Assessments Bulletin
February 3, 2025 |
I hope 2025 is going well so far!
The AZELLA Reassessment and Alt ELPA Summative assessments are now open. Other test windows will be opening soon. We look forward to supporting you and your schools. As we are preparing for test administration, please make sure you pay attention to the important information in this Assessments Bulletin and share relevant information with School Test Coordinators, administrators, and teachers.
This summer, the Assessments Unit will have several educator committees for many of our statewide assessments. If you would like to participate, please fill out the Educator Committee Application. Please also share this link with your colleagues. If you have previously filled out the application and any of your contact information or roles have changed since then, please submit a new application. We thank you for your willingness to be a part of our assessment process.
Statewide Assessments and Homeschooled Students
Any homeschooled student who is not enrolled in the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program is eligible to participate in the statewide assessments at their local school. A homeschooled student who is also a participant in the ESA program is not eligible to participate in statewide assessments. When parents inquire about participation in statewide testing for their homeschooled student, it is important to determine whether the student is in ESA. If you have any questions, please contact us at
AI Usage
We want to remind you that the use of generative AI on state assessments is prohibited. Please let us know if you have any questions about accessibility features for state assessments.
Also, please be aware that some meetings we host will not allow the use of AI notetakers. A notification that the use of AI notetakers is not allowed will be provided to participants when relevant. This only applies to meetings that involve secure test content or Personally Identifiable Information (PII). AI notetakers will be removed from these meetings. However, many of our webinars will continue to allow the use of AI notetakers since secure content and PII will not be included in the information shared.
Final Friday Focus Webinar
We have received several questions about changes for next school year. Please join us on May 2 for the final Friday Focus Webinar of this school year, during which we will share updates for the 2025-2026 school year. Please visit the Friday Focus website for the link to register. |
Bethany Spangenberg
Deputy Associate Superintendent of Assessment
Arizona Department of Education |
Joseph M. Guzman, Ph.D.
Associate Superintendent of Assessment, Standards, Accountability and Research
Arizona Department of Education |
Achievement District Test Coordinator (DTC) emails will be sent regularly in preparation for the testing windows. DTCs are responsible for sharing statewide testing information with other staff and district or charter administration, as appropriate. Please be on the lookout for communications for all of the Achievement tests:
- AASA (Grades 3-8)
- AzSCI (Grades 5, 8, and 11/Cohort 2026)
- ACT Aspire (Grade 9/Cohort 2028)
- ACT (Grade 11/Cohort 2026)
All 2024-2025 Achievement DTC emails from ADE's Assessments team are posted on the Achievement DTC webpage for easy reference, under "Achievement DTC Communications - 2024-2025 School Year."
Remember the following when emailing the ADE Achievement Assessments team:
- Include your district or charter's Entity ID in emails to us.
- State which assessment(s) your inquiry is about - AASA, AzSCI, ACT Aspire, and/or ACT.
- Send questions about AASA to, questions about AzSCI to, and questions about ACT Aspire or ACT to
Please send your question to only one of the Achievement Assessment email addresses listed above. Do not copy all of the email addresses on your message. If you are unsure which inbox to use or if the question applies to multiple assessments, send your email to For issues that occur while students are testing, please include in the email subject line, "Urgent - Students Testing."
When contacting Pearson Customer Support for assistance, retain your ticket number. If you contact ADE's Assessments team for assistance with the same question or issue, share the Pearson ticket number with us so ADE and Pearson can further assist you.
Statewide Achievement Test Windows
Testing windows for the Spring 2025 Achievement tests are included in the table below, as well as in the Assessments Overview 2024-2025 and the Detailed Testing Calendar. The Detailed Testing Calendar also provides estimated times for each test unit of AASA and AzSCI as well as time limits for ACT Aspire and ACT test sections. |
Refer to the schedules linked below for each assessment's upcoming tasks and deadlines. Each schedule is published on the Achievement District Test Coordinator (DTC) page of our website.
Achievement Assessments Office Hours
The Achievement Assessments team has scheduled the following optional Office Hours sessions. Each session will be held on Wednesdays, 1:00-1:30pm. Registration is available in the ADE Professional Learning & Development (APLD) system using the registration links below. A Teams meeting invitation will be sent to all registered attendees prior to each session.
Training Modules
All Achievement District Test Coordinators (DTCs) must complete training modules in Pearson's Arizona Learning Management System (AzLMS) as soon as possible and no later than February 21, 2025. All other testing staff must receive training prior to administering any tests. Refer to the Achievement Assessments Training Requirements for guidance in determining which training modules must be completed by each user role. ADE strongly recommends that users download the accompanying PowerPoint and transcript files associated with each applicable training module to refer to throughout the test administration.
ADE will track that all DTCs have completed training within AzLMS. It is the responsibility of the DTC to track training completion for other staff in the district or charter. Other staff may complete training within AzLMS, or DTCs may choose to train staff in a group setting. Tracking reports are available in AzLMS, or staff training completion may be tracked outside of AzLMS. This flexibility is left to the district or charter, but tracking must be in a format that can be provided to ADE upon request, if needed.
For additional information about using the AzLMS system, refer to the "Using the LMS Learner Portal" and "Managing Learners in the LMS" modules located in the AZLMS.
PearsonAccess Next and TestNav
In Spring 2025, all of the Achievement Assessments will utilize the PearsonAccess Next (PAN) platform and the TestNav application. PAN is the site where the test administration details will be managed, and the TestNav application is the test delivery platform. There are three different PAN websites (linked below), with three separate logins, depending on the grade level of students in your district or charter. All three PAN sites are now open for Spring 2025 test administration tasks.
Refer to the links below for TestNav technical requirements.
All devices used for testing must have the latest version of the TestNav application installed. TestNav can be downloaded at
Special Paper Version Tests and Additional Accommodations:
AASA, AzSCI, and ACT Aspire
Requests for Special Paper Version (SPV) tests for AASA, AzSCI, and ACT Aspire, including braille, large print, or regular print tests, must be submitted to ADE for review by February 21, 2025 using the secure online form: A copy of the student's IEP or 504 Plan must be uploaded with the request.
For students who take the braille form of AASA, a new option is available to provide the AASA Reading test units in uncontracted braille format. The AASA Writing and Math test units will continue to be provided in contracted braille format. Refer to this FAQ document for additional information, and contact us at with any questions.
Contact us if a student has an injury or illness after February 21, 2025, that necessitates a paper test or additional accommodation. Specific accommodations will be considered based on a doctor's written recommendation and the appropriateness for statewide testing.
Sample Tests
Students should be provided ample opportunities to practice with the Sample Tests so they can become familiar with the test features, tools, and different question types in the online tests. Sample Tests for each assessment can be accessed at using the instructions below. Login information is not required.
- For AASA or AzSCI, select "Arizona," then scroll to the bottom of the screen and select "Mic Check & Sample Tests."
- For AASA, sample tests are available for each grade level in Math and ELA, including ELA-Writing, ELA-Reading, and Grade 3 ELA-Oral Reading Fluency. American Sign Language (ASL) Sample tests are also available for AASA.
- For AzSCI, sample tests are available for grades 5, 8, and 11. New ASL sample tests have now been added for AzSCI.
- Sample Test Scoring Guides are available on the Educator Resources page of our website.
- In addition to the sample tests for AASA and AzSCI, please have students practice with the Student Readiness Tool to become familiar with the tools available within the online test. The Student Readiness Tool organizes the TestNav tools, item types, and test support lessons into an easily accessible format by grade and category.
- For ACT Aspire, select the "ACT Aspire" icon on the left side of the screen, then scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Exemplars." For each subject area, an "Early High School" Exemplar is available.
- The online Exemplars are not meant to be scored, and a full answer key is not provided for the online Exemplars.
- Exemplar booklets (one for each subject) are available on the Educator Resources page of our website and on the Arizona ACT Aspire Support Page. The booklets describe reporting categories, standards, depth-of-knowledge, and correct responses.
- For ACT, select the "ACT" icon on the left side of the screen, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Practice Tests." Timed and untimed practice tests are available for each subject area to be tested.
Student Uploads and Student Eligibility Reports
ADE has completed the state student uploads in PearsonAccess Next (PAN) for AASA, ACT Aspire, and ACT. ADE's student upload for AzSCI will be visible in PAN on February 17. Following each state upload, Achievement DTCs should be verifying that all students who are eligible for testing have been uploaded, and if not, Achievement DTCs need to ensure that all eligible students are added to the appropriate PAN site in preparation for Spring testing.
Please note the following about ADE's student uploads for the Achievement tests:
- Students who qualify for Alternate Assessments are included in ADE's student uploads. However, students who qualify for Alternate Assessments should not be administered AASA, AzSCI, ACT Aspire, or ACT. These student records do not need to be deleted from PAN because PAN is not used for Accountability purposes, but you may remove the students from the online test sessions in PAN to ensure the students are not administered a test.
- High school testing is by cohort rather than by grade level or courses completed or enrolled in. Please check the STUD78 - Student Cohort Verification Report in the AzEDS Portal to confirm a student's cohort.
- Students who are dually enrolled (in more than one school) are not included in ADE's student uploads and will need to be added to PAN by the school/district responsible for testing the student. The two schools need to be in communication with each other to determine where the dually enrolled student will test.
Reports are available in ADEConnect to identify the students who need to be administered an Achievement Assessment. To access these reports in ADEConnect, select Assessments > Achievement Reports, then select the Eligibility Report for the appropriate assessment.
Work Requests in PearsonAccess Next
Achievement DTCs should check each PAN site regularly for work requests that may be waiting for approval by looking for the red bell at the top of the screen. |
The Work Request process is not utilized for student transfers for the ACT test. For ACT, use the Enroll or Unenroll Students template, located in ACT's PearsonAccess Next under Support > Documentation. A support request will need to be submitted to ACT within PearsonAccess Next with the completed spreadsheet. ACT will then check to see if a student has already completed testing before processing the support request. Requests are typically processed within 24-48 hours. More information about submitting an ACT support request is available on the ACT website under Step 2: Configuration and in this ACT tutorial. |
The AASA Test Coordinator's Manual (TCM) and the AASA Test Administration Directions (TAD) for both computer-based testing schools and paper-based testing schools are published on the Achievement DTC webpage and on the AASA webpage, under "Spring 2025 Manuals and Checklists."
Districts and charters will receive hard copies of the AASA manuals, based on the participation counts entered in PearsonAccess Next (PAN) in January. Manuals will be delivered during the selected materials delivery window. If a materials delivery window was not selected in January, then the materials will be delivered in the first delivery window option (March 17-20).
Verify Contact Information and Shipping Address
District Test Coordinators must verify their contact information and shipping address in PearsonAccess Next no later than February 21, 2025. Any changes to contact information or shipping address must be made by notifying ADE at
Test Windows and Estimated Testing Times |
Grade 3 Oral Reading Fluency (ORF)
Beginning with the Spring 2025 AASA test administration, the Grade 3 ELA Oral Reading Fluency test unit will be an operational test unit and will be included in each Grade 3 student's ELA score and in the Move on When Reading (MOWR) indicator. Computer-based testing schools must complete the Oral Reading Fluency test administration by April 11, 2025. Paper-based testing schools must complete the Oral Reading Fluency test administration by April 9, 2025.
Both computer-based testing schools and paper-based testing schools will administer the Oral Reading Fluency test unit online in TestNav. A maximum of six students may be present in the secure testing classroom or computer lab environment, simultaneously testing. Additional resources, listed and linked below, are available on the AASA webpage under "Grade 3 Oral Reading Fluency."
It is strongly recommended that all Grade 3 students interact with the AASA Grade 3 ELA Oral Reading Fluency sample test multiple times to be comfortable with the testing style; how to operate the platform, including starting their own recording and not stopping it too soon; and to be comfortable with wearing the headset to make a clear and concise recording of their reading samples.
When taking the Oral Reading Fluency test unit, each student will read three separate passages, with a time limit of one minute per passage. New in Spring 2025, students will read a short practice passage after they complete the microphone check and before they begin recording the operational Oral Reading Fluency passages. Test Administrators may assist students and answer questions while students are recording the practice passage. A new practice passage has also been added to the Grade 3 Oral Reading Fluency sample test.
AASA Writing Resources
Computer-Based Testing
Testing Tickets
The following chart lists the number of testing tickets that will be required for students taking the AASA. This setup is the same as it was in Spring 2024 with Grade 3 students requiring additional testing tickets due to the Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) test unit. |
Test Units and Sessions
ADE has uploaded students for AASA in PearsonAccess Next (PAN). Online test sessions were created automatically in the upload process, and students were placed into the appropriate sessions for the grade level indicated. ADE will move students approved for a Special Paper Version (SPV) or American Sign Language (ASL) test into the approved SPV or ASL test sessions.
Students in Grades 4-8 will have three test units for ELA: Writing, ELA 1 (Reading), and ELA 2 (Reading); and two test units for Math: Math 1 and Math 2.
In PAN, there will be only two sessions for Grades 4-8 students: one for ELA and one for Math. During testing, all ELA test units will be accessed under the one session for ELA (with one testing ticket) and all Math test units under the one session for Math (with one testing ticket). |
Students in Grade 3 are set up a little differently in PAN due to the Oral Reading Fluency test unit. Grade 3 students will have a separate session in PAN for each ELA test unit: Writing, ELA 1 (Reading), ELA 2 (Reading), and Oral Reading Fluency. Each will require a separate testing ticket.
For Grade 3, there will be two test units for Math: Math 1 and Math 2. As with Grades 4-8, these units will be in one Math session, requiring one student testing ticket.
Reminder: All AASA ELA test units (Writing, ELA-Reading 1, ELA-Reading 2, and Oral Reading Fluency, if applicable) must have a valid score to receive an ELA score. Both AASA Math test units must have a valid score to receive a Math score. To receive a valid score, students must respond to at least one item in each test unit.
Paper-Based Testing
Pre-ID Labels
Schools administering AASA paper-based tests will receive ELA and Math Pre-ID Labels for any students that have been uploaded to PearsonAccess Next (PAN) by February 21, 2025. Pre-ID Labels will be sent in a separate shipment from paper test booklets, but both shipments will be delivered within the same week in March.
Pre-ID Labels must be affixed to student test booklets prior to testing. Take care to apply ELA Pre-ID Labels to ELA test booklets and Math Pre-ID Labels to Math test booklets. Additional Pre-ID Labels are not available. Students who do not receive a Pre-ID Label or whose Pre-ID Label contains any incorrect information must have their student demographic information bubbled in on the back of their test booklets prior to testing and must be updated in PAN.
AASA Testing Groups and Reporting Groups
AASA Testing Groups and Reporting Groups are optional functions in PearsonAccess Next (PAN). The deadline to create Testing Groups and Reporting Groups is April 25, the last day of the AASA testing window.
Testing Groups can be used to group students by classroom, teacher, or testing days. Testing Groups are useful for quickly locating a group of students in test sessions in PAN. Students may be in only one Testing Group at a time.
Reporting Groups can be used to group students by classroom, teacher, or testing days for reporting purposes. Students may be in more than one Reporting Group. The AASA student data file and the new Summary Cluster Performance Report can display up to five Reporting Groups for a student.
Summer 2025 Grade 3 ELA-Reading
The Summer 2025 AASA Grade 3 ELA-Reading test window will be June 9, 2025 - July 18, 2025. This test window provides an additional reading demonstration tool and is available for Grade 3 students who fail to meet the Spring 2025 Move on When Reading (MOWR) indicator and who do not qualify for one of the good cause exemptions related to students with IEPs, a diagnosis of dyslexia, or being an English learner (EL).
The Grade 3 summer test will be in the computer-based test format and will include the Reading units of the AASA ELA test only, including Reading Unit 1, Reading Unit 2, and Oral Reading Fluency. The Reading units will include Listening items. The summer test will not include writing prompts.
For questions about the Summer 2025 AASA Grade 3 ELA-Reading test administration, ADE's assessments team will be holding an Office Hours session on May 7, 1:00-1:30pm. Registration is available in APLD. |
The AzSCI Test Coordinator's Manual (TCM) and the AzSCI Test Administration Directions (TAD) are published on the Achievement DTC webpage and on the AzSCI webpage, under "Manuals and Checklists."
Hard copies of the AzSCI manuals will not be shipped automatically to districts and charters. A limited number of copies are available for order during the AzSCI Additional Order window, which opens on February 24. The manuals may also be downloaded and used electronically from ADE's website and from PearsonAccess Next.
Verify Contact Information and Shipping Address
District Test Coordinators must verify their contact information and shipping address in PearsonAccess Next no later than February 21, 2025. Any changes to contact information or shipping address must be made by notifying ADE at
Test Units, Sessions, and Testing Tickets
Students in Grades 5, 8, and 11 (Cohort 2026) will have three test units for AzSCI. There will be one test session in PearsonAccess Next (PAN) that includes all three test units. Students will use one testing ticket to access the three units.
The approximate time for each test unit is 60-90 minutes. If more than one test unit is administered on the same day, a significant break of at least 15 minutes must be provided between test units.
ADE's student upload will be visible in PearsonAccess Next (PAN) on February 17, 2025. When students are uploaded to PAN for AzSCI, the test sessions are created automatically, and students are placed into those sessions based on their grade level.
Reminder: All AzSCI test units must have a valid score to receive an AzSCI score. To receive a valid score, students must respond to at least one item in each test unit. |
The ACT Aspire Test Coordinator Manual and ACT Aspire Room Supervisor Manual - Paper are published on the Arizona ACT Aspire Support Page and on the Achievement DTC webpage. Hard copies of the ACT Aspire manuals will not be shipped to districts and charters. The manuals may be downloaded and printed locally, or they may be used electronically for test administration. These manuals should be used when training staff for ACT Aspire test administration. The ACT Aspire Room Supervisor Manual - Online is coming soon!
ACT Aspire Support Website and Additional Resources
The Pearson-hosted ACT Aspire support website includes many ACT Aspire resources, and additional resources are being added as they are available. Recently added resources include a Test Administration training video and handout and an updated User Role Matrix. Tutorial videos and a Technical Readiness training video and handout are coming soon!
Paper-Based Testing and Special Paper Version Tests
Districts and charters administering ACT Aspire paper-based tests, including any Special Paper Version (braille, large print, or regular print) tests should verify their shipping address in PearsonAccess Next now. If any changes are needed to the shipping address, please notify ADE at no later than February 7, 2025 to ensure paper testing materials are delivered appropriately.
Barcode Labels
Schools administering ACT Aspire paper-based tests will receive preprinted barcode labels for any students that have been uploaded to PearsonAccess Next (PAN) by February 7, 2025. Barcode labels will be sent in a separate shipment from paper test booklets and answer documents, but both shipments will be delivered within the same week in March. If barcode labels are not received for any students, or if any barcode labels are incorrect, the student demographic information will need to be bubbled in on the student's answer documents and must also be updated in PAN.
Special Paper Version Tests
Any approved Special Paper Version tests for ACT Aspire must be administered within the shorter paper-based testing window, including for schools that are otherwise administering online tests. Student responses from braille and large print tests must be transferred to a regular answer document for scoring. The deadline for ACT Aspire to receive all paper testing materials for scoring is April 16, 2025.
Test Sessions and Testing Tickets
Test sessions for ACT Aspire were not automatically created when students were uploaded to PearsonAccess Next. This step will need to be completed by schools/districts. Please see the ACT Aspire Test Coordinator Manual for details. Students must be placed in a separate session and will have a separate testing ticket for each ACT Aspire test section.
Timed Test Sections
ACT Aspire is a timed test. The test sections may be administered on the same day, or they may be administered on different days. This flexibility is left up to schools/districts. If administering on the same day, a break may be scheduled between the test sections. In addition, the test sections for ACT Aspire may be administered in any order. The test sections include English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing. |
ACT Aspire Chat with an Expert Sessions
Pearson has scheduled two ACT Aspire Chat with an Expert sessions to answer test coordinator questions related to ACT Aspire. Teams meeting links are included below. Registration for the Chat with an Expert sessions is not required.
The ACT Test Coordinator Manual and ACT Test Administration Manuals are published on the ACT-hosted website for Arizona under Step 5: Administration. Hard copies of the manuals will be shipped to districts and charters according to the materials delivery window selected in PearsonAccess Next. These manuals should be used when training staff for ACT test administration.
ACT Webinars for Test Coordinators
All Achievement DTCs with students in Grade 11/Cohort 2026 are expected to view the three ACT-hosted webinars, either by attending the live webinars or by viewing the recordings. Two webinars were held in the fall, Test Administration #1 and Accommodations, and are now available on demand. The third webinar, Test Administration #2, will be held on February 19, 2025, at 9:00am. Registration links to all three webinars are also available through the ACT Schedule of Events.
ACT Accommodations
ACT accommodations requests must be submitted in ACT's Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) system no later than February 7, 2025. This is a firm deadline. Please submit any remaining ACT accommodations requests for your students as soon as possible. Requests for reconsideration must be submitted by February 14, 2025. Requests for qualified exceptions to the deadline must be submitted by March 21, 2025.
Please contact us at if a student enrolls after the submission deadlines and requires accommodations for ACT. If the student has transferred from another Arizona district or from another state, ADE and ACT can research to determine if accommodations were approved for the student at their previous school.
ACT has scheduled several Office Hours sessions through March 18, 2025 to answer questions about ACT-approved accommodations. Register for upcoming sessions or view previous sessions on demand through ACT's Webcasts page.
Adding Students to PearsonAccess Next
ADE has uploaded Cohort 2026 students to ACT's PearsonAccess Next platform. Please review your student list and confirm that all students eligible for testing have been uploaded. If any students need to be added to PearsonAccess Next, a support request will need to be submitted to ACT using ACT's Enroll or Unenroll Students form. More information about submitting an ACT support request is available on the ACT website under Step 2: Configuration and in this ACT Tutorial.
Computer-Based Testing
Mock Administration
All schools administering the online ACT test are strongly encouraged to complete a mock administration to ensure that devices are ready for testing. More information is available on the ACT website under Step 2: Configuration.
Test Sessions
Test sessions for ACT were not automatically created when students were uploaded to PearsonAccess Next. This step will need to be completed by schools/districts according to the timeline provided in the ACT Schedule of Events and the resources included on the ACT website under Step 4: Preparation.
Student Authorization Tickets will need to be printed before test day and provided to the Room Supervisor the day of testing. Seal codes are used to begin each ACT test session.
Paper-Based Testing
Pre-ID Labels
Schools administering ACT paper-based tests will receive preprinted barcode labels for any students that have been uploaded to PearsonAccess Next (PAN) by February 14, 2025. If barcode labels are not received for any students, or if any information on the barcode labels is incorrect, the student's demographic information will need to be bubbled in on the student's answer documents and must also be updated in PAN.
Receiving Test Materials
Depending on the test date selected in PearsonAccess Next, the initial shipment of ACT materials may include only non-secure materials, or it may include all testing materials, both non-secure and secure. If only non-secure materials are delivered in the initial shipment, the secure materials will arrive the week before the start of testing.
Timed Test Sessions
ACT is a timed test. Test sections must be administered in the following order: English (1), Math (2), Reading (3), Science (4), and Writing (5). |
For ACT standard time testing and ACT extended time testing on one test day, a 15-minute break is provided between Test 2 and Test 3. An extended break of up to 45 minutes may be given between Test 4 and the Writing test. Lunch may be provided during this extended break.
ACT tests with approved accommodations for testing over multiple days must be completed within the same test window in which they are started.
MyACT is the platform for examinees to submit non-test information to ACT. This non-test information allows a student to send their scores, free of charge, to four colleges or scholarship agencies of their choice, and also allows students to receive their ACT scores faster than waiting for paper reports from their school. ACT recommends hosting an in-school session for students to create a MyACT account and to complete the non-test information online. This may be completed prior to test day and no later than two days after completion of their ACT test. Refer to the MyACT resources on the ACT website under Step 4: Preparation.
ACT Score Replacement
The Arizona State Board of Education has approved a process whereby an ACT score replacement request may be granted for highly performing students who demonstrate competency prior to the statewide test window. When a Cohort 2026 student has an ACT test score obtained on a national test date within their Junior/11th grade school year that meets or exceeds Arizona's ACT cut scores for the content areas of ELA and Math, the national test date score report may be used to replace the statewide ACT assessment.
The ACT score replacement request is intended for students with high scores who are concerned that an additional test score would have an impact to their post-secondary opportunities and should be used sparingly. The score replacement allows the student to use the score obtained on a national or district ACT test date for accountability purposes, rather than Arizona's statewide assessment date, subject to ADE's review and approval, using the follow criteria:
- To be comparable, the replacement score must be obtained within the Junior/11th grade/Cohort 2026 school year, no earlier than July 1, 2024.
- The Writing essay must be included in the score as it is required for the high school statewide assessment.
- The student must score in the highly proficient range as determined by Arizona's ACT Cut Scores. The student must score 25 or higher on ELA and Math.
The deadline for schools, districts, or charters to submit ACT score replacement requests to ADE is March 21, 2025. Requests must be submitted by the school or district using the secure online form, and a copy of the student's ACT score report (either the student or the high school copy) must be uploaded with the request. A signed parent consent form must also be uploaded with the request. ADE's Assessment team will confirm the score report with ACT and will respond to the Achievement District Test Coordinator regarding the final decision. |
Important Alternate Assessment Dates |
Alternate Assessment District Test Coordinator Information for Administration
Additionally, please note that students who are eligible for alternate assessments will also be uploaded into PearsonAccess Next (PAN) for all Statewide Assessments. Students eligible for alternate assessments should remain untested in PAN. The Alternate Assessment District Test Coordinator must communicate with the AZELLA and Achievement District Test Coordinators to ensure students are administered the correct assessment.
ADE works with contractors to conduct Alt ELPA and MSAA observations. Additionally, the Assessment Unit will conduct observations for state assessments. You will be notified by the Alternate Assessment Team if your LEA was selected for observations. These observations are required. Alternate Assessment District Test Coordinators or a designee must also observe at least one Alt ELPA and one MSAA administration and submit the responses from the MSAA and Alt ELPA observation protocols using the Microsoft Forms for Alt ELPA and MSAA.
Alt ELPA is the Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessment for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. If a student participates in Alt ELPA, they do not take AZELLA. All students taking the Alt ELPA Summative must have a current ELP test record including AZELLA Placement Test, Alt ELPA Screener, or participation in the AZELLA Reassessment or Alt ELPA Summative last school year.
Alt ELPA training modules are available in the LMS. Be sure to complete Alt ELPA training modules, not the ELPA21 training modules. All users must download and save the certificate of completion to be eligible for professional development hours.
The Alt ELPA is administered through TIDE in the Cambium portal. The portal has additional resources, including user guides and technology requirements for the assessment. All users from the Test Administrator list in the Alternate Assessment Portal have been uploaded to TIDE. District Test Coordinators may add and remove users as needed.
MSAA is administered in Grades 3-8 and 11 for ELA and Mathematics and Grades 5, 8, and 11 for Science. Students who are eligible for the alternate assessments do not participate in AASA, AzSCI, ACT Aspire, or ACT.
The MSAA system will open for training on February 18, 2025. Test Coordinator and Test Administrator accounts will be created no later than February 17, 2025. Once Test Coordinators have access, they may create accounts for any additional users directly in the MSAA system. Please refer to the MSAA User Guide for Test Coordinators for instructions.
The MSAA is administered in the MSAA system. On February 18, users will have access to training modules, student lists, and secure test materials so they can download documents and gather items needed for test administration.
Adding Students to Testing Platforms
IEP teams must determine eligibility for Alternate Assessments before November 29 (close of the Student Selector Application) to allow for suitable instructional time before test administration. If a student was determined eligible for Alternate Assessments but was not identified in the Student Selector Application, please see below.
- Before requesting to add any students, you must check student records. Current records need to be accurate in your Student Information System (SIS).
- AzEDS syncs nightly. Student records must be updated in AzEDS before the student(s) can be added to testing platforms.
- If a student transfers, you can email the alternate assessment team a list of SSIDs only and we will add the student, if eligible, to the testing platforms.
- For students who have been enrolled in the district all year, the Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator must submit a letter, preferable on district letterhead. The letter will include the following components:
- Signed by the Alternate Assessment Test Coordinator and their supervisor.
- The letter will include a list of SSIDs.
- The letter will include an explanation of why students were missed in the selection process, which was open from October 1 - November 29, 2024.
- For explanations related to a deficiency in policy or practice, include steps the LEA will take to correct the issue. An explanation stating that the IEP team did not make the determination that the student is eligible for alternate assessment before the close of the Student Selector Application will not be accepted since this does not follow eligibility guidelines. General statements about clerical errors or ensuring students will be selected next year will not be accepted. This letter is your opportunity to identify inconsistencies within your systems and leverage needed support within your LEA.
Letters will be accepted now for Alt ELPA Summative and starting February 18 for MSAA (the Handbook states February 26, but we will start processing letters on February 18). Students on your Alt ELPA letter in January will also be added to MSAA if they are enrolled in tested grades. Your February MSAA letter should only include students who were not already requested for Alt ELPA. Teachers should not be responsible for writing or submitting this letter to the DTC or the State. This task is the role of the DTC. Letters should be emailed to the Alternate Assessment Team at
To remove students who are no longer eligible or no longer enrolled, please send an email to and include the SSIDs of the students and the reason they need to be removed from the testing platforms.
1% Threshold
ADE must take additional steps to support and provide appropriate oversight to each LEA that assesses more than 1% of its assessed students in ELA, Mathematics, or Science in a school year using an alternate assessment aligned with alternate academic achievement standards. This means that we will continue our monitoring through the 1% Threshold application and submission of Action Plans.
The first notification has been sent to all Alternate Assessment Test Coordinators and includes instructions to submit information used to determine eligibility for selected students. Student lists in the application apply to the 2024 administration and will not be changed. Student information is required even if the student is no longer participating in alternate assessments or is no longer enrolled in your LEA because the monitoring is for eligibility determinations before the student participated in MSAA. Eligibility information was due January 31, 2025. A second notification will be sent with instructions on submitting an Action Plan based on your designated tier. More information is provided in the 1% Threshold Presentation. There are notes on each slide of the presentation; please turn on the notes setting to view. |
AZELLA Placement Test
Administered through May 9, 2025, to the following students:
- New-to-Arizona students with a Home Language Survey that includes a language other than English and American Sign Language (ASL) and who do not have an AZELLA test history.
- Students associated with EL Group 8 on the EL73 - EL Student Need Report.
- Students with a red font message on their EL70 - ELP Student Test History Report.
Online Schools, Private Schools, and Concurrent Enrollments
The AZELLA Placement and the Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test must be administered at a brick-and-mortar district or school building. Most of the students associated with an online learning program are administered the AZELLA at their home school by appointment. The online school may need to be added to the home school Test Administrator's PearsonAccess Next (PAN) account so they can access the administration of those students' tests.
Online schools may also reserve testing spaces, such as a private room at a public library, where the administration of the test can adhere to all the test security procedures and requirements (e.g., secure Wi-Fi, room free of interruptions or materials that can aid students to respond to questions). When reserving a testing space that is not at a Local Educational Agency (LEA), the online school must provide ADE with the necessary information for pre-approval. Requests must be submitted via email to at least three days before testing and should include the name and address of the location, Test Administrator's name, date of test administration, SSIDs of students who will be tested, and confirmation that the test will be administered using secure Wi-Fi.
It is the responsibility of the home school district to administer the AZELLA tests to students who have concurrent school enrollments. For the Spring 2025 Reassessment Test, these students have not been pre-registered for the test; therefore, the home district must add the student to PAN for AZELLA testing.
Kindergarten Students - Placement Test v. Reassessment Test
Kindergarten students who enroll with a language other than English or ASL on their Home Language Survey (HLS) must be administered the Kindergarten Placement Test (KPT). The set of criteria below is intended to help LEAs meet federal and state requirements and avoid under-identification of students with a language acquisition need.
Criterion 1: Kindergarten students who are administered the KPT during the required testing timeline and within their first 60 cumulative days of school (at an Arizona school or any other school within the U.S.) and receive a Proficient result on the KPT, are Initially Fluent English Proficient (IFEP) and not eligible for further AZELLA testing without a referral form. Those students who receive a less than Proficient result must be administered the Kindergarten Spring Reassessment Test.
Criterion 2: Kindergarten students who are administered the KPT after they have been receiving instruction at a school in the U.S. for a cumulative 61 days or more and prior to the close of the Spring AZELLA Reassessment Test window, must also be administered the Spring Reassessment Test regardless of the Overall Proficiency Level obtained with the KPT.
Criterion 3: New Kindergarten students who have not had 60 cumulative days of instruction in the U.S. and have a language other than English on their HLS are enrolled during the Spring Reassessment test window and must be administered the KPT within 2 calendar weeks of their school enrollment date. These students may come from another AZ school, from another state within the U.S., or from another country. Administering a Kindergarten Reassessment Test to those students who receive a score of less than Proficient in the KPT is optional.
Spring AZELLA Reassessment Test Administration Window
- January 27 - March 14, 2025 (7 weeks)
Spring 2025 Reassessment Test Results
- Electronic: May 1, 2025
- Paper: May 14, 2025
Spring AZELLA Test Training
AZELLA District Test Coordinators (DTCs) and AZELLA staff must complete the required Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test Training modules from the Arizona Learning Management System (AzLMS) prior to testing. You may refer to the Matrix document listed below. ADE highly recommends that users download the accompanying PowerPoints and Transcripts associated with each training module for easy informational references throughout the test administration.
In addition to the training courses in the AzLMS, AZELLA DTCs are expected to create an in-person training or a live virtual presentation for AZELLA staff that addresses test security, testing schedules, and test materials, as well as the district's policies and procedures for the AZELLA Reassessment Test Administration. The DTC-created Reassessment training presentation is NOT intended to be in a "train-the-trainer" (DTC-to-School Test Coordinator (STC)) format. Rather, DTCs are required to deliver their presentation to all AZELLA staff. This presentation and the sign-in sheets must be made available to ADE upon request. AZELLA DTCs must also ensure that all their STCs and Test Administrators have completed the required AzLMS Annual and Reassessment courses for their role and grade levels and read the Test Administration Directions (TAD) for the grade levels assigned to them.
Spring 2025 Reassessment Resources
There are several ADE and Pearson resources available for the Spring Reassessment Test administration:
AZELLA DTCs should be utilizing the Reassessment DTC Important Tasks document throughout the test administration window and into the summer months.
Students Participating in the Spring 2025 AZELLA Testing
For School Year 2024-2025, all Grades K-12 students who have an EL need will need to be administered the Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test. These are students listed on the EL73 Report associated with EL Groups 1, 2, and 4. Please NOTE: Grades 1-12 students who are administered the AZELLA Placement Test after January 1, 2025, are not required to participate in the Spring Reassessment Test.
Be mindful of dual label students who are eligible to participate in Alternate Assessments. If a student received an Overall Proficiency Level (OPL) of Proficient during the Spring 2024 Alt ELPA, this student no longer has an EL need and should not be administered an English Language Proficiency Assessment. If a student took Alt ELPA in Spring 2024 and received an OPL of less than proficient, and they are eligible to participate in Alt ELPA again, they must be administered the Alt ELPA Summative test, not the Spring AZELLA Reassessment Test. Students who will complete the 2025 Alt ELPA Summative test must be removed from the AZELLA Reassessment test sessions in PAN, so they are not accidentally tested.
Parent Withdrawn EL students must continue to participate in the annual AZELLA Reassessment until they demonstrate an OPL of Proficient. Parents may decline EL Services for their student, but students may not opt out of AZELLA testing.
In preparation for the Fall 2025 LEA Reason for Lack of ELP Testing application (reason why students were not administered the Spring 2025 Reassessment Test), ADE suggests that the districts and schools create a mechanism and procedures to keep a record of the students who should have been tested but were not, and the reason the student(s) were not tested.
Student Test Registrations in PearsonAccess Next (PAN)
Students must be registered, assigned the correct tests, and added to test sessions (for online tests) in PearsonAccess Next (PAN) for the Reassessment administration. ADE and Pearson have pre-registered most Arizona EL students; however, additional students must be added to PAN or will need to have their registrations transferred in PAN to their new school. These tasks are completed by the AZELLA DTC and STCs.
Districts and schools may individually register students using the PAN interface or use the Pearson-provided Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Student Registration File Layout and Template found in PAN in the Support >> Documentation section. Explicit directions for using this template are found in the Spring 2025 Reassessment PAN User's Guide. When using the template, it must be saved and uploaded into PAN as a .csv file.
Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test Administration
The AZELLA Kindergarten and Grade 1 Reassessment tests are paper-and-pencil tests. Units 1-4 may be administered 1-on-1, small group, or large group. Unit 5 (the Speaking Test) must be individually administered in a quiet environment using TestNav to play the questions and capture the student responses. Test Administrators must use a testing device for the administration of the Unit 5 (Speaking) test with an external wired microphone to record the student's responses. External speakers may also be needed to ensure that the volume and sound quality is sufficient when playing the questions. The students will NOT be utilizing the electronic testing device. This is strictly for the Test Administrator to use to navigate the unit test and capture the student's responses. The Unit 5 Speaking Test demonstration video must be played for the Kindergarten and Grade 1 students prior to administering the Unit 5 test.
The AZELLA Grades 2-3 Reassessment test is a hybrid administration. Test Units 1, 2, 3, and 5 are administered online through Pearson's TestNav application. Unit 4 of the test is a paper-pencil administration. The Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Grades 2-3 Extended Writing Student Test Books are scorable documents and must be shipped back to Pearson for scoring. There are four separate Student Testing Tickets, one for each of the online test units. A required Speaking Practice Protocol using the Sample Test must be conducted before the administration of Unit 5 (Speaking) takes place. Details on the Speaking Practice Protocol are included in the Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Grades 2-3 Test Administration Directions.
The AZELLA Grades 4-12 Reassessment tests are administered online through Pearson's TestNav application. Please refer to the AZELLA Annual and AZELLA Reassessment training courses for additional information about online testing and the TestNav application.
AZELLA Student Readiness Tool (SRT)
The AZELLA SRT includes a series of mini lessons that teach students how to get around their tests, how to use helpful tools for testing, and much more! |
- Now available in the web browser version of TestNav
- Organized by grade band options that provide test navigation practice
- Includes student-friendly videos and an opportunity to practice using all the tools and features available in TestNav such as Zoom, Magnification, Answer Masking, Line Reading, Highlighting, Text-to-Speech (for grades 4-12 extended writing only), and ASL Video Player (for ASL test forms)
- Students can use the AZELLA SRT as many times as necessary
AZELLA Sample Tests
It is strongly recommended that all students taking the online Spring Reassessment Test and Test Administrators prepare for the test by taking the Sample Tests. AZELLA online Sample Tests can be accessed through the web browser version of TestNav at or through the dedicated application that must be downloaded on all the computers and electronic devices that will be used for testing. A Username and Password are not needed for the Sample Tests. The digital kits (Student Test Book, audio files, and Teacher's Edition) of the Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grades 2-3 Unit 4 Sample Test, as well as the Grades 4-12 Teacher's Edition are available for downloading at
Testing Materials and Additional Orders
Districts and Charters who completed the Reassessment Participation Counts in December 2024 received an initial shipment of Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grades 2-3 Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test materials during the week of January 13, 2025. This included district and school test materials, return shipping materials, the Test Coordinator's Manual, and Pre-ID Labels for those Grades K-3 students who were on the EL73 Report as of January 3, 2025.
If the Reassessment paper test materials received are not enough to test all students who need to be administered the test, the DTC may place an additional order for the district in PAN during the Additional Order window. Districts and Charters who serve Grades K-3 EL students and did not receive an initial shipment of the Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grades 2-3 Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test materials are expected to submit an order through PAN. ADE will review and approve additional orders. KEEP all the Pearson boxes to reuse for return shipping.
The Additional Order window for testing materials closes February 28, 2025. Return shipping materials (e.g., labels and boxes) will continue to be available to order through PAN until March 14, 2025.
ADE and Pearson will be ordering and shipping all Special Paper Version (SPV), Large Print, and Braille test materials to districts that have been approved for these materials.
Pre-ID Labels
The Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grades 2-3 Reassessment Pre-ID Label files were generated by Pearson based on the EL73 Report from January 3, 2025, and arrived at districts by January 21, 2025. The Pre-ID Labels were shipped separately from the boxes of paper testing materials. Not all Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grades 2-3 students who must be tested received a Pre-ID Label. Additional Pre-ID Labels cannot be ordered. Instead, the student data grid on the back cover of the student test book must be bubbled in by an adult for Grades K-3 students who are required to be tested and did not receive a Pre-ID Label and for students whose Pre-ID Label contains incorrect information and, therefore, cannot be used.
Please refer to the DTC-STC training module and the Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test Coordinator's Manual for detailed information about Pre-ID Labels.
Special Education EL Students
There are no provisions, in either state or federal law, that would allow the exemption of AZELLA testing for eligible students who are enrolled in the Special Education program and require an AZELLA test. An IEP Team, which should include a specialist trained in Language Acquisition, may NOT exempt a student from participating in AZELLA testing.
All dually enrolled EL/SPED students must be provided the opportunity to make an earnest attempt at all the AZELLA domains tested. Review the Universal Test Administration Conditions and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities in the November 2024 AZELLA Accommodations Manual. Districts should have submitted requests for EL students who have an IEP or 504 Plan which require additional accommodations, including Large Print, Special Paper Version (SPV), ASL, and Braille, during the Fall 2024 semester. ADE Assessments has responded to AZELLA DTCs with approved accommodations. If the AZELLA DTC has not received a response to a request, they should ensure that ADE has not asked the district for additional information.
Currently, ADE is only accepting requests for additional accommodations for newly enrolled and transfer students since the deadline to submit requests was December 13, 2024. For additional accommodations requests submitted for newly enrolled and transfer students, ADE will respond to the DTC or request additional information. Do not administer an AZELLA test to the student for whom the request has been submitted until ADE responds to the request.
Students Transferred with an EL Need
The Transferred Student with an EL Need form must be used throughout the Reassessment Test window for all K-12 students who transfer during the Spring Reassessment Test window. This form helps the DTC determine if the student needs to be administered an AZELLA Placement Test, the AZELLA Reassessment Test, or if the student does not need to be tested with either AZELLA test.
Returning Spring Testing Materials to Pearson
The Spring 2025 Reassessment materials must be returned to the Pearson warehouses as Scorable and Nonscorable at the close of the Reassessment Test window. Pearson has provided prepaid UPS shipping labels for Scorable and Nonscorable testing materials. It is critical to ensure that the Scorable and Nonscorable materials have the correct shipping labels adhered to the boxes. Explicit directions for packing the boxes for return shipping are included in the Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test Coordinator's Manual (TCM). Materials must be picked up and shipped out no later than March 21, 2025.
- Districts will be responsible for paying for overnight shipping for AZELLA testing materials that are not shipped out by March 21, 2025.
- Pearson must receive each district's Scorable testing materials no later than March 26, 2025. Student test books received after March 26 will not be scored.
- The UPS tracking numbers can be reported to ADE to ensure that Pearson receives the district's boxes of materials.
Spring 2025 AZELLA Native Speaker Field Test
ADE is completing a study to ensure that the AZELLA test items meet the expectations necessary for inclusion on the AZELLA test. Field tests are critical to the production of high-quality assessments.
Participating districts and charters have been notified and are already administering the Spring 2025 AZELLA Native Speaker Field Test to their selected students. Since the results of this field test will be used exclusively to inform the development of the AZELLA, no results will be provided to districts, schools, parents, or students. |
Join the AZELLA team for AZELLAology, an hour long, informal, live customer service question-and-answer video call in Microsoft Teams.
The dates, times, topics, and invitation links will be posted on the AZELLA DTC web page under the AZELLAology section. There will be scheduled AZELLAology sessions throughout the Spring Reassessment Test administration.
If you have any questions about AZELLA, please contact us at |
NAEP Mapping Proficiency Across States
NAEP serves a unique role in the assessment of our students. States determine their own curriculum, standards, and cut scores. Under the 2001 and 2015 reauthorizations of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, states are required to define and report their standards for grades 4 and 8 reading and mathematics. However, since each state independently develops or chooses assessments to measure its students' knowledge and skills and sets standards for determining its students' performance, it is not possible to compare state standards unless they are placed or mapped on a common scale. Because all states participate in NAEP for these grades and subjects, per a federal law, NAEP can be used as the common metric to compare the relative stringency of states' proficiency standards. While there is not a direct correlation, it does offer a way to compare standards and expectations across states. This student does not compare actual achievement of students between states, but better stated it is a comparison of where a state set their expectations of students to be labeled as proficient. It is for this purpose that the American Education Research Association (AERA), in conjunction with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), compiles the Mapping State Proficiency Reports.
What Does NAEP Proficient Mean?
Achievement levels differ across grades and subjects assessed by NAEP. In general, the NAEP Proficient achievement levels demonstrates solid academic performance. Students reaching this level have demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter, including subject matter knowledge, application of such knowledge to real-world situations, and analytical skills appropriate to the subject matter. Under NAEP's legislation, NAEP achievement levels are to be used on a "trial basis" and interpreted with caution until the Commissioner of NCES determines that the achievement levels are reasonable, valid, and informative to the public. Visit the NCES website to view a detailed description of NAEP achievement levels by grade and subject as well as sample questions that students are to correctly answer at each achievement level.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Gary McIlvaine, AZ Director of NAEP and International Assessments.
The Assessments Bulletin is published electronically every August, November, February, and May for distribution to Test Coordinators in Arizona schools. Test Coordinators are responsible for disseminating information in The Assessments Bulletin as appropriate.
Arizona Department of Education - Assessment Section
602.542.5031 |