures.
Do you have questions about what makes 
a pledge drive effective today?
Join for a three-session webinar starting Tuesday, October 8 designed for stewardship teams engaged in a spring pledge drive. We will explore current congregational giving trends, pledge drive practices that are working, and examples of real UU congregations who have experienced pledge drive successes. Congregations must register as teams for a fee based on congregation size, with three people per congregational team, by Tuesday, October 1. Find more information!  
Sparks Modules & 
Other Educational Opportunities
Sparks Modules, previously titled Renaissance Modules, provide professional development for religious educators and others. There are currently four Sparks Module opportunities, as well as other learning events! We will send a reminder for the RE Kickoff and more information about the Sparks Modules in mid-September.
2024-2025 Sermon of the Month Series
Designed for small congregations, lay-led congregations, congregations with part-time ministry, and any congregation that is seeking resources for worship, Congregational Life's Sermon of the Month Series is a monthly subscription service that provides recorded sermons congregations can download and use for worship. Along with a transcript of the sermon, each month’s offering will include suggested readings and hymns.

Your congregation can sign up for the 2024-25 year now, with no price increase. For $350, you’ll access the full year's services starting in September. We are planning to release the sermons on a quarterly basis, new this year, so you will get three at a time. This will hopefully allow you more planning options.

Whether your congregation would like to continue with the program or if you’re new to the Sermon of the Month series, you can access this year's offerings by registering here (bottom of page).

Sermons from previous years are available for free.
UU Action Center
Side With Love is written out in orange with a sketched, black outline of a heart.
UU the VOTE is written in blue against a white background, with a blue UUA chalice above three stars to the right.
Other Events
In blue and orange on a black background: Reimagining tomorrow: global solidarity beyond empire. September 21-22, 2024, UN Multigenerational seminar. Join us online or in NYC! Register today. Flowers and the globe border the square with the UUSC and UU College of Social Justice logos in the bottom corners.
Unitarian Universalist Association Logo
Unitarian Universalist Association, New England Region
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 

Get in touch! newengland@uua.org