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Welcome to February's T Level Update.

We send these updates out to everyone who signs up for them. If you’re no longer the right person in your centre to receive these, please ask the relevant colleagues to sign up for T level updates to make sure they receive them directly to their inbox. 
The approval window will open in February for Providers commencing delivery in September 2025. You must gain approval for each Technical Qualification you wish to deliver.

Please watch our Provider approval video before starting your application process.

You can find support documents and approval forms on our training and admin support page, including:
  • a guide to provider approval - read this first
  • Pearson T Level Technical Qualification delivery approval application form
  • Pearson vocational provider approval application for T Level Technical Qualifications
  • guidance for the Pearson vocational provider approval application for T Level Technical Qualifications. 
On 2 December 2024, the Department for Education announced changes to industry placements.
We have been working with several providers to initiate some improvements to how assessments are scheduled.

Core exams: from autumn 2025, all Core exams will have one week’s gap between paper 1 and paper 2.
Construction: from summer 2026, the Surveying and Design Occupational Specialism in the T Level in Design, Surveying, and Planning for Construction will be changed so the window for task 2, Practical Surveying, is extended, allowing more time to complete the activity.

These changes will be reflected in our key dates schedules from the 2025/26 academic year onwards.
We are hosting a webinar to introduce changes in the new 2025 specification on 25 February.

Introducing the Updated 2025 T Level Specification in Construction Design Surveying and Planning

A new qualification description is now available on our T Level web page for 2025. This reflects the removal of Hazardous Materials Occupational Specialism for students starting from 2025.

A new Occupational Specialism relating to Construction Project Management will be available for new students from 2026. The specification for the new Occupational Specialism won’t be published until later this year; however, you can have early sight on request and/or by contributing to our provider panel.

The transition guide for those moving from BTEC Nationals in Construction to the T Level, including mapping of BTEC National units to the core content areas, is available on the course materials page.

Download the transition mapping guide

Pearson has been working with the Gatsby Foundation to provide high quality teaching resources for several topics in the Core: Law, Maths and Modern Methods of Construction. These will be published shortly on Gatsby’s Technical Education Networks site.

Several minor updates that have been made to the specifications for both Craft and Design and Media, Broadcast and Production. The updates have not impacted the content or structure of assessments and are mainly limited to summary information tables where greater clarity was required.

For the full details, please review the summary of changes table at the front of each specification.

Overview of common updates:
  • Updated lists of job roles that the T Level could lead to
  • Component weightings added to qualification summary
Media, Broadcast, and Production specific specification updates:
  • Events and Venues Technician resource list updated
  • Spelling error within CPK3.6 corrected
Craft and Design specification updates have targeted the schemes of assessment for the Occupational Specialisms (OS):
  • Assessment tasks have been renumbered
  • Assessment timings references made consistent 
  • Performance outcome (PO) tables updated to include absent PO
  • Resource lists updated for each OS
On our training and admin support page, you’ll find Getting to know the specification videos for an introduction to key information in the specifications and overview of the course structure.

You can also sign up for live Getting ready to teach training events running in June on our events page, or you can watch the recordings of past sessions:
As part of our refresh of the Digital qualifications, we will be giving the 2025 versions new titles.

Generation 1 T Level Title

Generation 2 T Level Title

Digital Production, Design and Development Digital Software Development (with the Occupational Specialism retitled to match the standard as Digital Software Development)
Digital Support Services Digital Support and Security
Digital Business Services Digital Data Analytics (with the Occupational Specialism retitled to match the standard as Data Analytics Technician)
We hope the new titles give a better indication as to the knowledge and skills developed in the T Level and translate more effectively when speaking to potential students, employers, and HEIs.

We will be resuming our podcast series in February, and we will have specials looking at each of the Digital T Levels as well as the content and assessments.

We are also sharing a look at the three refreshed T Levels with Computing at School on 25 February at 4 p.m. You can sign up for the event on their website.

Digital Production, Design and Development

If you are delivering the T Level in Digital Production, Design and Development, we need to know which coding languages you will be using for the Occupational Specialism assessment.

We have worked with Cisco and their Networking Academy on teaching resources for Python and other programming languages used in the Occupational Specialism. It's completely free to sign up and become a Cisco Networking Academy centre.

Gatsby are continuing the rollout the Digital T Level support created by industry experts like Raspberry Pi and our own examiners to support your delivery. For information, keep an eye on Gatsby's website.
Digital Business Services and Digital Support Services

These T Levels will be delivered by Pearson from September 2025. This will not affect your 2024 intake; those students will complete their T level with NCFE.

So far, we have updated the specification, Core exams, ESP, and Occupational Specialisms. The final submission to IfATE is this month. Please send an email to Andrew.Hambelton@pearson.com if you wish to join our panel.
Legal Services:

We have resources to support your delivery, including schemes of work for the Core and Occupational Specialism components, exemplar materials for the Employer Set Project, and a Content Overview for Core Paper 2.

We've recently added a podcast series from our examiners that will guide you through the core papers, our schemes of work and other aspects of our qualification.


Curriculum planners for the Core and Occupational Specialism are available.

Our partner The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) has a dedicated T Levels page to support you.


We have a range of course materials available to support you in your delivery.

Contribute to our Accounting T Level annual review

Our partner, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), has a range of support for the Accounting T Level.

The Technical Qualification specification is now available on our website.

The delivery guide and schemes of work are now available to download from the course materials page.

Registrations are now open for our Getting Ready to Teach events later this year on our events and training page.

Getting Ready to Teach T Level in Marketing (CORE)
2 April, 16:00–17:30 | Book your place

Getting Ready to Teach T Level in Marketing (CORE)
16 June, 16:00–17:30 | Book your place
Our training and admin support page gathers everything you need to deliver your T Level.
  • On-demand training such as Getting to Know the Specification, Employer Set Project training, Keeping it Simple materials, and our termly policy update.
  • T Level live training where you can search for events and book Q&A networks, Getting Ready to Teach events, Getting Ready to Assess events.
  • Our training archive collects recordings of past events if you are unable to attend any of our live training sessions or want to listen again.
  • Administration documents and support, including key dates schedules, Provider approval guidance, administration support guides for assessment, videos to support making registrations and entries, understanding resit rules, and much more.
  • Teaching support materials are padlocked, meaning they require an Edexcel Online account to access them. If you don't have Edexcel Online access, please speak to your centre exams officer.
If you need specific support with your T Level, our subject advisors are here to help. You can book a 15-minute one-to-one call where you can discuss any issue you are having with regards to planning or delivery of your T Level.

Pearson Customer Services

The Lighthouse, Manchester, M50 3BF
