Open Enrollment Information
A Time to Enroll or Make Changes
Open Enrollment runs through the month of November. This is when any eligible employee can enroll in our Health and/or Dental plans for the upcoming calendar year, and those currently enrolled can make changes to their coverage. For Health Plan participants, our Hospital Indemnity Plan is also available.
Plan participants, your current coverage will continue unless changes are submitted through our Benefits Change Form.
Health Plan Premiums and Plan Design
The base premiums for all three levels of the UUA Health Plan are increasing by 7% in 2025. In addition to this base increase for all, there is also an aging factor. The age-related adjustment varies from 0% (for those under 25 years) to 4.3% (for a 64-year-old). This means the maximum increase will be a little over 11%.
As of this writing, the premiums posted in the Health Plan Premium Calculator are still showing the 2024 rates. The platform will be updated mid-month with 2025 rates.
We've also made some plan design changes, including slight adjustments to deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, and copays/coinsurance. We're in the process of updating our Health Plan Comparison Grid, so you'll be able to see the 3 plan levels side by side. Our formulary (dictating how different classes of drugs are covered under the Plan) is also being modified; details will be available on the Highmark website.
We plan to send a special issue of this newsletter once the Comparison Grid, Premium Calculator, and Formulary information resources are ready for you.
Dental Plan Premiums
Premiums are rising slightly for our Dental Plan, after a number of years at the same rate. 2025 rates:
- Employee only: $65/month
- Employee + 1: $130/month
- Family: $150/month
Please share this article with all of your eligible staff. Eligibility is set by the UUA at 750 hours/year, or about 15 hours/week for year-round staff. For Health and Dental Plans, be sure to have clear, transparent policies that show how much of the premium you pay; this may be based on employee hours. For full-time staff, we recommend that congregations pay 80% of the employee premium plus 50% of the additional cost of dependents.