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Opportunities for Connection
CER Update ~ November 2024 |
Featured Resource: UU Community Resilience Hub
As part of our commitment to building resilient, safe, and thriving communities, we encourage you to visit the UU Community Resilience Hub a comprehensive resource offering tools, training, and support to help protect our communities and democracy. The hub contains everything from conflict de-escalation to leveraging spiritual and physical assets during critical times. We will be updating this space often to bring you the latest information and resources to equip our communities to meet the challenges and opportunities of this moment.
As we approach Election Day, it is critical that we come together to nourish our spirits and move in our collective power. This is about more than one election; it is about grounding ourselves in the values and communities that drive our fight for justice. No matter your issue; climate justice, democracy, gender justice, or criminalization, we are in this work together. That’s why we are excited to invite you to join us for Forward Together: Anchoring in Community Post Election, a virtual series designed to offer space for reflection, spiritual grounding, and practical organizing in response to the evolving political landscape. |
Join fellow Unitarian Universalists for a day of camaraderie, connection, and collaboration at the 11th Annual Assembly of the UUs of Greater Pittsburgh! The day will include a panel discussion, business meeting, morning worship service and more. You do not need to be a cluster member to attend. The assembly will be Saturday, November 16, at the UU Church of the North Hills, Pittsburgh, PA and streamed online. Registration is open. |
The UU Congregation at Shelter Rock, in Manhasset, NY is hosting a Culture Con December 6-8, 2024. Youth are invited to attend with adult sponsors. Culture Con will be a celebration of the UU value of Pluralism, where we honor that we are all sacred beings diverse in culture, experience, and theology! Come to Culture Con excited and ready to express whatever it is you are passionate about!
Youth conferences are two-night overnight events that include all high schoolers from UU congregations in the surrounding area. The activities at the Con will include discussion-based programming, sports, art, and general fun and silliness. Cons are run by the youth and for the youth with adult supervision, but the youth are the central focus in decision-making, planning, and leading. Learn more and register. Registration deadline is November 23. |
November is Open Enrollment Month
Open Enrollment will run through the month of November. During Open Enrollment, any eligible staff member* can enroll in Health, Dental, or Hospital Indemnity Plans available through the UUA for the 2025 year. This is also the only time employees can change to a higher-cost/lower-deductible Health Plan level. 2025 premium and coverage information will be available in early November.
The UUA offers health plans tailored to meet different needs, from those requiring more extensive medical care to those primarily seeking routine check-ups. Options include the Standard PPO Gold plan, the Silver HDHP (available with or without an HSA), the Bronze HDHP (which automatically includes an HSA), and our Medicare Supplement.
An HSA, or Health Savings Account, allows you to set aside pre-tax money for qualified medical expenses. By using these untaxed funds to cover deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and other eligible costs, you effectively reduce your overall healthcare expenses. Highmark will send you HSA information after you enroll.
*Employees who work 750 hours/year (15 hours/week year-round) are eligible for, and must be offered, any UUA insurance plan you make available to any staff member.
Summer Institute (SI) is an intentional, multi-generational UU community that comes together each July for a week of fun, community and spiritual growth. Gathering for over 40 years, SI includes an active children’s program, a vibrant youth-led youth program, and a strong young adult community as well as many opportunities for the entire community to come together through dance, music, games, and worship.
In 2025, Summer Institute gathers July 6-12 at Oberlin College in Oberlin, OH. Our theme speaker will be Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford, speaking on the theme Live a Life on Fire: Change the World with Your Love. Learn more about SI and past activities at their website and their video.
Proposals for adult morning seminars and afternoon workshops are currently being accepted through November 7. Anyone can apply, first-timers are welcome! |
Imagine if you will… in your home congregation…That emerging adults (EAs, aged 18 - 24) are integrated into the life of the church and have strong connections with each other. They are involved in both intergenerational and age cohort activities that satisfy spiritual and social needs. They are encouraged to hold flexible positions of leadership throughout the church and their perspectives and voices are valued, not just because of their generational lens, but also because of their leadership abilities. Their leadership is felt in many aspects of congregational life. Emerging adults are (becoming) a large part of our identity as a faith community; it is truly THEIR congregation, too. Are you interested in making this vision a reality? If so, check out these tips. |
Sister Souurce, Inc. was created in 2021 after Elder Rev. Dr. Qiyamah A. Rahman realized that Black women and girls within Unitarian Universalism had no dedicated presence and space to showcase their contributions and to identify and consolidate resources for them and the larger community of UUs. She did what any responsible UU would do – she created Sister Souurce, Inc. with the help of Jan Carpenter Tucker.
The purpose and guiding principles of Sister Souurce, Inc. are to bring about awareness and appreciation of the presence of Black Unitarian Universalist women and girls (womxn, lgbtqia+, and non-binary inclusive), to amplify their voices and narratives, to nurture their accomplishments and growth; and to bring them into the fullness of their lives.
Come and grow with us! You can help us build bridges and break barriers. We need volunteers for any of the following: grants research and grants writing, content development for the website and other social media, credited photography and artwork, events planning, publicity and brainstorming sessions! Perhaps this can be fertile ground for growing your rising star and leadership skills. Learn more at their website. |
UPLIFT Transgender/Nonbinary+ Pastoral Care Group Space
Second Fridays at 5pm PT / 8pm ET
What is pastoral care, exactly? Pastoral care is support with navigating life—big and small things, joys and hardships and all those mixed together. This is a space to share the hard stuff and to hold the hard stuff that others are navigating in their lives.
UPLIFT Transgender/Nonbinary+ Monthly Gathering
November 26 at 5pm PT / 8pm ET
Join the UPLIFT monthly gatherings focused on trans, nonbinary, and other not (completely or at all) cis UUs. Join us to connect with other trans/nonbinary UUs and co-create support and community across our faith. All you need to bring is yourself (and other trans/nonbinary friends, if you’d like)! NOTE: This space is intentionally multi-generational.
Learn more and register for both events at the UUA website. |
UPLIFT Access Resource Webinar
November 21 at 12 pm ET
Our loving faith calls us to honor the inherent rights and dignity of all people and to fight forms of oppression wherever we find them. However, disabled people (who make up 26% of the population) regularly find ourselves pushed to the margins, being denied our needs, and not receiving the radical welcome UU’s aspire to provide to all members. Lay leaders, religious professionals, and allies are invited to join us for our monthly lunchtime webinars where you can learn how to be more accessible and inclusive of your congregation’s disabled members and visitors. Register Today for November or view the past recordings. |
UU Climate Justice Revival Facilitator Trainings
Is your congregation among the hundreds hosting their Revival sometime this winter or spring? If so, we have facilitator trainings scheduled so you can be prepared for your amazing event. Register for November 14, January 15 or February 26.
Curious about the UU Climate Justice Revival? It's not too late to host your own! Learn more and register at UU Climate Justice website!
Green Sanctuary 2030: Orientations and Monthly Meetings
First Wednesday of the month at 4pm PT / 7pm ET
Get to know the new Green Sanctuary! Join the monthly orientation session to get a better understanding of the program and learn how your congregation can engage in ongoing climate action. Green Sanctuary 2030: Mobilizing for Climate Justice can transform your congregation through climate justice! Register for November 6 or December 4.
Green Sanctuary Celebration and Call for Renewal with Pres. Sofía Betancourt
December 11 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT
Come together to celebrate 35 years of Green Sanctuary! From the 7th Principle Project to Mobilizing for Climate Justice, the Green Sanctuary process has transformed our congregations and our world. Join Pres. Sofía and friends for a celebration of Green Sanctuary and a call for renewal through Green Sanctuary 2030: Mobilizing for Climate Justice. Register today.
The Recording of the UU Theological Grounding for Climate Justice
Last week, UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt and UUSC President Rev. Mary Katherine Morn had a "fireside chat" about the UU theological grounding for Climate Justice. After their 30 min conversation, participants engaged in small group discussion. Congregations are invited to host their own viewing and discussions. Find the event recording as well as the small group questions at Side with Love's website. |
The 'Acceptance' Bounce: Grief and Joy in the Midst of It All
by Rev. Dr. Megan Foley
This week the article “Why Is Our Church Stuck?” appeared in my inbox from the insightful Convergence consulting group. Rev. Dr. Anna Hall gives several real life examples of how churches are moving through Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression. We on your Central East Regional staff see congregations in each of these stages every day. Does one of the stages resonate with you and your church?
The following events sponsored by CER are upcoming in the region. For full details and a complete list visit the CER Calendar Page. Also, please note, if you are mailing a check to the regional office to pay for your registration, you must write the name and date of the event in the memo line. Otherwise we may not get it properly credited.
If you are looking for Sparks Modules for Religious Educators or Our Whole Lives Trainings, check the full calendar on the UUA website.
- Forward Together: Anchoring in Community Post-Election, Session one, November 6, 8 pm ET, Session 2 TBA; Session three, November 19, 8 pm ET, online.
- Digging Into Data: A UUA Congregational Data Certification Webinar, November 11 or November 19, 4 pm ET
- Taproot: A National BIPOC Gathering ~ November 13, 2024, 8-9:30 pm ET, online.
- UUs of Greater Pittsburgh 11th Annual Cluster Assembly ~ November 16, 2024, 9-3 ET, Pittsburgh, PA and online.
- New York UU Justice Convocation, November 16, 2024, 10-4 ET, Albany, NY and online.
- Taproot: A National BIPOC Gathering ~ December 11, 2024, 8-9:30 pm ET, online.
If your congregation or cluster has an exciting project that could use funding from our Chalice Lighter Program, our next Intent to Apply deadline is February 1 for grants to be awarded in May 2025. |
Congregation Events and Opportunities
These events and opportunities you are invited to join by your neighboring congregations.
New York Unitarian Universalist Justice is hosting a Justice Convocation, November 16, 2024 online and in person. Join NY UU Justice for their first-ever in-person Justice Convocation in Albany, NY. Learn more and register.
Cedar Lane UU Congregation in Bethesda, MD is hosting a Caring for the Caregiver Summit, November 2, 9-3 ET, breakfast and lunch are included. Find details and registration.
UU Wellspring has a limited number of UU Wellspring memberships at no cost to congregations smaller than 300 people. The membership includes access to both Sources (our foundational 20 session program) and to our new 11-session Love at the Center: UU Values and Covenants. Read all about this new program here and connect your congregation to our shared values. You can have as many groups as you like...just think, ready-made adult programming for your congregation for 2024-25!
Congregations are hiring, check out the UU Job Board to see what is available. |
UU World Launches Digital Newsletter
Want to stay updated on the latest from UU World? You can now sign up for the magazine's free twice-a-month emailed newsletter, Wayfinder, which launches in October. As a Wayfinder subscriber, you will get the latest news and storytelling from UU World to help you chart a course that aligns with the Shared Values of Unitarian Universalism. Expect moments of insight, inspiration, joy, spiritual nourishment, and more! Sign up at the UU World website.
The Spark RE and Music Leadership Professional Development Programs provide Unitarian Universalist Religious Professionals learning communities within which they can easily access applicable skills and tools for religious leadership. Courses are also open to interested lay leaders. Check out the lists of classes, these are great resources!
The UUA has a Disaster Relief Fund for those who want to make a donation to help congregations who have faced losses due to tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires and more. Please donate if you can. Learn more about the work of the Disaster Relief Fund. We are Better Together.
The UUA is hiring for several positions. Find job descriptions and application information at their Job Openings webpage. |
Central East Region
PO Box 425, St. Clairsville, OH 43950
Unitarian Universalist Association
24 Farnsworth Street, Boston, MA 02210-1409 |